Would fresh regular alongside HC be bad for business or smart?

Why didn’t you tell me?

A detail you’re still misunderstanding. I don’t care about bots and whales. Blizzard will never address that issue, so worrying about it is a waste of stress.

I actually don’t think you need to perma ban buyers, but rather make it really painful for them.

1st offense, Gold wipe the entire account.

2nd offense gold wipe entire account. Gear wipe entire account. Rep wipe entire account. Cut all character’s levels by 30 (anything under 30 deleted)

3rd offense, full account reset

4th offense, permaban the IP and MAC address of the computer.

Wrath, just like tbc, is retail. Neither are Classic.

Anything else is just trolling.


IDK it does seem like it would be fun to mess with them a bit.

Like wipe their gear/rep/bank/bags/mounts reset them to level one and drop them in southern silithus with no hearthstone?

There’s plenty of ways it could get REAL fun to mess with the gold buyers.

Appealing to people who only play for the first few weeks rush of players and then calling for another fresh server because they’re behind is never a smart business play.

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Do you think that’s how fresh servers go?

I don’t have your email. =(

But perma banning them right outa the gate fixes everything.

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Are they still in the middle of doing it, or did they complete their run?

Honestly would go roll there if they’re on like BWL or something and I can maybe catch up.

Most of the players in Era right now aren’t even MC yet, most everyone is leveling / fresh 60. loooooots of time left on Era…

I’m guessing Era has another 9-12 months of excellent participation before drop off.

I estimate “Fresh” or “SoM2” is roughly 9-12 months out. Think about it a min, it makes good business sense, and since blizzard obsesses over quarterly reports, the quarter the Era server drops off that is the Quarter we can expect Fresh to be announced and shortly there after launch.

I mean specifically on that community-driven fresh. It’s on BSB? And they’re not 60 yet?

I’d prefer if the deaths in HC could transfer to a fresh BC era server that had no other options for transfers meaning it would be full of dead HC chars. Would be interesting as it would spell for people who raid at 60 and die that their vanilla journey is over and they must continue through the dark portal after death. New talents to boot.

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How they always go. Most people play fresh for the rush, not the longevity.

And then it levels out to a healthy population

BSB is mostly HC players, but its far more “Fresh” than Whitemane

That are all Bot infested and non stop boosting.

OP wants a Fresh experience just like he originally posted.

Why is this so hard for some of you to comprehend ? :person_facepalming:t2:


I looked into it. Joke fresh. Not worth the time.

I feel like era players trying real hard to convince themselves and others that it aint gonna take a STEEP nosedive into the ground when HC and fresh/SoM2 drop. Like a fiery crash you cant look away from. We get it, you are “investing” lots of your time into the game and you dont want that time to get “wasted.”

And the people trashing pservers are so ignorant, they dont realize those servers are the reason you are even playing classic right now. Some of you guys need to stop huffin so much of that copium. Not good for your brain in large doses.

Tldr - era on borrowed time. Awaiting execution.


There’s a pretty successful Classic+ style server running right now. It’s difficult to break 5k population on pservers just because of the obscurity, and it’s doing that pretty handily.

But honestly, I want new fresh on the modern client. I’m not beyond making compromise though.