[WotLK] Race/Faction change

yes, reason? why not? should be free too. only reason is ever wasn’t was because enough people seemed to have no problem forking over the money.

Realistically people that are min/maxing that hard are going to do it anyway. If we didn’t have faction change, those guilds would just relevel new characters, or use their one character boost to do it. Not allowing both race and faction change merely punishes the rest of us who aren’t trying to min/max and just want to enjoy the game with friends. And we are likely the majority.

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I’d say thats becoming decreasingly true as people accumulate harder achievements

Yes faction/race change should be in.


Class changes was never a thing buddy. Please never speak again.

If it was in original WOTLK then it should be in classic ?

We have had the no changes brigade for all of classix and classic tbc

I am not sure why there are changes in classic WOTLK.

I can’t remember but was gender change a thing in original WOTLK ? either way if that’s in the game then that kills any reason not to have faction or race changes

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Those people who wanted #NoChanges don’t like the changes that Wrath makes, so now they’re the #VanillaInNorthrend crew.

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Any chance of getting that race change enabled at the start of prepatch?

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I’d like to see race change implemented. It affects no one but the individual player. As someone who rerolled going from classic to TBC so I wouldn’t have to stare at a dwarf anymore, I don’t want to have to do it again.

I say no faction change, there are already enough faction imbalance issues. Learn from the mistakes of retail.

Should either be implemented maybe add a long cooldown to race change and a hard cap on faction change like once per character or once per account like we currently have with boosts. I think boosts should also stay that way.

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I know you dont want to spam this in the CC but this is an issue a lot of people would still like to know about. Maybe a bump is needed or something.


Yea I’d love to be able to race/faction change in the pre-patch. This Pally just go to Outlands and is making her way to 70 (I’m 59, the forum avatar seems to not be updating). My Priest is still Alliance side (and on another server) and still 61 and I really want to level her to 70 with my guildies on my new server before WOTLK.

Daily bump for the boys

Again your thoughts and opinions do not reflect any of the Classic Communities. They are shill attempts that do not benefit players, and only benefit Blizzard Shareholders.

You are so out of touch… its embarrassing.

What does it matter if someone can race/Faction change? Oh no they can play where they wanna play without leveling a new character… GAME BREAKING.

Oh no they are a night elf now… WHAT WILL WE DO!!!

Literally every single one of your ideas is a way to exclude or hinder someone.

  1. Do you think Race change should be available in WotLK Classic? Why?
    Yes, like other people have stated many players have gotten unobtainable mounts, titles, and other items that will no longer be obtainable come Wrath. Forcing players to re-roll their classic character who they have spent hundreds of hours on is ridiculous. Also, it was available when Wrath came out so it’s not like it’s a new feature people are wanting to implement.

  2. Do you think Faction change should be available in WotLK Classic? Why?
    Yes, for the same reasons above and ease of access to be able to play with your friends who might be playing another faction, which is why most people play this game in the first place. Don’t force your playerbase to abandon their classic characters and be forced to re-roll. Many players that I know went a certain faction or race for classic/tbc, thinking that race/faction change we’re coming as expected.

  3. Hypothetically speaking, should either of those be implemented, what kind of restrictions should they include?
    0-30 day race change cooldown, 30 day faction change cooldown


I played classic vanilla as Horde, then came back late TBC because some friends play on alliance. I would love to get my forgotten horde warrior on alliance so I can play it with my friends.
I also have 2 friends on different (dead) realms that have horde characters that won’t resubscrible to the game because they don’t want to have to level alliance and abandon them to play with me.

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They should honestly remove blood fury/beserking from the game, or let people choose their own racial.
Orc and troll racials are beyond broken, and its stupid they even exist.

Honestly id be fine with them just removing ALL racials from the game, being forced to make a race you dont want to play all because of one stupid button is the worst game design ive ever seen.

This game would see alot more diversity if people were allowed to just play what they want without being bullied for their choice or feeling penalised for not picking the right race/class combo.

orgrimmar will be nothing but orcs and trolls and stormwind will literally be nothing but humans when wrath hits.

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While I do think faction change is bad for the game. Race change is a must, I chose undead at the beginning of classic not realising the importance of racials, and I have a lot I have achieved on this character that I do not want to lose as well as being known in the community/server for my IGN. This was in wrath originally so there should not be changes to this. Please let us change race.

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Its pretty freaking obvious 99% of these is everyone saying yes. and 1% of someone just being happy to take something away from someone else.


just want a clear yes or no tbh, going to be very disappointed if I level/gear on the opposite faction only for them to add faction change


I would like to see race changing and not even to minmax to account for racials. I just want to make my pally a draenei without starting over. I think not having faction change is perfectly fine however.