Would A Pride-Theme Transformer Toy Help Solve The Gear Appearance Problem?

I just want a cloak of many colors so I can have dreams about you all bowing down to me. <3

They’re more like bed bugs than trolls


I like to refer to the collective as Talonbeaktulnvaleawalker

Ok I know the OP is trolling but isn’t there a toy that lets you fart rainbows? It’s a thing. I know. It’s part of the gay agenda.


It’s not the engine. It’s the fact that since all existing gear is individually colored, there is no conversion process for old gear if they decided to switch to a dye system in the future.

It’s a cool idea, would it turn your gear into something of a rainbow color or maybe give a rainbow tabard and cape?

Something along those lines, although I think Blizzard’s artists could get a lot more creative than I could.

You know what could limit you’re choices? STOP forcing your sexuality down every throat!

Enough is enough, the government already revolves around you MINUTE percentage of people in the states, and the world combined. TBTH, if it were not for Twitter, and its BILLIONS of bots, we would not have this problem!

Just STOP already!


Nobody’s forcing anything on anyone. I’m not sure what you’re trying to get at.

At this rate though, I hope Blizzard is able to pull off something to make this happen. The dye system would be the dream, but in the end a Toy or at least a transmog set would be nice. Anything is better than nothing.

Enough of this junk already. We dont need SJW being injected into the game.


These people made me hate the rainbow color.


These threads should be considered spam at this point.



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A better question here is, why?

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I bought this most amazing rainbow dress. But whenever I wear it it’s like ‘oh I didn’t know it was pride week’.



It’s too late. They have infiltrated the company.

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I bet it was the toaster. It’s always the toaster. Darn Decepticons…

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It’s always a cassette tape or boom box.

Player customization to allow themselves to better express themselves is always a good thing.

And if a dye system, like some suggested, is introduced, that takes care of numerous upon numerous different representation/expression problems.

Not true
If the game had customisation options to let me express my love of my chemical romance, that would be completely ridiculous and immersion breaking.

Customisation options should be grounded in the reality of azeroth.