WOTLK without RDF isn't WOTLK

No rdf for you. Bye bye now. :wave: ill see you in dragonflight with RDF, but it wont be coming here. Best of luck to you. So glad the lead wrath dev is a sweaty parser, ignoring casuals is the best direction this game has ever gone in.

I think Hushed might be confused or something. They don’t even know what Google is.


Who parses in dungeons? What does any of this have to do with RDF?


Im not against RDF. The lead dev said no RDF. So end of discussion. The parsers have won. Not even gamer dads can stand to deal with all these toxic casuals anymore. Head on over to retail for rdf. :wave:

Right, you’ve just decided to stay subscribed to post on the Classic forums everyday? Yet you don’t play?

Oh cool! It’s make up your own reality day. In that case… there is no such thing as retail, Brian Birmingham is actually a trout wearing a meat suit, and God is pro-RDF.


We’re in phase 1 brother. RDF isnt a thing. And thanks to the devs, it won’t be a thing. See you in dragonflight. :wave:

I just told you, there is no dragonflight.


<— gamer Dad. I want the real Wrath experience, that includes RDF.

Wanting RDF =/= “toxic casual”

RDF would help make it easier for me to convince my wife to play with me again.


Not a “change”, since it was ORGINALLY in the game.


Are you glad when they said “no” about bringing back classic vanilla, ,it wasn’t “end of discussion”? Or, should we call them “toxic classic andys” for not taking “no” for an anawer? Lol


Sorry my friend but there will not be an RDF in classic. The lead dev is a parser and said looking back at old data it was easy to pinpoint that RDF was not a good addition to the game and that they won’t be including it this time around and they wanted to settle the debate before wrath launched. Head on over to retail if you need RDF. :wave:

Not over and classic vanilla still exist for you, too.

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I dont need to play vanilla. Rdf is not a wrath classic feature. So i get to play wrath. Woohoo. Head on over to retail if you need rdf. :wave:

Trying to sound pleasant and educated when we all know the truth.

Go back to vanilla, we want WOTLK as it was, not what a bunch of vanilla andys want.


Guess, you never played the original version…so sad.


No, it was never in CLASSIC WRATH, which is the game we’re playing. To add it in would be a CHANGE.

Look, another one that never played the original wrath…say what was and wasn’t in the og version.


Sorry bud but this is wotlk. And guess what? No rdf! :slight_smile: head on over to retail if you need rdf, thats what i do.

It was added end of icc. We’re in p1. Stop with your demands, casual.