[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

You first.

I don’t think you have any data to back up that claim.

Blizzard has often made decisions that most of the players don’t support. A blizzard decision isn’t data proving that the majority of players agree. All that is clear here is that you need more study in logic and statistical analysis.


This is juicy, where’d they admit most people want it?

4195 post skim through it. Tons of examples of people claiming RDF was removed for reasons they think but Blizzard has never claimed.

Not going to hand them to you. You do the social experiencing of them yourself. Unless you are lazy.

Nor is absolutely anything provided in this thread considered data in regards to pro messages for why it should be implemented.

Blizzard is a company making money, doing what most players want is in their best interest. It’s not a scientific institution pumping out articles that require peer review.

They send out surveys. Do you know any scholarly institutes that get their data and do their analyses based on forum threads? Nope, because of bias.

Not a single survey they sent out mentioned RDF.


Do you think you’re privy to all?

/shrug i provided an example of blizzard knowingly going against the popular demand and it costing them millions of subs.

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Yes. They’re not a secret, and wowhead has them all.


Surveying in obscurity. Yes, the effective survey methods.

Ok, done with this one. Clearly a forum warrior with no agenda other than bashing people on forums.

With nothing concrete to make that argument anything more than you saying something that’s made up.

WoD didn’t lose millions of subs over flying?


I get told I need to better understand logic and statistical analyses and I’m bashing?

Simply using what was asked to make the point more clear.

I don’t think that’s necessarily true. For example It seemed to me that most people were against the boost. Blizzard did a cost benefit analysis and decided adding the boost made them more money and not enough people would unsub to significantly diminish that profit.

Then they lied about their reasons, most likely because they knew adding the boost would anger many people. They claimed the boost was added so that new players could jump right into the new game. If that was true they would have limited the boost to accounts without a max level character. But I’d bet that more boosts were bought by accounts that already had max level characters then were bought by new players. They chose profits over what most people wanted then lied about it to placate the angry players

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Yes, and apparently learned nothing from the experience.


But you’re really just guessing.

Who’s to say they didn’t analyze all this and decide boosts would provide more income than that lost to angry subs?

This is what happens when a company has no real competition.


They’ve gone from 12 million subs to 1-2 million. And you’re here saying they make all the right choices.

Their track record is that they suck at retaining players.


Cool and you’ve just gone through all of them after seeing what I said but before responding.

Moving on.

Well the retail team learned eventually… took another 3 expansions, but they are finally listening to the community and making changes based off feedback with dragonflight.

It just seems that Brian wants to continue in the OG Blizzard approach of telling players they don’t actually know whats best for them and ignoring feedback to the disservice of the game.

but hey he had an experience in a scuffed WC run once so it justifies it in his mind regardless of the suprising and unrelenting backlash they are getting from it.