[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

I will. Your trolling is obnoxious and counter-productive and I’m sick of being associated with because we share a common goal.


Also keep in mind the actual example he used was from a raid not from a 5 man so the stakes were much higher.

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Don’t you read the anti-lfd arguments? Raids and dungeons are the same thing.


We’re all pretty much in agreement. We don’t need to waste the time and energy to signal towards each other constantly in search of validation when the facts get to tough to handle and seek refuge in the warm, comfy blanket of consensus.


Stop, you’re making me blush.

Last i looked it was about 80% of the realm population was in the discord, but people could have transfered off, stopped playing, and just didnt leave the discord. So i would say its probably a little more than half instead of the 80%.

Even so lets be very conservative and say only 25% of my realms players look at the blacklist. Thats still about 3000 people that will no longer want you in their group. Thats not a small amount and can very much effect group forming.

Let me guess, a small handful of players admin the entire Discord?

So you would rather trust strangers from an in game tool and do so blindly than having a 3rd party program to try and get some background on what you might be getting into with inviting or joining a persons group? All just because its a blizzard tool?

You dont want to do any research on anything and want to blindly trust an algorithm to put you in a group…

I’ve already stated the ways in which I’d be fine with compromise:

  • Remove the teleport - Unnecessary benefit of the feature all around
  • No extra rewards - The tool can be useful as it was designed without the need for extra incentive
  • Same server only - Keeps the in-realm “community” in-tact

I would be OK, nay, even be all for RDF with these tweaks.

If I’m getting to push my luck, I’d also say…

  • Only for normal dungeons (so no heroics at lvl 80)

…but I recognize that’d be a step too far for some because their whole deal with this is being able to queue spam at level cap.

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For a 5 man? When LFD does have a readily available tool to deal with problem makers? Yeah I’m totally fine with that.


That was an awful lot of words to simply say no.

We have also had scammer tags added to tanks who would “sell” their services as a tank. Take the gold and log off. Even boosters have been given the scammer tag for taking the gold for boosting and not delivering or refunding the gold. There is a lot of examples, i gave one that had full video evidence though instead of a he said she said argument.

Which is also a different situation than some random person being a problem maker in group. Oh and also a situation LFD prevents in the first place.

Leave it to you to think some questions, whether a yes or no baseline would suffice to you, can’t possibly deserve a bit of added nuance or elaboration.

I noticed you keep avoiding the fact that a small handful of players manage the entire “server” Discord. I wonder why? Surely no one would ever abuse their power with this tagging system.

So basically bulletin board… Which sucks.

Your compromise is terrible



I love their ‘compromise’ is make the tool so useless no one would ever use it and come crawling back to buy their dungeon runs.


Why is it terrible?

What exactly is the primary thing you need out of RDF?

You honestly, truly believe the tool would be unused even though it still automatically forms the group for you?

You’re on some serious somethin’.

I mean you can search the post history in discord to see why they got their scammer tag. Again, you can do research on what they did to earn it, see if they objected agaist the claims, exc. Then decide for yourself if you want to be in a group with them.