[WotLK] Race/Faction change

I hope they get rid of racials for PVP and that allows them to open race change for PVE.

I know some of you think it doesn’t matter for your parse. but those same people will still pop a food buff or flask which is less % increase or reroll professions again a less dps increase.

But in the end it doesnt matter what anyone thinks about it at all. It only effects one player and benefits blizzard with more money.

I agree Blizz really needs to tell us soon whether they’re going to do this or not. Otherwise, I will just use my WOTLK character boost on a BE Priest, lose my achievements, progress, and leveled professions, and still have the BE Priest they don’t want me to have via faction/race change.

Blizz, here’s the bottom line -

Do you want us to pay for a character boost and get the race/class/faction you don’t want us to have, minus all the progress we’ve already made


Do you want us to pay for a faction and race change, get the race/class/faction you don’t want us to have, and keep all of our progress?

So we’re getting the characters we want either way. You can make us all pissed and get bad PR in the process, or you can make us happy and be smart. Your choice, Blizz.


People who think that blizz will not make race/faction change possible, underestimates how greedy the execs are.

1: Do you think Race change should be available in WotLK Classic? Why?
Yes! As long as its same faction race change.

2: Do you think Faction change should be available in WotLK Classic? Why?
No! No! No! With the Xp boost they are giving us level the toon you want on the opp. faction.

3: Hypothetically speaking, should either of those be implemented, what kind of restrictions should they include?

Same faction race change none if you want to give blizzard your money more power to ya.

So if I can use an XP boost to achieve the same thing as a faction change, why not just allow us to have faction changes? This way we don’t lose the progress and achievements we already have on that character.


Blizzard : We can’t have faction/race changes in Classic wotlk because these are features that some players see as the “beginning of the end” and the start of the slippery slope that brought to what retail is today.

Also Blizzard : Here, have a lvl 70 boost for Classic wotlk.

Player A : Leveled multiple characters from 1-60 during Classic vanilla on a horde server, cleared all raids and obtained rare mounts and armors. Leveled 60-70 in TBC and invested even more in their characters including 5000g fast flying mount training costs. Now wants to move one character to alliance to play with long lost friends that are going to play wrath on Alliance side.

Blizzard : Just buy a boost bruh and grind the same gold and gear again if you wanna play, don’t you guys have time?

Player B : Did not play Classic vanilla. Did not play Classic TBC. Wants to join in with some friends to play Classic wotlk.

Blizzard : Oh here you go, let me offer you a character boost service to help you join in.

I honestly don’t mind that there are boosts available for people who want to join in the game without having to first grind the levels. However, I find it very hypocritical that faction/race changes would be removed from wotlk while boosts exist. If you want to “purify” classic, remove boosts altogether as well.

Another idea : Allow players to use their one boost per account on a faction/race wildcard change instead. If a player already has a max level character that they like, why not allow them to move it wherever they want instead of getting a boost (for the same price).

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Blizzard is so hungry for money they’re adding a Tabard to the 6 month sub, the boosts sales are clearly not cutting it, yet they refuse to give us Race Changes.

Blizzard, just give it to us already, many of us will refuse to buy your boost especially with the XP bonus coming, you’re being petty and making people reroll for no reason, torturing ur playerbase.

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Its absolutely insulting, that they are radio silent on this other then saying no in an interview a while back, Just take our phreaking money please.

I’ve never asked them to take my money but this is honestly something I GENUINELY CARE about and that should be enough.

Its unfortunate to not be able to boost an alt and give them even more money. but losing all progress on main only to boos the same class feels bad because I dont have a troll already leveled and dont have time in prepatch.

Great idea sir.

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I don’t even want to change into the meta race. I’m just annoyed playing a gnome mage being LoSed by a pebble. Trying to catch rogues with blizzard if I’m in a bad spot makes me rage.

Blades edge for example if you’re on a pillar where the eye spawns you los by the lip of the bridge. Yet rogue still was able to step into me. Below the bridge in the pit is even worse.

Ruins I can’t aoe into starting room unless I’m in the doorway while other races can be quite a bit further back.

Nagrand arena even has a slight hill that stops you from blizzarding.

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I believe that a few weeks before icc trinkets are made available is the right time. I also believe that we should nerf pvp trinket in wrath as its resilience is too high,

Let me boost my 70 undead priest to a 70 troll priest same faction. Ill use a boost to level the race.

There should be day one. Or already honestly. This isn’t 2010 anymore. Leveling can be a chore especially if you are just doing it to play on the other faction with friends. They already lifted the faction restrictions on PvP realms, which ironically were originally lifted in Wrath when the faction change service was implemented. People can argue how it affects faction balance all they want. That ship has sailed. It sailed in Vanilla classic and only got worse in TBC. Especially in PvP. Thing is now a lot of people want to play Alliance for PvP in Wrath because of racials. Honestly not sure what the idea is behind not doing these services at this point. Especially since there is a large portion of the player base asking for it it seems.


