WOTLK would kill Classic

Ugh. God.

Your whole argument is void and null since the his comment that began this discussion was:

Meaning he made an assumption about me, which was what I was responding to.

Now you’re here using words and terms you ran into on Reddit.

“Logical fallacy.”

I’m sure you can find all of the “logical fallacies” in your post while your at it.

Assuming or insinuating that I am a retail player, whilst posting on a retail character.


And this is why you read a whole discussion and not just respond to someone without knowing the entire argument.

The ever-growing list of things that will kill Classic a month after launch


:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: Terms I ran into on Reddit :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Oh, children! You make me laugh. So your rebuttal to an assumption about you is to make assumptions about them? And this is a justification? Please, tell me more lol…

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If you don’t want future expansions to split communities our best bet is having classic+ instead.

The only thing I didn’t like about WotLK was 10 man raids. I think that was the start of the downfall for a lot of guilds.



But I wouldn’t be playing if the game reset. I’m not a fan of server wipes.

oh I get the excitement, but we have a lot of posts where people are talking against the expansions and going on about how bad they are etc etc

and likewise for people in favor of them. its just… classic just came out, why try and push for them right now lol. while its like the movie industry, this is actually what I would think of as a slower industry content wise.

all of this talk though is as if its been 100% confirmed from blizzard that they are working on them and we are to expect them soon. It just seems so odd so soon after classic launched to see these hyperbolic posts.

Being excited though is fine and not really what we are seeing from most of the posts on the subject, if anything we are just seeing crazy assumptions with no basis but trying to prey on those who are excited for such content. I as well am excited for what we may get, if anything (my favorite was probably wrath era, but I enjoyed all previous content as well and am fine enjoying them over time).

Yeah I keep forgetting how Classic was perfect and faultless and in no way in need of improvement as I fly back to undercity for 20th time to smelt ore because their isn’t a kiln or anvil for me to do BSing in sepulcher or tarren mills.

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Pre LFG WotLK was peak WoW. Classes were solid. Roles were solid. The world was solid. Convenience features hadn’t spiraled out of control with the most extreme being dual specs; and I’d like to give a special mention to glyphs.

What made vanilla, TBC, and early WotLK so immersive was a need to leave the hub cities. TBC and WotLK made the mistake of having THE ONE hub for both factions in the form of shattrath and dalaran, which doesn’t compete on any level with the 3 capitol cities of vanilla. From that point, LFG was the final nail in the “let’s go outside” coffin.

If they end up progressing to WotLK classic, then it needs to be exclude LFG.

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Wrath was my favorite (also the best and most popular xpac :yum:) and I am suuuper hopeful they add some kind of legacy server for it, but I am also having a blast in Classic.

I think there is waaaay too much hostility on all sides of the fence and I just don’t get it… but it makes for hella funny reading. I play on the RP server (come at me! :sunglasses:) so until phase three these are the best BGs I can get!



For some of the hardcore megaguilds, sure.

Other guilds just adapted into multiple core groups, which in fact worked better for a lot of people as they no longer had to build their life schedule around raid times and instead could run with Group 1B which started on Friday instead of Tuesday, or the late-night group as opposed to the group that started at 3pm.

I feel it’s disingenuous to ignore subscription numbers as they relate to the expansions. “There was new content coming out, so durrr the subscriptions went up.” So why did subscriptions drop slightly during Cata and then nosedived with MoP? By the end of MoP I think it was, they had bottomed out with subscriptions. And if I remember correctly MoP was rated the worst of any expansion up until that point by player polls, so sure there’s no concrete proof but there sure as hell appears to be a correlation.

In my opinion there will always be purists who feel Vanilla was the best iteration of WoW. Nothing will change their minds, nor should it. There will also always be people who liked BC best, or Wrath. I know people who fall into all three categories. I’m not personally going to say any of those expansions are better than another (although all 3 are better than anything after Wrath!). They each have their good points. Personally I liked Wrath most, but I prefer Vanilla to BC. I know PvPers who prefer BC most. To each their own. I think it would be great to see legacy servers for each, so there could be character progression beyond a certain point. Just enact the normal character limit, no mail between servers, etc. You can either start at level 1 in the next expansion or you can do a paid char transfer to the new expansion which would lock that character out of the previous one.

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The LFG system was considered a god send at the time owing to it speeding up group formation and letting players who were specced for dungeon content focus on that as opposed to questing in the broader world.

The mistake with it, was expanding it from battle group to the entirety of wow, though If I had the option of changing it, I’d limit it down to the server.


I never hated LFG. It was whatever. I did however dislike Raid Finder.

yea, there is a lot of hostility on it all, which is what I dont get. It seems too early for it honestly. Some of it is also people trolling for reactions, some of it are valid concerns.

I dont attack someone for playing on an RP server, I tried it once, was a bit surprised by some chat I saw in tram to SW from IF between a gnome and NE and after laughing realized it probably was not for me.

Lewl, was not telling you specifically to attack just joking in general. Don’t ever take anything I say too seriously. Including this. But not that. Especially this, though. This is super serious.

but… your a horde, I can never truly trust you. =P

LOL. Last night a lot of servers were listed as Full and the rest High. And that’s with Blizzard saying that even Low have more players than the highest in Vanilla.

Why people feel the need to make these troll statements like yours is so weird to me. It’s like they just can’t handle how successful Classic is and they want to create this false narrative.

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Wow people troll the classic forum on a regular basis. Here’s a snack.


Eat up.

Man… I am also a rogue and a Forsaken. Short of Demons of the Legion and Clergy of the Holy Light… I am like the 3rd most deceitful, devious, and amoral creature on Azeroth. Everything I say is a lie, except that, and that, and that, and especially about being 3rd place. 1st or nothing, baby!

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