Would you be upset if the retconned Shadowlands?

I wouldn’t be upset at all. That’s actually what I wanted to happen.


Is it… just have a cut scene taking place at the end of bfa with sylvanas going " boo hoo garry is dead im so sad… time to go jump off icc again" then she can just go do it have a little speech from the lk saying " HEY KIDS SHES DEAD FOREVER "

I would clap.

Write a fanfiction then and clap to it.

They could be the ones that save us maybe?


Absolutely retcon it. Write off SL as a N’Zoth dream. Then re-release SL and make everyone play through it again exactly as it was as originally, except make each season 2 years long. When season 4 ends, reveal it was N’Zoth again and restart season one, Repeat loop until servers shut down.

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Actually, there was no real jailer’s masterplan. The Jailer simply used his Domination magic to force everyone, including Denathrius, Sylvanas, Mal’ganis, and Kel’Thuzad, to tell the player characters that everything was always part of his plan, allowing him to appear as a super smart guy.
But this is not true. He was just trying to look kewl and the people were forced to say what he wants.

Furthermore, everything was just a dream from N’Zoth. We are still lying in N’yalotha, sleeping.


Oh, look! What a fine “expansion” of the lore i’ve created there!

I’m sorry, but that’s exactly what Danuser did with Metzens Story. Turning the tables just seems like poetic justice to me.

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Honestly yes, because then we would be back to the “Hunt for Sylvanas” storyline and frankly I’m over Sylvanas. Let her be gone…

Ooh that could be interesting :thinking:

Maybe with Azeroth’s champions trapped in the void, Azeroth herself woke up the aspects and revealed the dragon isles


Personally Shadowlands should have been more like the Shadowdark rather than the afterlife. All death and decay.

The generic D&D setting they were trying to mimic would have been better had they stuck to the established paradigm.

Shadowdark, The Faewild, the Elemental Plane, Sigil, etc… its all there but the effort to make it their own kind of ruined it.


I like that. See? It is simple to write a better story than whatever SL was supposed to be.


Don’t feel that way.

The internet just full of negativity.

Yes. That’s cowardly. We, and more importantly blizz, need to own our mistakes.

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I don’t think getting rid of it is the way to go instead and its be hard we should try to recover any characters damaged by the story and honestly maybe explain or show that shadowlands is not the afterlife for everyone just one of like 5000000000 different ones and that one section is kinda meh. That aside the story wasnt that bad just kinda boring.

Not sure how that would work with the creation of the new world tree given how intertwined they are.

I already did, along with Warlords of Draenor.

“Hey Tyrande, we found a World Tree seed on the Dragon Isles. How about you go plant it?”

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Nope. Shadowlands versions of the ‘afterlife’ are the absolutely worst.


Not at all. Bring on the fever dream. SL did such horrible things to the lore.


Well it depends. If the characters in a story believe something to be true then find out they were wrong, that’s not really a retcon. However if they change something that is well established into something entirely different then that’s not a good idea.

In the case of Shadowlands, nothing was retconed so it’s not clear why it is even mentioned as a retcon example.

Because the title of the thread is “would you” not “are you”

Did you read anything or did you just follow me here after insisting I had an obsession with you?

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I’m not sure how you would explain where Anduin, Sylvanas and Tyrande are at this point without it. I would prefer to just except SL as a badly written story and move on, not setting foot in that realm again.