Think what you will of it, but some people see these time sinks as part of the experience.
To some, tedium is what makes what follows more enjoyable. It’s why they prefer Classic slow pace to Retail instant gratification systems.
I personally don’t enjoy the walk to instance much unless it is short enough or if PvP is involved.
Sure and in my original post I said the teleport is by no means the important part of why people want LFD. But it is fair to say the whole fight to the instance thing can by default only apply on pvp realms and then only on pvp realms with relatively balanced populations, which makes it not apply to very large portions of the player base.
So i take it you never stopped to help a same faction member who looked like they were going to die? Because i have done that on my hunter while traveling to a dungeon multiple times (last one was me farming dme for demonic runes for raid saved a lvl 43 warlock that had ended up fighting a few to many bears/wolves, one multi shot later and he was saved a ghost run. And that was just from the horde town to the dme back entrance. Also gave him a stam int helm i had gotten from dme farming because he didnt have a helm it was for lvl 51 so idk if he will need it by then, but it would have just been DE and sit in my bank otherwise, i dont have a horder problem i swear, as im setting up a second 3 tab guild bank because im out of room … lol.)
Even without pvp realms, traveling to dungeons can and occassionally does cause social interactions.
That’s why I believe in compromises.
If for pro-LFD players the teleport isn’t important and for anti-LFD players the teleport is an issue, then we can have a compromise here.
Then why is Blizz selling boosts, allowing GDKPs, not clearing out bots, sitting on their hands on the topic of RMT? …and also releasing content extremely quickly…
This is where I’m saying the logic doesn’t stay consistent with the reality of the game. It’s just a couple of idealized points that sound good on paper and robs a large portion of the playerbase of a feature they want purely to appease something that doesn’t exist in Classic.
People use world channels for doing dungeons recruiting. Trade chat is rarely used for it in comparison. So there is NOTHING forcing you to be in a city to get a dungeon group even now without rdf. If you CHOSE to do it that way, its on you.
The consequences in LFD are more consistent and reliable.
I don’t think it actually happens enough to base decisions on. I think terrible people will be terrible regardless of where they are.
Honestly, I think the current system is breeding a lot toxicity. Since you have to hunt for three hours to find someone you front load the bad behavior by letting everyone know you’re taking the BiS gear before the dungeon starts (which contributes to how long it takes to form a group). With RDF since you knew you could get a group in 15 minutes and even had the possibility of running the same heroic 2 or 3 times and have as many chances, people were less likely to ninja loot. Keep playing, you’ll get your chance. Also, itemization is a lot better in wrath so there aren’t anywhere near as many single BiS items for like 7 specs.
Staring at an add on/chat window however does mean you are not paying as much attention to the actual game world.
And no plenty of people do post groups in trade chat so by not being in a city you are potentially missing out on groups. That’s not on me, that’s just on chat in general being a sucky way to find groups.
I’m indifferent to it, I wouldn’t mind it being added but if it isn’t added it’s not the end of the world.
It streamlines gameplay, don’t have much time to play? well queue up a dungeon before you need to do something. It allows people who don’t have the time to wait around for tens of minutes for a dungeons and can instead be in one within a couple.
It allows for low pop servers to actually have dungeons running rather than them feeling forced to transfer because they can’t get any groups.
It allows an alternet way to level and if Blizzard actually go through with the changes to boosting questing will become the only way to level outside of the one time boost which will make many people not even bother to make alts.
Toxcity related to the anoyminity is blown out of proportion, I think that if people were going to be toxic because it’s cross-realm then they were toxic to begin with.
The teleport isn’t really an issue, it’s only an issue while leveling to since that’s the main time you see the world other than that there’s no real issue with the teleport.
If they added the LFG tool in retail I’d be fine with that.
Yes, but then why portray those points as valid if the reality of the game completely contradicts them?
Why not make people walk to their BG instance too? Why have same faction BGs? There are just SOOO many contradictions to this idolized “spirit of Classic”. It doesn’t really hold water in practice.
Lets see, boost lowbie, run with them with aspect, their map opens, we run through mobs above their level safely, go to fp and pick it up, whisper lone player with no guild, wanna join our dung. Run to dung, get gear, most of time they are chatting cause im doing all work, invite player to guild who was very thankful because this is first time playing and they dont know anyone. a month later they are in ramps with other guildies.
You know you can make it give sound notifications for when something you are looking for comes up depending on the addon you are using right? You dont have to stare at the chat windows.
Also, people posting in trade chat for groups are usually also posting in lfg and world chat as well. So not being abke to see trade chat actuakky isnt a big loss in chances to find a group.
For the same reason why I specified in my post on the Community Council forums that the real issue isn’t only in regards to LFD but the overarching issues that plagues Classic.
Yeah, it was really nice especially for leveling. I feel like without LFG ( and yes i mean now) you either choose if you’re questing or if you’re doing a dungeon with no middle ground to do both.
So you make your way there without even knowing if you’re going to get a group in the end because it’s going to take at least 30 minutes to get there andby the time you’re all set to go the group falls through and you’ve just wasted your time.
And yes, this has happened to me multiple times. One time it was when I was making my way to SM and as an alliance player in their 30’s you can bet it took me an hour to get there.
Sometimes they do sometimes they don’t and sometimes they aren’t in sync. And given how fast you have to be trying to get a group as DPS you can’t afford to miss even a second.
I don’t think there is one TBH. The anti’s are extremely vocal and a lot of them resort to being outright mean or quasi-trollbaiting as soon as the argument doesn’t go their way. I assume it’s an attempt to keep things civil.