Why are you assuming I have high expectations? And what does that have to do with the cold hard reality that there is a price to pay socially for the convenience of automated grouping with bonus teleports and extra rewards?
I already explained it. LFD in that form creates the potential for people to merely see each other as tools and there are no consequences for crappy behavior and then the players take the bait and fulfill that potential because they can.
You dont evolve through LFD the opposite happens as we’ve already lived through and observed. The devs noticed. Like, get up to speed here.
Common decency - which is all but impossible, in case you havent noticed.
All you need out of a dungeon group is for the tank to tank, healer to heal, and dps to smash things. Thats it. Nobody owes you anything, whether that group was formed via RDF or manually. If you’re expecting people to go out of their way to provide you with this ‘social interaction’ (that doesn’t exist anyway), you’re playing the wrong game.
LFD in Wrath Classic dont exist right now either guy so why dont you take your own advice and come up with a better argument that isnt some two bit hack analysis of what people are typing because if thats the route you wanna go down youre not gonna knocking any judges dead with this holier than thou routine Im sorry to tell you.
You just type a bunch of words that never actually say or do anything. I dont know why you waste your time. Its completely pointless and rude.
That’s not exactly the whole of it. The only reason it existed was because you couldn’t trade across realms. So the common custom of DEing the unwanted gear and rolling/sharing the shards didn’t work in LFD. With no LFD and no cross-realm grouping there’s no need for the DE.
Putting aside the fact that you’re just laughably inaccurate to reality; the only “points” you’ve managed to offer in a 600-700 post spread divulging on this topic is the following:
“You’re wrong”
“Your reasons are invalid”
“Things have changed, you’re just an RP nerd”
Color me simply, absolutely, shocked that you’ve utterly failed to convert anyone yet with these silver bullets lodged in your chamber.
Have i not pointed out that I couldn’t care less about the garbage you keep spewing? Keep typing for that narcissism and ego thing you have going, doesn’t matter to me.
Sounds really fun and awesome to play WoW in a lab environment. Some people prefer a more hey I care about this game and I want you to care about this game too because I depend on you to play it for me to enjoy it so Im gonna be a really nice group member and like be friendly and stuff because we’re all here to have fun and stuff like that.
I dont need to know your life story or your kids name but like we could talk about game stuff. Sheesh.
I never once implied I wouldn’t be friendly. But i certainly won’t go out of my way to play like you because i’m not going to force you to play like me.
You still danced around a real answer. If I join your group and say nothing is that good enough? All you’re doing is talking about potential “bad people”. In my 1000’s of dungeon runs over the years I can point to maybe 2-3 toxic groups.
I will not be a bad group member. I will not toxify your group. You just want the .0001% of troll groups to stay away. You’re punishing the vast majority of players who just want to play the game without filling out a resume to do the Utgard Keep daily, because someone “might be mean to you” and get away with it. Total overreaction on your part.
So if you want nothing from me, and I’m free to offer what I have to offer… why are you so insistent on maintaining a social aspect of group forming? I say yes, you accept, we’re good here. I don’t need you to do or say anything else while we storm the Violet Keep.
If I dont have to be friendly and I can just see you as a means to an end then thats what the majority does. They become buttholes because there’s no consequences for being a butthole. Its simple stuff.
I’m not going to stoop to your leve of (lack of) intelligence. No where in blizzards ToS did it say that I have to try and educate the players that aren’t capable of being educated.
You’ve more than shown that you have no interest in hearing the opposing argument, even though you know very well that we have the higher ground here, in both numbers and logic. Put me on ignore if you want, I’ll no longer respond to your moronic posts.
My goodness! How many people have been mean to you over the years that you reached a point where you think everyone is going to go mad max the second society lets it. I think if you keep running into toxic people at every turn you may have impossibly high standards because I’ve never had issues like the ones you keep describing.
Im not dancing around anything. Im not having the discussion youre having. Im talking about the real world tradeoffs in an automated grouping system and you want me to tell you how I like my groups as if that mattered on any level but its not relevant in the least which just leads me back to reminding you that you dont have a clue about whats going on here.
I’m hanging just fine friend. You’re the one who keeps dancing around a legit answer as to what I should do in a group to, Not be a butthole as you said.
I’ll break it down to a yes no answer. Ok? If I join your group, is it OK if I say nothing and play my roll as it should be played?
Then you must live in this imaginary world where you think saying hi to people this peak quality gameplay. Do you say hello to every person you see at the supermarket? Do you go out of your way to say hi to every coworker, even if they’re in different departments?
You have no personal responsibility in an LFD system like that so you assume none and that is not a great way to promote social interactions for your players in your social game.
Things erode over time because people put more focus on the convenience and the payoffs than the people helping them achieve those goals.
No actually. You’ve still not answered the question. You keep adding more and more stipulations that had nothing to do with the original questions. I even broke it down to a YES/NO question to simplify things because you keep adding more words. It’s that easy.
Good (or any) transactions don’t always occur on account of the main variable, the players themselves, not being 100% predictable.
However, with a manual formed group and it consisting 100% of people on your realm, the chances are simply elevated for not just any interaction to happen, but positive as well. That doesn’t mean interaction will always happen. It doesn’t mean it will always be good, but the chances are increased.
As already stated…
That’s really all there is to it.
That’s an interesting perspective considering you’re attempting to get the feature put back in after it was intentionally, with reasoning, removed.
Not exactly sure I’d call that the high ground considering I already “won” the war lol.
I actually find it more constructive to keep instructing you on how you can post like a not-a-hole, at some point I’ll get through to you.