WOTLK lore so much better than DF lore

Just one paragraph of wotlk lore is more exciting than all of DF…

Memorable characters, better adjectives, more violence, exciting setting and everything FITS (no plot holes)

Upon entering the [Upper Kingdom], an earthquake separated Anub’arak from Arthas, and Anub’arak and his minions fervently dug through the rubble to get to Arthas before he was slain by one of the many booby traps laden throughout the halls of Azjol-Nerub’s Upper Kingdom. Anub’arak was impressed by Arthas’s resilience when he found him, and quickly ushered him out of Azjol-Nerub and to the surface, where they engaged with [Illidan Stormrage] and his servants in a [battle] for the [Frozen Throne]

Don’t pretend it’s the writers strike either… the quality is gone🤮


Arthas sat around doing little. He let us come and kill him. Despite having a Scourge at his command.

At least the DF villains are constantly causing problems and screwing with us.



You just proved my point

You know exactly what is going on in the wotlk story

You didn’t mention razageth/ galakrond at all🤣

Forgettable garbage expansion

“DF VILLAINS”. :rofl:

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who’s gonna tell him thats war3 lore not actual wotk


He let us hold a renfair in his backyard even.


The WoTLK storyline was Arthas just chilling and waiting for us to kill him.

Really? You’re going to ape for the Expansion that basically relied on you to have played through Warcraft 3 and sat on its laurels while explaining absolutely nothing in the actual expansion?

‘There must always be a Lich King’?! ← That awful line and cliffhanger?

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Daily reminder that back in the day, the decision to have Anub’arak as a 5 man boss was very highly criticized, and people criticized seeing Arthas too much. Also “There must always be a Lich King”.


All I see is a bunch of people reciting lore from one expansion word for word

And that expansion is not dragonflight🤣

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But it’s not good lore.

Because dragonflight isn’t over yet?

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your memory is snitching on you

DF: “something something dragons”

Wotlk: “ Then Arthas did X and that’s why I don’t like him “

Bad unmemorable storytelling vs S TIER LORE


also its not sunday yet.

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The S stands for :poop:.

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  • Memorable characters and story
  • Lists characters and story from WC3 TFT

Lol. Lmao even.


It’s cool no need to be alarmed I’m sure they will figure out the big baddie of dragonflight 2 weeks before the final patch and then say it’s been (random person) the whole time.:rofl:

Your lore is made up on the spot like freestyle rap lyrics.

You will never get a detailed preplanned story with heroes and villains that isn’t preschool level again :rofl:


Bruh, TBC was literally the expac before Wrath.

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The issue with seeing Arthas too much is that he wasn’t a threat.

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The lore of dragonflight is going to be scribbled on a napkin during traffic on the way to work the day it’s due😂

The entire expansion is just homework that’s been done at the last minute

Doesnt change the fact that TBC was retcon city combined with questionable characterization of fan favorite characters.

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Really? How many times did our characters come face to face with him, alone, only for him to say something dumb like, “I’ll let you live, for now…” I’m sorry, but if I were the Lich King, and had a prime chance to take out a threat, I wouldn’t have hesitated.

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