WOTLK lore so much better than DF lore

I did know. We went to stop arthas. But first, we re-cleared naxx. Then we were going to go stop Arthas but we got sidetracked by thor’s wife. Bolvar was fine. No rush.

Thankfully we did check in on Thor though, because there was an old god in the basement. And also a dude that was going to end the planet in 6 minutes. Got lucky there.

With that solved, we held a jousting tournament to determine who should fight arthas. Arthas showed up and said some mean things while everyone watched. Then he left and we continued the tournament.

Eventually we got to ICC. Partway we had a small horde vs alliance fight for fun. Keep everyone loose.

Then we sat for a year with no content. We did eventually get the worst raid ever though.

Fun times. Huge story…

Yes. Yes it was. If you replace op’s rant with arthas, we are pretty much repeating 2008.


DF Lore: “Blizzard is losing amazing talent because someone in power doesn’t listen to the game directors who make his products

WOTLK Lore: The nerubians discovered traces of another civilization in the north as well: the [vrykul], who were descended from giants. Yet the vrykul’s fortresses and villages lay silent and deserted while the barbaric race slumbered beneath the earth.

We also had to fight Malygos and the blue dragonflight because they declared war on all magic users too, remember?

And also fight the Drakkari.


obviously, what kind of comparison is that? so far no one beats any other lore the expansion of the lich king.

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DF Lore: “We are creating crisis maps of what we can or cannot ship. THAT is the loss of capacity we’re facing.”

WOTLK Lore: The blue [Dragon Aspect]), [Malygos] also emerged from his long seclusion, launching a merciless war against mortal practitioners of arcane magic. This conflict has raised the red dragonflight’s ire and sown widespread chaos

I used to main horde during BC and Wrath. However, at the tail end of Wrath (I think), I was leveling my first ever femme dwarf, so I was seeing things from the Alliance side.

I was derping around in one of the starter areas of Northrend, doing Vrykul quests and such, when I come across that one that sends you to some fogged in death realm or whatever.

Out pops Arthas and absolutely wtf-ganks me out of nowhere. Dude is all spooky, says some choice words and just leaves me there, dead, going :open_mouth:

Arthas absolutely had a presence in Wrath. I will never forget that. He was like some WoW Michael Myers, just popping up everywhere.


And it developed the worst dungeon in Wrath too.

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WotLK story was much more Scooby Doo than the expansions after.

dragonflight end boss is going to be decided by one of those random name generator websites a week before the last patch and then wowhead is gonna call it a “data leak” to fool you into thinking they tried :rofl:

We already know Galakrond and/or Murozond.

It took 50 posts for you to even mention galakrond

The story stinks

If dragonflight was on Netflix it would get cancelled after episode 3

No one would protest for it to return🤣

No, the joke would be that if DF was bad - it would remain on Netflix because they only cancel good shows that people liked.

You messed up your own joke.

If dragonflight lore was a cookie it would be oatmeal raisin with poop in it and wotlk lore would be double chocolate chip

  • Messes up slam dunk joke
  • Follows up with bad one

Apparently you started taking writing lessons from Danuser.

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*Creates this amazing army with each leader requiring 25 heroes to kill
*Separates each of these leaders so that 25 heroes can kill them separately
*Claims his grand plan was to turn the 25 heroes, each weaker than the bosses they’ve killed, into his army.

tbf, dude did have The Jailer whispering in his helmet, or whatever.

I doubt I’d be fully with it enough either, having to listen to that sack of derp.

I mean, the Jailer as a hearthstone card was cool.

DF Lore: 1 single crouton

WOTLK Lore: Jumbo Bavarian Pretzel w Dipping Sauce

You literally worked on this for 10 minutes, can you atleast put some effort in? You are as bad as BFA writing.

This is WoW. He was a derp robot QQ creation, and I will not make, nor take, excuses for it. None!