[WotLK] Race/Faction change

Which servers balance ? 99% of the servers are 95%+ ally or 95% horde . The only thing race/faction change will do, it’s help the faction balance.

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I want this too. I was expecting faction change for all the stuff unlocked on my toons (since it was in wrath) and bam #waytoomanychanges


The big mistake was to make the racial change. that on them . that it that all. Now put the race faction change for YOUR mistake. That the least they can do .

Like RDF, Race and Faction changes are now viewed as elements of original sin; and according to many on the forums, Blizzard is well within their rights to remove those sinful features.

having to level from scratch and losing all achievements to play a difference race or faction is so dark

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Blizzard? 10

Yes race change. Yes Faction change. No restrictions. I literally have to turn my level 70 priest into an alchemy alt and not play it because its the wrong racial, and id prefer to just pay for race change and play it.


Yea IDK… If thats the case they should make both the same price.

No faction change.

It will only make faction problems worst as been demonstrated by decades of data from retail.

Im ok with no faction change but losing years of progress and being forced to BOOST to play my class optimally because 2 years of RPG progress is less dps than a racial I will be FORCED to boost just like in retail you are FORCED to do daily/torghast. Sure blizz isnt holding a gun to my head, but if you dont do X then your character performance is weaker.

  1. No, I think that you should be able to have to level the character that is of a different race.
  2. No, I think that you should be able to have to level the character that is of different faction. Additionally, I blame faction changes for the destruction of wotlk, AND all expansions after.
  3. I would rather neither be implemented. Keep the core of the game true with no paid services at all.

You want people to level yet there is the boost.

The boost is a mistake.

  1. Do you think Race change should be available in WotLK Classic? Why?
    Yes I think it should be available at launch. It was something introduced a bit later in original Wrath but I think allowing people to change now would satisfy a lot of players in changing to a race they want given the large changes to the racials we’ll see.
    Also some of us are still using the same characters since Classic launch years ago and have an attachment to our characters that we don’t want to get rid of (special gear, currency, reputations, professions, etc).

  2. Do you think Faction change should be available in WotLK Classic? Why?
    No, I think faction changes would be a bad idea unless something is done to the mega servers to break them down. I don’t believe people would willingly faction change to the opposing faction and stay on the same server, so they would end up going to another mega server that has that faction population.

  3. Hypothetically speaking, should either of those be implemented, what kind of restrictions should they include?
    I think if anything it should be a one time per character type of restriction.

No to all. Reroll if you don’t like your class or faction.

Actually, all the changes Blizzard has made aren’t to preserve some nonsense meta experience. They’re to encourage people to embrace their boost, so they can remove the one-per-account cap and sell unlimited boosts, up to 50 on any given account.

Yes. I don’t understand what the argument against it could be. It’s not like faction imbalance can get any worse.

Also, they need to tell us what they’re doing with racials in wrath for arena as it is very important there.

I just want to race/faction change because I found a new guild on a new faction and server and I want to be able to play my main with them instead of just level an alt. The level boost isn’t good enough because it doesn’t level professions and I worked hard on those. Not to mention the gear and achievements I have on my main.

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I disagree with faction change because it effects entire guilds and puts people into a corner if they want to continue playing with a guild thats decided to transfer. Im totally for Racial changes as its a personal preference no different then gender fluidity and has no more impact then gender or boosts.

  1. Yes, they were in the original game. They were there IMO for a very good reason which is why race/class/faction identity is incredibly important, the game evolves over expansions.

I have played as a fairly hard core resto shaman for vanilla and tbc, in both cases I found war stomp to be one of my better options to play for a variety of reasons. Going into WOTLK I am very excited to swap to enhance finally. I really don’t want to role another shaman to be as optimal as how I enjoy playing the game. A race change is fairly critical to how I want to continue playing classic wow. Look how Blood Fury changed over 2 expansions from it’s original form. This is a big deal.

  1. No strong opinion here, but player choice also comes down to their choice. Not Blizzards. If it was in the original game, and still in retail today, it should be in classic.

  2. Some X time period restriction.

P.S. My semi hardcore guild has 3+ people considering using their boost on the same class just to change races. Boosts were NOT in the original game, race changes were and desperately need to be implemented to avoid this problem. Let the players play what they want. Instead of having to pick new names and having to have two of the same class.

P.S.S My name is Moomom, I obviously love cows. But now is the time of the orc.