please allow us to race change
Imagine being a skilled developer in 2022 and choosing to work at Blizzard of all companies. You can pretty much work wherever. There is not a single qualified grad that is looking at blizzard vs apple, google, meta, or any well funded startup and thinking âyeah, Iâm gonna pick the call of duty company filled with rapey leadershipâ
They screwed themselves. There is no talent at blizzard and no talent pool left to pull from. Thats why every decision lately seems like its coming from literal 80 IQ rejects; because thats exactly what they are. Nobody else would sac their career like that.
Race Change - Yes. Put a small 24 hour CD on it, but otherwise, shouldnât be an issue.
Faction Change - Maybe. This one is a bit more dicey, I feel like this could have more negative implications. I think a huge CD on it would be the way to go, something that makes it a very serious choice (30-90 days).
YES, race change. Please.
Do you think Race change should be available in WotLK Classic? A: Yes. Why? A: The same reason when a talent tree gets reset after a major overhaul, races have changed from original character generation and the same reason people get a clean talent tree to build out, when major race changes happen it would be nice to log in to see a X Level (Class) with no race applied. Give us a new clean choice when a major overhaul to any race applied to that class is made. 2 yrs ago someone made a conscious choice to pick x race, today the same choice might be different based on the options available. People shouldn't be punished for devoting years to a race/class where 1 conscious decision was made when we didn't know for certain that the next xpac or race change would ever definitively come
Do you think Faction change should be available in WotLK Classic? A: Yes. Why? Same reasons as above for the previous answer. If part of a major overhaul affects races or classes like paladin or shaman and you would have otherwise picked the other faction it would be nice to be able to switch if you wanted and not lose all the time devoted on your character. same with any other class which has had changes to the races that can play that class.
Hypothetically speaking, should either of those be implemented, what kind of restrictions should they include? A: I would honestly retroactively implement this by giving a free grandfather'd choice to any character already out there, but charge a fee for any changes moving forward as it would now be a player changing their mind after informed of the current race dynamics. People who made their choices b4 the changes would potentially like to make new ones. It would show a lot of good will to the community to give them a choice on their pre-existing characters and inform people that their choice comes with a price later if they make a new toon and change their mind. Again, people shouldn't be punished for their previous choices and there is precedence for this in talent tree overhauls.
Itâs choice and freedom how people want to pursue their journey with classic. Open the doors and let the players enjoy a different narrative with Classic without the feeling of having to re-do everything again. With the changes to Wintergrasp, no need to worry about faction imbalance if that was a concern.
Agreed - at this point i dont see any reason not to implement it
Yes, race change has to happen. Those that want it should be allowed too, there is absolutely no reason not too.
9/10 people here WANT RACE CHANGES
30-90 days is not long enough.
Make it 2 faction changes per toon LIFETIME. This way you can change faction once, and then back again if you do not like it.
Blizzâs reason not to is they want you to spend boost bucks instead of race change bucks. Multiply that by everyone and youâve got yourself some big mullah
Make it cost the same a boosts and call it a day!
The people who want it most are attached to their characters current progress and would willingly pay the $60.
I.E. Myself with atiesh/scarab lord and want a more optimal racial in wotlk.
I would also more likely continue to play with a suboptimal race and NOT buy a boost. I would imagine there are a lot like myself that will take the â1%â hit on optimization and continue to play their character. In this case, blizzard actually loses money because they donât get the boost or the race change.
Not to mention, this is a 15 year old game at this point and we are playing for the nostalgia and not the lore so who really cares if they are allowed to change their race???
With the XP boost going live today, an update on this is critical for the player base. Please donât make Ilovepuppys post a reality.
Boosting another character is basically asking the player base to buy gold so they can get their epic flying and professions back up. Some would even lose their hard earned gear from Naxx and mounts/titles that weâve earned. Let us use boosts on different classes and give race change so we can play how WE want.
Limit to one total per character for Wrath.
Iâm fine with people wanting to race change for whatever reason you want, especially if it is to preserve your hard work and time spent. and yes people who really want it would be willing to pay for it but my only issue with it being a paid service is that people who cant afford it gets hosed and has to reroll anyway so if its implimented it needs to be free if that cant be the case then just say no and be done with it.
Given that Blizzard changed the racials, they should allow us to race change. For example I only rolled a dwarf priest to have fear ward. Now that fear ward is available for all races, dwarf is not the optimal priest race.
As for faction change, I am indifferent. Our realm is mostly alliance, I think its an order of magnitude imbalance. The horde struggle in securing any of the world PVP objectives on our realm. Perhaps allowing faction change might bring a this change so they have a fighting chance.
I did want to add that changing your race in the barber shop is perfect especially if you can do the sex change stuff in it already and as long as its for your faction seems to me quite appropriate.
pls race change, no faction change
I would say you are justified, along with everyone else here, in assuming Wrath classic would offer the same services as Wrath.
They said they were changing racials INSTEAD of allowing race change, but now that they are changing racials, what if I want to swap?
Yes. No question about it. It was in the original game, released during this expansion (wrath). There is no reason not to have this. Why limit a players ability to character customization?
Yes. Again, it was part of the game, and should be again. My group of friends have planned since early TBC announcement to faction change to alliance for wrath (we were playing horde for vanilla and TBC). Should we all be forced to give up all progress and restart?
Whatever restrictions were in the game at the time. If Brian Birmingham needs to be satisfied, maybe add some RP to swapping factions. Make me a traitor for a month idc