[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

I strongly believe its not a big deal to have it in wrath but it most definately needs to be there for 15-70. Even on mankrik as a tank lvl 52 it took me 1.5 hrs to get a mara group going

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Except everything I said was aimed at the content of what they were posting and how that doesn’t align with reality considering the context of their actions.

Hmmmm, another contradiction.

Oh, I can see why:

Let me guess which game studio it is.

These Blizzard employees glow brighter than the sun above Kalimdor.

How does a “moderate approach” means that I want LFD?
You need to stop being so hostile towards everyone else, this kind of behavior doesn’t help anyone and I will not engage with you anymore at this point as it is nothing short of a waste of time to humor your attitude.

You’d be wrong. :roll_eyes: And I’m not going to dox myself either so you’ll never know.

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Here comes further gaslighting from the “I’m for LFD, but also not for LFD” person who is supposedly compiling grievances while purposefully misrepresenting the overwhelming population that wants LFD to make the topic seem more contested than it actually is.

“Don’t point out my contradictions! That’s hostile behavior!” lol

What he is doing is a common enough behavior in the pro rdf group unfortunately. He cant take that someone might not want, or even be indifferent about rdf being added so he will attack you and silence you as best he can. That way when your voice goes quite it looks like there is less and less objection to rdf being added back into wotlkc.

Ive been labled a troll many of times by these people simply because my opinions and point of view differ than theirs. I have also had MANY posts faslely flagged and restored after review, simply because i have a different opinion on aubjects than them.

I would appreciate of you would make a thread about this type of bully tactics of false reporting to try and silence people to be reviwed and some type of punishment system out in place for repeat offenders in the community councler forums.


He is personally trying to get a grasp of the reasons people are for or agaist rdf. Your hostility simply because he is trying to not say he is for rdf (again or agaist) does not reflect well on the pro rdf group. I do hope he mentions how some pro rdf people are actively aggressive when he gets a chance to discuss it with the devs because it wont reflect well on your point of view.

Noone wants to reward a kicking and screaming child with the candy the kid wants, because it encourages that behavior. Even if it will shut the kid up for 5 min.

You’ve been labeled a troll because you in fact troll and blatantly lie about things when you can’t articulate why you don’t like something.


This is a distortion; I’ve never seen anyone go quite as off the rails in any issue as what he is here. There have definitely been garbage posters from both sides including OP.

lol, “why do people think I’m a troll” from the level 10 who claims people misreport him but wants a system of reporting people who use “bully tactics”.

The “my way or the highway” attitude isn’t exclusive to one side, but yes. For some, if they perceive anything you say as not being a complete agreement of their stance, regardless of if it’s opposite, neutral or even sometimes on their own side, they will consider you the enemy. It is more often than not going to be in the form of fallacies, using ad hominem or attacking your character, on these forums it’s often by making a comment on the character you use to post with.

We all have our bias, we all have some degree of egotism, what matters in the end is to at least be willing to listen to the other side, something he evidently doesn’t wish to do, which is a shame but it is what it is. :person_shrugging:


Nerf experience gains from automated grouping,

Lower drop rate chances .

Block instanced quests from being completed if in lfd group.

Add cross server toggle

Remove Rdf reward systems for using the tool vs putting in effort and add a dungeon blacklist option.

Create a group composition template to choose from rather than just grouping based on role and gearscore

Require npc interaction

Too me this would make it a more balanced tool in regards to effort vs reward

The reason he posts on an alt is that he tries to pretend he’s a super hardcore raider but is just a solidly mediocre player in a solidly average guild.

And if you actually try to have a back and forth discussion it’s impossible because he won’t do so in good faith and just moves goal posts.


I have never said i was raiding hardcore in classic or tbcc.

This is you alteting facts to fit your bais point of view again.

Nor have i tried to hide my main as i have reaveled it in threads you yourself were a part of because people asked.

I use this character specifically for forum use to keep it all in one spot. For post history, notifications, exc. If anything having a toon specifically for the use of the forums is doing less hiding because i dont try to cover up my post history. I keep it all in one place.

This is just your personal attacking me again sinply because we dont agree on things.

LoL I seem to have struck a nerve, btw i didn’t say you claimed you were a hardcore raider i said you try to pretend you are.

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Sooooo. The tool that is supposed to ASSIST with low level players finding groups because there is LITERALLY not enough players to form a group with are now being punished for accessing a wider player pool by makong it a waste of their time because questing by themselves in a lonely 1-58 azeroth is more efficient to level?

All this would do is make EVEN less players want to level alts and new players buy the 70 boost.

Levelling content is already bleeding players, both due to mature sever populations with a low churn rate. Making it harder is just making it less inviting to new players… new players tha game sorely needs.


No, we just want people to be consistent in what they say. Claiming a Reddit post’s upvotes is equal to actual polls being taken on the subject and then completely dismissing pro-LFD Reddit posts with even greater upvotes is disingenuous at best and outright dishonesty at worst. I wouldn’t care what your opinion is but at least stay consistent in your logic.
Why do people not want LFD?:

  1. Community? Can they no longer form groups with it? Why does Blizz offer boosts that kill leveling then? Why is chat flooded with boosters? Why is everything a GDKP? Why are bots so prevalent? Why does RMT go unpunished? Why are there megaservers? All those things contradict the argument around community.
  2. Subs dropped after it was implemented? Also false as it was out for over a year and subs continued to climb. Subs only dropped after first phase of Cata
  3. WPvP? You consider griefing people outside of instances as healthy WPvP, yet disregard WPvP objectives that are ghost towns, or the imbalance of factions on nearly every PvP server.
  4. Teleporting? Because summons stones don’t allow that?

Name something that is anti-LFD that has some form of logical consistency in its reasoning. We all know why Blizz removed it, to sell boosts. They’ll add it later on when hype dies down and say, “we listened”. Nothing in Blizzard’s corporate behavior would suggest otherwise.


I do hate when people intentionally misrepresent what i say, which you do very very often to try and twist the truth.

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Then maybe you should articulate your points properly so they can’t be twisted.

Or maybe your points are just incorrect in the first place which is why they are so easy to mock.

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