[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

You don’t need flight paths, any form of chat other than /s or /y but they added in convenience tools for that.

There are a lot of things in wow that aren’t NEEDED but people still want them.

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100% agree here. RDF if implemented should entail 1-70/80 max for normal dungeons. Heroic badge rewards through rdf were for items that are not in the game at launch of even the patch it starts out with. Without moving the goal posts heroics should simply not be included til between togc and icc. I can live with this because its easy to implement and makes sense for 90% of the problems that exist without it.


100% agree here as well, have advocated for this many times.


Just don’t be bad, learn and adapt.

Then you won’t ever get booted.

You should learn how to do everything just from leveling or watching a single tutorial video.

“ but why watch a video “

Why waste people’s time and your own doing the wrong crap

All this does is extend the lifetime of content by limiting how many dungeons people can do, and the only ones benefiting from this are Blizzard. The fact that the “but muh COMMUUUNIITEEEEE” white knights are flocking to support the phantasmagoric illusion of some kind of illustrious “community” that we all now get to graciously be embraced by as Blizzard “saves players from themselves” by forcing them to waste time is nothing but a cruel, twisted irony.


You and your friends can make alts to level together.

They can also still do dungeon runs for you to finish the dungeon quests with their max level to help you finish those.

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Goodjob quoting the end of my post and not the entire part that explains why.

Guess that wouldn’t finger-paint your narrative though.

This is a strech. idk that you can defend not atleast having a crossrealm LFG tool for the leveling population

This would be tru if leveling was as easy as on retail. its not. its a journey. and if you get friends that roll “with you” most of them end up stopping playing the toon at 20-30.

You didn’t explain anything. You used a made up scenario that would happen even with the RDF.


Then why are so many people anti rdf?
Are you saying all of us are brainwashed?

The mental gymnastics. Lol

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They still are not unplayable. I was on smolderweb they offered free transfers off. I played on a “dead” realm. And i still found groups. I made friends with people. Made grouping a lot easier. Only reason i am on whitemane now is because most of the people i knew were going there. I prefer smaller realms, but i wanted to stick with my friends more.

Yes, I believe I agreed with you when you first suggested this.

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Bro, you are straight huffin copium if you think RDF and LFR are good for the game.

yeah, not wanting a queu lobby game is very much a reasonable preference. as is wanting no holds barred rdf from jump. we disagree, and blizzard came down on our side. you cant win em all.

The only mental gymnastics I see is blizzard shills trying to justify something that won’t help the game in the slightest and probably only hurt it in the long run.

Leveling with strangers is how i met my friends and how i am in my current guild.

RDF was good for the game in a sense that it allowed players on low pop realms, and especially lower-level players access to dungeons they may not have seen. It’s tough to get groups for old content. It’s going to be harder when folks are leveling alts in WotLK and others are focusing on their level 80s.

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You need to clarify this. On the lowest pop server (i bplayed on bigglesworth while it was dying) its still very easy to get a group for any endgame content you want and trial with guilds etc.

For leveling the realm is unplayable outside of solo questing.

Then make it optional instead of essentially mandatory.

Remove the teleport, the bonus rewards, exc

If it ONLY groups you, then its not mandatory to use.

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Blizzard shills?

Blizzard is 99% of the time beyond idiotic and a shell of what they were.

Most people who hate RDF don’t trust blizzard as far as they can throw them.

You keep making baseless and uneducated assumptions, bro just stop. It’s embarrassing.

Go be anti social on final fantasy

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