[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder


It was in for less than half.

48% if you go by raw time

25% if you go by major content patches it was a part of.

The 48% ignores the content drought issue 3.3 had, and the 25% ignores raw time. Averaging them we get 36.5% which gives a better idea of how much rdf was a part of wotlk as it doesnt ignores either actor by averages them together.

But even by raw time of 48%, its less than half.

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So make friends and it becomes that much easier.

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Which is a good time for a catchup mechanic, which is what rdf was. and should have stayed and is in retail.

RDF, if it harmed anything, only hurt the concept of server identity. It’s fair to say that RDF hurt server identity by letting you group with people outside of your server. Wouldn’t you get to know your own server better if you spent more time grouped with people on your server? That’s definitely a fair point. But RDF had no effect on how the majority of the playerbase already played WoW.

Oh no!!! 2% you sure got me. Now address why wanting RDF is a reason to play retail which contains none of wraths gameplay.

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Why was RDF a mistake?

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Evidence from the past disproves that.

People wanted fast groups, they used RDF. Same people wanted to raid but couldn’t interact with “gatekeepers” people who wanted experience and voice chat to raid. Here comes LFR, people who do minimal effort and no socialization because they don’t have to to do lfr and rfd. They never learned to and it brings down the whole game. It created Ilvl issues every raid tier, can’t do interesting set bonuses because lfr. It brings the whole game down to cater to those type of players.

There ya go. go enjoy.

So you have nothing but a strawman argument about games that are in no way comparable to wrath. Good to know.

People have this romantic ideal of five strangers meeting in trade chat, embarking on this glorious journey together, and emerging as friends from the experience. It’s a WoW after-school special that, simply put, NEVER HAPPENS, and never did.

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Youre out of your mind FFXIV is the best version of wrath. If you disagree, you havent played 1 or the other.

Its only a reason to play retail if no rdf is a deal breaker for you.

You can chose to do what blizzard advised when they said no rdf. Plan accordingly. Or go somewhere else, which includes retail, but isnt just limited to that. You can go to FFO, ESO, exc. Plenty of options.

Also, i usually only say “go to retail” in reply to someone who says go to classic era for no rdf. If you truely want to play wotlkc, no rdf shouldnt be stopping you from doing so.

It did in a time there was a content drought and it helped bring people up to speed with alts and new players for not only ICC but also for a future expansion.

If people want it “as it was” then we wouldnt see RDF even implemented til the time it was needed. After all you did say …

I’m playing the game right now at 10:00 A.M. central.

How the heck is making friends going to help with forming groups for low level dungeons? I made friends, they’re max level already. I already posted a screenshot of a person on my realm Skyfury asking for a tank for BFD.

BFD is an instance not many folks want to run because it’s out of the way, very out of the way. Also, we now have a good chunk of the population at max level for Skyfury, so we have less low-level folks looking for dungeons.

The sheer lack of empathy that takes places by certain forum users here is astonishing. Yall don’t care about low level gameplay because it doesn’t affect you when you’re running heroics.

But the lack of a cross-server RDF is affecting lower level players who are struggling to put together groups at non-prime time hours. Is your response to a person who works nightshift and plays during the day and can’t find a group “tough luck”?

Blizzard has the answer to this problem. It’s RDF.

World of Warcraft Classic for whatever reason faced a massive population exodus where they had to merge servers. So, you’re going to have folks who cannot find groups because they’re playing during non-prime time hours and your response is “well tough luck, bye I guess?”

Why would anyone want to play an MMORPG where you are struggling to find groups for content at your level?

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The game being unplayable on non mega servers due to how hard it is to get groups is what’s stopping many people. I’m sure that your selfishness of being unable to use rdf despite it being optional will stop you from seeing that though.

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The reality is that people have goals in mind, and they’re getting together with other people to achieve those goals. This can be easier or harder, depending on the systems available. Making it harder doesn’t suddenly melt the icy hearts of social isolates. It doesn’t turn “OMG KICK THE NOOB” ragemongers into kinder, gentler people just because they now have to spend 20 minutes scouring chat and hopping on a flight path.

You join a group, you play well. You ask to join for another group or the same raid next week. You become a regular, you join their guild, you made friends, you don’t need lfr or lfd.

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Most people agree with rdf for leveling. the leveling population isnt sustainable and higher level friends cant run you through anymore because of the antiboosting measures.

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These folks here see no problem with mass realm merges and think it’s “fine” because everyone who left was a “tourist” anyway.

Now they get to enjoy Classic WoW on their mega server.

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I believe we should have no servers at all, and the “server identity” should be the entire classic community able to party/raid/guild together.