[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

Not when it does more danage than good.

.and the c9nversati9n ibwas having was on hiw rdf was “needed” for dead realms. It doesnt fix dead realms, its a bandaid for one of the symptoms and does more damage than good.

  1. I will not be playing WoTLK without RDF

  2. Dungeon finder allows players to play together instead of afk boosting or going solo while leveling.

The dungeons in Wrath are faceroll with minimal gear, but the current community will still have ridiculous reqs like full T7 for 5 man dungeons. RDF removes this gear gatekeeping so more people are able to experience the content.

Many people also do not want to “start your own group” so it helps them as well.

RDF being random also enables all dungeons to be ran rather than people just only ever doing the easy dungeon and never the harder or less liked dungeon.

RDF allows you to go pick herbs or do whatever you want while in queue rather than sitting AFK in Dalaran.

I could list out another hundred reasons if you want.

  1. There are no negative impacts caused by RDF.

  2. RDF is already the solution to massive problems that have existed in the 2 iterations of Classic.


Weird…didn’t say I don’t want to interact with people. I have a guild and a discord for that, nobody else matters to me. If thats what matters to yourself, perhaps the fishing guild in runescape would be prime gameplay for you?

Pretty much “You can play your own way, as long as you do it how I want you to play it.”

I really do think they need /whisper fed at them. I don’t think anyone would talk to them if they weren’t the ones spamming LFM.


It’s just the typical strawman of a troll. LFD fixes what it fixes. He’s the one saying it needs to fix every problem he considers in the game, or it’s not worth including. No one else is saying that.

Great, so you don’t need LFD you can just play with your guild and discord. Glad I could help solve the issue for you.

Single player RPGs don’t have any option to socialize, whereas in WoW we do. It’s just we shouldn’t have to be expected to socialize to get anything done, when we’re not in the mood to try and network.

That’s how MMOs used to work for group content. Endgame is almost entirely group-based, and Classic is one of the only MMOs on the market that requires networking to be able to do anything - and that isn’t a good thing. Artificially forcing it to remain this way despite the changes in the expansion that alleviated that problem during a time MMOs were changing is going to cause backlash.

What, “damage” does LFD do to the game that isn’t already there?

INB4 “tHe SoCiAl FaBRiC durrrr”


Blizzard has offered free realm transfers, people chosing not tobuse them, then complaining about being on a dead realm dont want their problems fixed. They just want to complain. Its that simple.

Gotta maintain that WTS dungeon run x 2000!!!

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Free realm transfers doesn’t help when they target already dead realms that no one wants to pick everything up and move to.

No dead realm was given a free transfer off the dead realm.

Want to know what else is great? You can still play the same way you do (if you even play the game, you’re always trolling on that level 11) whether RDF exists or not. Glad we could settle that we can all play the way we want without interfering with each others playstyle.

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Yep. They talk about no teleportation as they are alt tabbed from the game on a flight path heading towards a dungeon

Like we needed to be educated about the immersion breaking aspect of RDF as they’re skipping on watching the ground as they travel

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I imagine a lot of the people talking about the, “damage” LFD will do to the game are also the type to stay in the city and expect a summon to the dungeon.

Or just sat in a city waiting for a summons.

It’s an MMORPG. You absolutely should be expected to socialize for end-game progression. If that’s an issue for you, you’re playing the wrong genre.

So then don’t play it and play one of the other MMOs on the market?

Classic is for people that think socialization is a good thing.

But RDF doesn’t exist and won’t exist. I realize hypotheticals can be fun but please do better to stick to the facts.

Oh so if/when LFD does get added to wrath you’ll just go back to classic era so you can enjoy the socialization there right?


They have been giving free transfers for MONTHS now for dead realms. It didnt start with the announcment of them merging realms.

So again, anyone on a dead realm right now and complaining about their realm being dead, are just complaining, they dont want it fixed, otherwise they would have used the FREE transfer off already.

Will you be attending our town hall meeting we will be holding when the decision gets reverted?


So…why are you here? I’m fighting to get something back, that shouldn’t have been removed in the first place. You’re apparently getting what you want, so one would come to the conclusion that you’re a narcissistic ego-maniac (common for you types) or just love the attention from trolling.

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