[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

The problem is you intentionally try to twist them.

I could say “i prefer dogs”, and you will claim i said “i hate cats”. Which isnt what i said. You make a habit of doing this.

Nice edit.

Having a different opinion than you doesnt make me wrong, opinions are not right or wrong.

Except you can’t stop yourself at just saying “I prefer dogs” you insist on following it up with some lie like “they don’t punch babies like cats do”

Case in point in this thread, you can’t stop yourself at “I don’t like LFD” you proceed to lie and say “people treat their groups like they’re just NPC’s”


Giving reasons why i have that opinion still doesnt make it wrong. It just gives some insight as to why i havr that opinion.

“I prefer dogs because they are usually the more social animal”

Your take on that would be twisted into something like this “you hate cats because you think they can talk and dont want to talk to you”

Case in point in this thread, you can’t stop yourself at “I don’t like LFD” you proceed to lie and say “people treat their groups like they’re just NPC’s”

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Thats not a lie though some people do treat their groups like npc.

A lie would be to say ALL people do that. Which i didnt say.

Your as toxic as they come Ziryus. You harrass and badger others and drag the talking points into personal conflicts and never present your own points, but rather troll others and goad them into arguments where they have to defend against endless personal attacke. Grow up please.


Actually it is a lie, I could go disprove it right now in retail but that would be mean to the group i got into, which I won’t do because I gasp aren’t treating them like NPC’s.

And If i did it would not be consequence free I would quickly be booted. Which is another lie you’ve made up about LFD.

It’s a little dishonest though, I’ve seen multiple people on the anti-LFD side openly admit that they treat other players like NPCs. I’m sure there are pro-LFD who engage in that activity, but if any of them have openly admitted it’s definitely escaped my notice. For the record, I don’t.


Honestly feel like Blizzard should adopt something like Jagex’s polling system for OSRS, and put the most contentious ideas entirely in the hands of the player-base. This would be the best time to do introduce it, with Cataclysm being the potential mine field on the bridge we’ll eventually have to cross or burn.


The issue is they already know most people are in favor of LFD and doing a poll would just make that even more public.

For things like say transmog it would make more sense though.


Since Reddit posts are now polls I’ll include the pro-LFD posts the OP “forgot” to include as a comparison for upvotes(OP’s Reddit post had only 508 upvotes against LFD):

  1. https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/u7o2fm/today_blizzard_told_me_lfd_didnt_fit_the/

  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/u7ujh2/dungeon_finder_will_remove_the_current_social/

  3. https://www.reddit.com/r/wotlk/comments/u7kqc4/do_you_support_the_decision_to_not_include/
    Reddit poll(652 in favor of LFD removal, 1.1k want LFD)

There are plenty more, but I think this gets the point across about the misrepresentation the OP was posting.


So your saying in retail using the rdf tool there is never a group where noone ever says anything never gives any communication toward the group and doesnt care what the group needs and will just do what they want?

Because i have been in plenty of groups in wotlk-legion (when i stopped playing retail) where that exact thing would happen. And if it was the tank just getting his daily “badges”, he/she would often skip any optional boss even if someone in the group spoke up and said they needed it. The tank wouldnt reply, just kept moving toward that last boss to get his rdf reward, without a word.

A lie would be to claim this behavior NEVER happens when millions of pekplw play this game. Its the difference between using an absolute and a partial grouping in catagories based on how you say something.

Example “ALL mustangs are yellow” is not true, but “SOME mustanges are yellow” is true.

Saying people treat other plays like NPCs is true, because SOME do, but not ALL do. I never claimed all people will do that with rdf, only that it becomes more common because there is basically no benifit to treating other players like people, as well as no real consequences for treating them like NPCs because they arent on your realm, and you will very likely never see them again.

It has been repeated ad nauseum by plenty of people, many times in replies to you even.

Tell me, what purpose would it serve for me to just repeat what you willfully ignore because of your close mindedness?

In a world where, for you, everyone else opinion doesn’t matter, then in your mind your opinion is the majority.

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And if you’re changing your claim to now be now only some people treat others like NPC’s in groups, well that applies to current dungeons as well without LFD. And the penalty for doing so is the same, a removal from the group. So that is not a negative caused by LFD.

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I might make a post about these forums needing more moderation from Blizzard to make discussion more civil but I think Blizzard doesn’t really want to get involved in managing such a large amount of people. I figured it was why they made the Community Council in the first place, so that they could limit the interaction between blizzard and the community to a handful of people as to avoid spending too much resources on policing.

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Yes, and how their reasoning is inconsistent has also been pointed out…yet no one clarifies or explains their position past that. Whenever I point out, and I did in my post you replied to, a contradiction of a claim made by the anti-LFD side…it gets either ignored or then the gaslighting begins “You are being aggressive”.

Now make a counter point to the claims I make above about the logical inconsistency of anti-LFD arguments, rather than just ignore it like you are attempting to do.

Im not changing my claim, i never said all people

I said people. Do i need to add “some” to the start of it for you to understand that when i say people, i dont mean all people by default?

“People steal and cheat” doesnt mean ALL people do that. If i meant ALL i would have said ALL PEOPLE. How you try to force the word ALL into what i said when i didnt say it is you intentionally misrepresenting what i said.

Now lets stop this derailing of this threat.

LoL trying to moderate and interact with the community drove at least one CM to madness sadly.