Would A Pride-Theme Transformer Toy Help Solve The Gear Appearance Problem?

With all due respect, no thanks

I swear the people who make these threads want to be noticed for what they are (LGBTQ+) and not who they are (a honest person , a good friend , a hard worker et cetera . THings that make up the content of their character)


Y’know what, you’re right. You convinced me with this single argument.

I SHOULD be able to run around in Fallout 4’s t-60 Power Armor with Vault-Tec Paint with a Liberty Prime substitute for my ghoul summon that lobs Fatman Nuclear Warheads that one shot everything.

Expressing myself in this way and ruining everyone else’s experience would always be a good thing.

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My hypothesis is that OP is LBGTQ+ who can’t come out of the closet IRL so they troll GD with a hidden profile account instead.

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Flagged for trolling.

Even the title makes no sense. “Pride theme” means nothing since one can be pride about anything.

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This guys a troll but to be clear very few pieces exist that would help with this. And most of them are exorbitantly expensive or near impossible to get. Prime example there is a toy that makes you leave a rainbow behind you sold by the Mad Merchant in Dalaran. It’s 500k gold. One 10th a brutosaur to make a rainbow on a short cooldown.

You recall incorrectly. Dyes work, just not with current armor. New armor would have to be created to allow for that sort of functionality. The engine has nothing to do with it.

Your troll posts are kind of sad, I’m starting to miss the threads you’d make where you would humble brag about how much gold you bought using tokens or what ever.

It was a BS statement from Humanbeak, because the devs didn’t say this.

Taking jabs at the people you’re also making requests of… smart tactic Beak.

Yes they do. There is an issue with the transmogs going away while leveling, but coming back when at max level or close to max level. You being perpetually level 11, I don’t think you’ll have that problem for some time.

I refer to them as ‘UghNotAgain’.


Sorry but its not 500k. I have that toy and ive never been over 30k in my entire wow “career”

Unless of course you’re referring to a different toy?

From what i heard some time ago is that blizz can add dye packs but one of the excuses as to why they wont is because they’d have to back through each iteration of the game, every drop, dungeon, raid, pvp, every piece of gear that exists and completely revamp them to accept dyes.

I think they’re just being lazy since with dyes they can add either a brand new profession or add it to inscription. Dyes would definitely be a welcome addition. Plenty of armor sets or weapons or pieces of gear i wanna use but the base color is horrifying. Like the mythic nighthold set for pallies, it looks like literal yellow pee.

Another day, another gay post from Tuulin/Humanbeak


Why? Why do you care about pride sets in this video game. Go to your local parade and keep your life style out of the game.


Oh is this guy a troll?

Hes a Sickfreak!

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Every single day, there’s another ‘more gay in the game’ post from this dude. Baffled as to how he hasn’t been banned by now.


I don’t see the need for this at all. I love Pride. I’m looking forward to actually being able to go this year to some events. I want more rainbows type trans mogs but it shouldn’t be aimed towards Pride. Blizzard should 1000000% celebrate it in their own company and make us feel like we are valued customers. They don’t need to promote pride in game, unless it actually becomes something bigger in game for players.

How about they focus on making a game that is fun instead of sending out the virtue signal in hopes that they’ll earn SJW points.

Wrong the devs did say this.

No the store transmogs don’t work. I don’t care what your scenario is for why they might not work but you are wrong yet again. Also, this character is not on that account! Oops want to try again?

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My apologies 250k. https://www.wowhead.com/npc=108468/the-mad-merchant Prismatic bauble.

This is NOT the toy that links you and a target with a rainbow.

Oh the prismatic bubble one. Ok never mind then, i was thinking of the generator