[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

Because you need to get into a leveling guild, gear out pre-raid BiS grinding dungeons, ditch that throw away guild, THEN get into the guild with your friends to raid with them. /sarcasmFont

But, not if you are on a realm without 15k players. You gotta beg friends to do content that doesn’t improve their iLvL.

Social experience at the height of excellence. /sarcasmFontBold


Gotta keep those twitter hits high!

Tell that to the people telling me to go to classic era.

Ok, a system that devalues making social connections to do group content doesn’t hurt community… right…

The idiotic lfg is about the worst thing Blizzard could come up with. Healers listed as tanks, tanks listed as healers, dps listed as tanks . . . Whisper listed players and 1 in 5 will respond. People sit in there just to chat. It’s more efficient to just spam for your party - which is what I do anymore but you STILL have to list yourself. In what kind of drug induced reality is this less frustrating than just spamming chat, ala Classic? It isn’t. Objectively it is not.

Calling RDF “toxic” is about as nuts as calling a summoning stone “toxic.” It’s just a tool used to form groups. That’s it.

Look at you trying to infer there’s only hundreds of players that want RDF.

So now you admit the “community” overwhelmingly wants RDF. Okay w/e.

Conveniences aren’t inherently bad. There’s nothing bad about arrows stacking to 1000. There’s nothing bad about being able to send more items in the mail. There’s nothing bad about not dismounting in water. And there’s nothing bad about RDF.

If people are going to be social they’re going to be social IN the dungeon, not in LFG. In fact people get reported for chatting it up in LFG. The only people that don’t want RDF are boosters because that would destroy their profits, and complete idiots who want to gatekeep dungeons that five naked people with green weapons could clear.

If you’re not in either of those categories and you still believe RDF is “bad” or “toxic” or w/e thing you come up with, then you’re lying to yourself.


Maybe if the system we have did what you claim we’d have a discussion. /Global spam and /whispering “you want to tank?” isn’t soliciting. If any socializing happens it will be while engaging in the content. Or after the content.

Discord has way more socializing. Blizzard isn’t forcing that. Blizzard Communities is more socializing. That’s not being used to replace RDF.

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Like flying in WOD, where they lost over 5 million subs at the beginning of the expansion. Totally genius move.


I haven’t talked to anyone in game that’s actually happy about there being no RDF.

You’d think I’d run into at least 1 person who doesn’t want it but I guess they’re all too busy spamming /4 to reply? :man_shrugging:


People that are happy or aren’t bothered generally don’t spend time listing all the things they’re not upset about in chat/social media

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I literally will ask /2 or /4 and nobody wants the current tool.

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People have been begging for Blizzard to fix servers for decades. Then Blizzard says “we hear you,” look at all their options, and pick the stupidest one they can think of. Kinda’ like a lot of their decisions.


But you didn’t ask the anti-RDF forum users!

Even on here they aren’ the majority. There were two similar thread one for RDF and the other against. The one for RDF had more likes. :rofl:


Me either. I’ve only ever casually brought up the subject in different guild chats to get an honest response. Literally every single person was for RDF. No one was happy about its removal. A couple didn’t care, but would be fine if it was included.


He provided actual FACTS. Seriously I have no idea why me or anyone else is bothering to respond to you.

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I’ve also seen a few who didn’t care either way but usually, they want RDF.

I mean, why would you want to spend time forming a group and running to a dungeon when you could actually be…playing the game?


Everything he said was a fact. It’s difficult if not impossible to prove that almost no one was doing sub level 60 dungeons before RDF but that was the state of the game. Which of those facts do you dispute as just an opinion?

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LOL! This makes about as much sense as any anti RDF argument. I wonder if that’s what the devs actually think.

I’ve been leveling my hunter and for the past 15+ minutes this has been spammed in LFG.

People can’t find groups for low level dungeons during early hours of the game because folks are at work. But… forget them right? They need to go socialize or something and add people to their friends list?

Cross-Realm RDF would help remedy this.


A lot of these people seem to forget that the RDF was created to help remedy the some of same problems that we have right now.


You wouldn’t. It’s a tedious, pointless waste of time.

And if players really loved that kind of design…Classic Era would be booming. But it’s a ghost town.