WOTLK lore so much better than DF lore

His master plan was to turn the surviving heroes into mind controlled servants of him after killing all of his other minions.

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I think you have me there. I care about Arthas being silly and letting us party outside his house because he’s the memorable chuunibyou badass, I don’t care about angry dragon lady and her stupid minions like the ugly bald nelf from the centaur zone.


The writers at blizzard are putting more thought into what they are having for breakfast tomorrow than anything dragonflight related🤣

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The Primalists all come off as goobers. “They have always been there building up in power!” Where? This is literally the first time we have ever heard of them. You would think a movement of this fashion would be mentioned sometime before - but then again, such things are the WoW special.

Bro, none of what you say changes the fact that TBC sucked for story.

Your DF lore is the literary equivalent of a CVS receipt, extremely long with nothing interesting on it🤣

Accurate comparison requires some similarity. The “Classic” WoW basically ended with WoLK and has deviated into current retail ever since. It is beyond comparing pales to oranges, it may as well be apples and buffalo wings.

Hope this is humor/sarcasm. If not, I suggest looking into what/when things have happened :slight_smile:

Up through WotLK WoW had a large source of established lore to use.


This games lore is a joke.


That’s really funny. Did they ever have to compete with Twilight’s Hammer for who does “we’re a cult that hates Titans more than Eren Yeager in the first arc + are very interested in Deathwing” better?

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DF Lore: dragon it go in da air :eagle:

Wotlk Lore: *Commanded by the demon lord Kil’jaeden to spread a plague of undeath among the mortal races, the Lich King was granted immense power, yet locked within an icy cask that came to be called the [Frozen Throne]

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Keep mentioning Anub’arak around here and Steve Danuser might remember he forgot to ruin him during Shadowlands like what was done to Arthas and Kel’Thuzad.
Leave it be.


They arent even interested in Deathwing - they are interested in their own version of the flight that are infused with the Elemental Plains. The problem is that just having a Grimtotem as a random appearance in a novella doesnt work because its a brand new organization.

Heck, the bald nelf is pissed at the Titans and everything because of Teldrassil - its interesting to see that as reference, but the execution blows.

Regardless, the story is literally better than 3 of 4 previous expacs which isnt much to say but 10.1 feels like it has a point rather than 10.0.

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He’s already been ruined by the OG writers by being a pushover dungeon boss with a deadplot point in Wrath - to only later appear in the worst raid ever.

Anub is the dead horse, hes already dead.


That’s WC3 lore, not WotLK lore.


Point taken, but I feel you underestimate just how much more Steve could do in matters of utterly bastardizing pre-existing characters.

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DF Lore: da dragons are friends except bad dragon

Wotlk Lore: *Just as life on Northrend seemed to reach a tenuous equilibrium, the Lich King stirred from his Frozen Throne and sent his Scourge minions to swarm across the land, destroying everything and everyone in their path. The slumbering vrykul awakened soon after, pouring from the ancient fortress of [Utgarde Keep]


Depends, I think its a character that fits up his alley - however, its best to leave a ruined character dead rather than trying to puppeteer his corpse.

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wasn’t it a meme back then how annoying it was that arthas would pop up around every corner and be Evil


One of the biggest complaints about Arthas in Wrath was him basically being a Saturday Cartoon Villain rather than himself from TFT.