[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

Or just hold Heroic rdfs until phase 3 when none of us will need it, as the catchup it was intended to be

I just had day two of Direbrew today. This was again the ground breaking conversations that took place.

Get invited. Say Hi, only 2 people respond.
Get sumoned, run in.
Kill boss x5.
Say tyfg, one person says nothing
take port

Can you Imagine what anyone would do without that!

They aren’t going to care man. I’m convinced that you could put 100% proven data that shows the RDF didn’t harm the community in any way and you’d still have people who wouldn’t want it.

The irony is that most of them wouldn’t really care if it was added, they just want to force people to play the game “their way”.

If they added in the RDF today, most of these RDF haters would be using it even if they say they wouldn’t. :joy:

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I can understand the low level arguement, but low level dungeons are terrible xp. You shouldn’t waste time doing them. People strive to be efficient, it’s not efficient to do them. That’s why you aren’t finding groups. Does that suck? Sure, but it’s the way it is.

Low pop realms are a issue created by blizzard, I’ve had two realms die on me. I get it. But RDF and LFR aren’t the solutions, blizzard needs to merge low pop realms and break up mega servers.








Youre welcome

Wont have to, that version of the game doesnt exist <3

Nah, I’ll stay here and advocate for a system that was in the original version of the game.

You can go spam /4 or something if I’m bothering you that much.


None of you are remotely logical or honest.

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The fact you had to quote “ their way” shows your a anti social trying to force the game to downgrade for yourself.

A lot of us would care if it was added because we cared when it was added 15 years ago. Just like we cared when the shop was added. We’ve seen it all before, we know better because we watched the slope happen and watched everyone fall off it into the trash heap below it.

None of you can go 2 sentences without indulging in Hyperbole

First off, it’s you’re…

Also, did you quit wrath when the RDF was implemented?

Because its a requirement to use. Which is what we dont want.

Yes I did.

I went to Rift, or was it Star Wars?

Honestly I don’t know which one.

Pushed a fair bit of non wow related trauma out. So, a bit foggy on the following year.

4 months into the content drought yep. came back for RS after

Do you see the dishonesty of your position? You claim LFG is great and enables you to put groups together and run content. It’s freaking awesome! Someone points out that, no, they can’t run the dungeon they choose to because of no RDF. Then you claim they shouldn’t run it anyway.

LFG is inadequate. RDF allows people to actually do content. But never mind that because RDF is freaking evil or some such.

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So tell me, how did you EVER get over it?

It looks like you’ve played quite a lot since it was added.

I have my final Thoughts about both arguments:

RDF kill the community: LIES! The community has killed the community, now you can get banned for starting a conversation in a dungeon [I can’t believe this], people get banned in the zombie event for playing the event [if I didn’t see it, I wouldn’t believe it] you are not the community that deserve to be protected from RDF, you are a bunch of liars.

RDF like the original WotLK: LIES! If you really wanted the original experience, you wouldn’t cry like a baby so much with the pre-patch event, you screw up an event that happens ONCE in over a decade because you can handle the little challenge.
Yes, it was annoying, but that was the original experience, the original experience you reject, so don’t come here and say: “Like the original experience”.

You just want another safe-space, I don’t know why these people even playing a multi-massive online role-playing game if don’t like people or interact in the least minimum!

Yes, they can, but they shouldn’t.

You can’t force someone to stop playing, but we are getting forced to withstand many changes for your fault.

Getting banned for interacting is something I can’t forgive this twisted community!

Why is it a requirement to use? LFG chat doesn’t go away, nobody is stopping you from forming groups however you want.

Did you forget your pills this morning?

Returned during Cata, hated that RDF was mandatory for efficient leveling from the xp bonus.

Quit after clearing H bot and BWD, returned for Firelands and saw dragon soul LFR get added. Few months later the shop expanded to pets, quit till MoP release.

It’s hard to watch a game you played hardcore to ruin itself.

It isn’t, people say this to be dramatic.