WOTLK would kill Classic

Stop drinking water, it is the leading cause of death by drowning.

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Also, I think it’s important for people to remember that many people supported the classic initiative less because they wanted it then because they saw it as a way to get legacy servers up for all of WoW, which is something that I personally support; an opportunity to see the game as it was when each of it’s expansions (yes even the unpopular ones) were current.

To me, that would be nothing short of amazing.


concern trolling from a retail toon lul

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12 million or 2 million has very little affect, especially these days. Please look up what a bandwagon is.

Because RMT’ERS want to ensure a steady paycheck for the next decade. They know Classic profits have a shelf life.
Gotta get that hype up early!

That’s because the game was new and adding content, so they kept gaining subs. You can’t look at it like each one is a separate entity because if they released Vanilla and let it stay the same for 15 years without changing a single thing it probably wouldn’t have 8 million subscribers now.


It wouldn’t kill Classic, but I bet it would get many more players.

Lets look at pserver active subs then

tbc: 6k
wrath: 12k

oof 150k

Umm that has nothing to do with the point I made. I’m talking about if they didn’t add a single thing to wow after they released in 2004 then they wouldn’t have held 8 million subscribers. Get it now? I liked vanilla so much more than BC, Cata, WoD (not mop and wotlk), but that doesn’t mean I would’ve played it for 15 years without any changes.

Yet a ton of us did play it nonstop for 15 years.
vanilla has excellent replay value

Good thing no one insinuated that it was your only character.

But it’s definitely not a “Classic” WoW character which makes me wonder how you decided to question another person’s position in regards to Classic when you yourself don’t even post on a Classic character.

Do you have any evidence to support this claim rather than just using blanket numbers like a ton of us, and a bunch? Nost released the amount of accounts they had, but I don’t ever recall them talking about concurrent players. If you consider 100,000 concurrent players a ton of us then I agree with you. But compared to 8 million, not so much. I’m not arguing the success of Classic, I love the game; but no company in their right mind would release a game and not update it for 15 years expecting to hold players.

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Nostalrius alone had 800k subs 150k active
I havent checked elysium’s in a while.

Some people don’t like to switch toons because it can give the impression of sock puppeting.

They didn’t have subscribers. But okay, 150k active players on nost, and another 150k on another vanilla pservers ; let’s run with that number.

If they had 8 million subscribers in Vanilla, and didn’t touch it for 15 years, let’s be generous and say they would hold only 1 million subscribers for the rest of the existence of the universe. That is 1/8 of the Vanilla playerbase. Now please explain to me how that would be a good idea to not touch that game and leave it as is.

Another retail player coming into classic forums spouting nonsense.

It must be Friday.

That’s fine.

But it adds no validity to their arguments or complaints in regards to Classic seeing as how there are many retail players that come here just to be disruptive.

And like I said, it’s more so to do with the fact that he/she came with a preconceived notion that I was against Classic, which quite frankly makes no sense seeing as how my character obviously presents evidence I am playing it.

Assumptions and generalizations usually come back to bite you one way or another. It is a logical fallacy to attack someone based on something this trivial instead of addressing their grievances for what they are.

Just because it is common practice on these forums to write someone off as a troll based on their character hardly makes it right. The “validity” you speak of comes from their argument, and should never be based off a name or character.

Can it make you suspicious? Sure, I am not saying you should go through life blind… but c’mon.

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And dismissing the format that people post in says more about you then it does about what they had to say.

Further, he was pointing out that your post was very much in the same vein as people responding to classic enthusiasts prior to the announcement that classic servers would be a thing.

Yep, but too be fair there have been/are some franchises that I get excited for potential sequels before even setting foot in the theater. Still, I know those sequels are a year or more away and badgering the movie studios wont get them out faster. Doesn’t crub my excitement much though.