PVP flagging in raids

It automatically goes off and stays off for everyone.

Lady Deathwhisper is broken thanks to MCs and Putricide’s room is broken because its considered a different zone. We have wiped on BOTH fights because of PVP/non-PVP shenanigans even after “fixing” it.

What the absolute hell Blizzard


It clearly doesn’t because it was bugged for us tonight too.

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I (and others) been posting for MONTHS about how Blizzard needs to fix the obviously-broken interaction between PvP flagging in instances and the functionality of friendly, multi-target abilities. They’ve done nothing about it.

I’ve had to argue with people claiming that things are “working as intended”, that I should stop complaining and just flag/unflag myself, and that the bug should not be fixed because it would add complexity to the code! These are obviously absurd arguments, and now we see the consequences of not fixing things that are broken before they blow up. I’d love to say “I told you so”, but my LoD run was scuffed because of this, and I’m pissed.


These are the ‘devs’ people want making Classic+. :rofl:


Reposting this here for visibility. Just in this forum:


Wish we could get a bluepost on stuff like this. Appreciate the time and effort you’ve went in trying to get the issue addressed.

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Our raid group also had an issue last night around this. We hadn’t had an issue before. Couldn’t change PVP flag in raid at all. So no buffs or lust would work if you were not all one or the other.

If someone got MC’d on LD then they would be toggled on and not receive heals (like beacon) or lust. Throughout the raid as folks died, got brezzed, or DI’d their flags were getting changed. Only way to reset their pvp flag was zone out then zone in then the flag status was toggled back to off when you zoned in. Pretty scuffed.

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it’s only a real problem, because they broke it… Probably broke it trying to implement your fix

lol wut
It’s a problem because it’s broken - Ok, got it.


it’s worked fine for 5 weeks of icc

No it has not worked fine for 5 weeks. When you zone into a dungeon or raid, you should instantly be unflagged.

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Uummm, yeah. That’s typically why software breaks. Because the people who own it break it. Software isn’t like a car. There’s no wear and tear. It doesn’t just break down on its own eventually.

That said, this week’s maintenance wasn’t a patch, which is what the sort of change you’re talking about would have required. Notice how there were no patch notes?

they turned the buff off without bringing servers down

Yes, it’s known as a “hotfix”. Blizzard has the ability to do things like flip parameters on or off, and make small changes to the code. Turning an aura on or off is one of the simplest changes you can imagine. It’s can be a boolean yes or no. Literally a single bit.

Things that require extensive testing, including changing extremely wide-reaching and fundamental mechanics, such as the functionality of PvP flags in instances, are never hot fixed unless there’s an urgent, game-breaking need. And even if such a thing were hotfixed, the change would appear in notes about the hotfix.

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Bumping this because this bug wiped us on HC PP tonight because someone couldn’t pass the debuff to someone else. This is absolutely ridiculous.


Bumpy bump. Really wish we could get more traction on something like this that’s actually important, instead of people arguing about Era realms and class buffs.

If it’s a bug, you should be posting in the bug section. Either add a new thread to the bug section for Classic or add your reply to my thread below.

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Most people don’t read the bug forums so I’m trying to get visibility here, but I will 100% bump your post in bugs.

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