There’s some room for compromise, but not when it compromises the core reason for LFD. So sure take out the teleport and leave the rewards from quest givers instead of baked into LFD.
But making it same server defeats the purpose as it can now no longer consistently create groups. Prioritizing same server would be fine.
Just out of curiosity, what value do you think is gained by having players fly afk to a dungeon portal? Is that adding anything of value to the open world?
What if the admins block all that “research” behind permission levels? You wouldn’t even know because you’d never even see it. You’d have to be on the channel it gets posted in for 24/7 to see a post that then gets locked behind permissions. Server Discords are wide open for scams and abuse of power. They operate outside of Blizzard’s control, which is why RMT and GDKPs love using Discord.
I see you never used it extensively. It works. 100s of heroics, maybe a half-dozen issues. The more people I ignored, the fewer problems I had. What do I care if someone ignores me? I probably didn’t want to group with them again either.
All realms are meant to be healthy as a baseline, especially after the consolidation. This isn’t an actual definitive figure you’re basing your rebuttal on. It’s a nothing-variable you’re using to shorten the time it takes before you reach “cross-realm eligible”.
I suppose. I just see people saying that the teleport to dungeon is so awful, and I just don’t see how flying to an instance portal is adding anything of substance to the game.
But if a more lively open world is something they want, then LFD inherently increases that. Instead of sitting in town endlessly spamming the LFG channel, sifting through the endless dungeon selling, unable to look away or else missing vital information…you just queue for dungeon finder and set it, and forget it. Now you’re free to go out in the world and do whatever you want.
There’s really not much room for compromise. There is nothing inherently wrong with any part of RDF. The teleport is only a factor of convenience. No rewards for participating in content? Might as well remove honor from BG’s too with that logic. Making it same server would be a massive downside, actually. More people would swarm to megaservers so they can actually use RDF. More megaservers = bad.
Like the idea, but because I’m on a big realm. It would be a horrible look, even for blizzard, if they say people on dead realms are fubar and have to wait 30-60 minutes.
They’ve got nothing to lose by posting their sob stories, defending their incorrect assumptions and putting their entitlement on display. So why not? There’s some rules to play by but there’s no consequence for posting your unjustified dissatisfaction with the change on a daily basis and forging it into a weapon to aim at who posters who arent in lockstep because you think thats a great way to handle your disappointment.
All realms are meant to be healthy, but they aren’t and won’t be. And of course play time factors into that as well. If a healthy realm at prime takes say 20 minutes to form a group that’s how long it should be as that’s the ideal experience.