Someone made the comment about there’s no reason a tauren would cease existing and be a gnome.

  1. There’s no such thing as world with tauren hunters or gnome mages to begin with.
  2. Orb of Deception
  3. Anything is possible in fantasy.
  4. I could delete said tauren and create said gnome. There you have it, no tauren and now a gnome.

Let us race change as we see fit with a fee. I’m not against faction changes either but I could see how they could be limited to 90 days or whatever.

For anyone saying it doesn’t feel right or is weird etc… WoW is fantasy world and someone should be able play whatever race they want without having to reroll and relevel. A lot of the age group that plays have full-time jobs and we do not have time to reroll / relevel and still have time to play the game raiding/pvp etc.

There’s not one logical reason to not allow race changes. If racials were NEVER messed with since classic before TBC, that could be an arugement. But not good enough, because this is a fantasy game with fantasy characters. Aside from that some people just want the newer BE or Draenei for the aesthetics alone.

Personally for me, I have a full-time job and real life responsiblities that don’t allow me to nilly willy reroll. And by the time I did, Woltk would be near done.

Still waiting on one logical reason not to allow a race change in a fantasy game where people just want to sit down and play what they want to play without grinding xp for months. The few people, yes very few, complaining that want to act upset about it aren’t even going to ever know who race changed. You know who will notice? The person paying for THEIR account, paying for THEIR race change and enjoying THEIR character. Character imbalance isn’t even logical either. Everyone could presumably all create human to begin with, just as all could race change to the SAME race, such as orc.

Boosts should be allowed more than one as well. Not everyone wants to play the same way, or take months leveling with a full-time job. No reason to force us to grind through the low levels. And not everyone is a “grouping” kind of person. Neither are numerous fantasy characters.

A fantasy game should allow the PLAYER to play how the player wants to play. Not how another player wants to play THEIR way. You play your way, I’ll play my way on the account I pay for.


Well said brotherman

For the love of god blizz let people play whatever race/faction they want. Racials aside there are players who want to play a different faction due to cosmetic preference, long time friends coming back to the game as the other faction, etc. Our Classic/TBC characters are starting to feel like the biggest waste of time, not being able to faction change and keep all the gear/mounts/items that players have spent thousands of hours on. It is abundantly clear that the majority of players want these services available as they were originally.

  1. Yes, because it was originally. People might have made a mistake but feel like they’re locked into it, they don’t have the time to re-roll etc. If you’re a PvPr some races are just so much better.

  2. Yes, because it was in originally. Some people’s friends have left, guilds want to swap, friends want to move, you want a fresh experience but with the same character you’ve poured hundreds to thousands of hours in.

  3. None

There’s no reason to not to keep it as is this, it’s a net benefit all round. Blizzard already have shown they don’t care about faction balance so that argument is invalid. People want to play the game how they want, by removing the service you’re limiting that choice. Read the room blizzard, for once, do what the majority want.


After grinding R14, different reps, collecting items, pets, mounts, investing way too much time in a character, etc. Then to reroll if a situation arises where you would like to join other friends on the opposite faction or something, just seems toxic. Take our money, because we can’t get the time we invested back. Even if it is limited time only, or a long cooldown, whatever, it just needs to be made possible, some things are no longer obtainable come WOTLK, so it is the only reasonable choice.


Its kind of scary that most negative reasoning is that Faction changes will unbalance servers… there is LITERALLY only 3 servers that have a balance of horde and alliance and on those servers its still pretty unbalanced, its incredibly clear that having a perfectly balanced server is nearly impossible because at the end of the day its the PLAYERS decision on what they want to play, These services were introduced in wrath and EVERYONE loved that, after reading through most of these comments the only people disagreeing with these services are people not realizing they were already implemented in wrath or people that don’t actually look up server statistics. Give us the services. its incredibly unfair to give us 0 heads up that we would be going from classic to burning crusade to wrath, everything was left for surprise not allowing people to try to set themselves up better for the future or wait for expansions all together. This is incredibly disrespectful to any Hardcore wow player. Thank you.


Agreed about this seems to be about “addressing” faction imbalances which… is this honestly going to be their “silver bullet” for making the factions balanced? Just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks, by degrading our experience and sabotaging our plans for race change which some of us had planned for YEARS when classic first came out and we wanted to eventually change to a Belf for our own personal story & aesthetic reasons.

And the orb of deception is a fantastic reason for allowing race changes! It’s a magical effect, and it’s like “oh hey this magic effect got made permanant accidentally and it’s only by Wrath that we were able to reverse it HEY LOOK A VALID STORY REASON TO CHANGE RACES”

Like, none of Blizzards reasons make sense for basically making #somecapricouschanges that are really poorly thought out.