[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

I think you mean past that is when gatekeeping and elitism become extremely important. “community” is a nice code word though.


You exist in a community by being on a server that isnt xrealm. That’s by definition.

The problem i have here is if gatekeeping is so bad then there must be a MASSIVE amount of people in these proverbial “shoes”. So making your own group shouldnt be a problem at all. If it is in fact the mass majority of peple doing this (which is community and something i don’t do myself) , then RDF even existing solves nothing that the tool could solve if you used it to form groups yourself but i venture to say you simply dont like creating group like MANY or MOST of you im sure creates the problem you have. RDF solves that problem but is useless in majority in this case. Im all for RDF but i if it was implemented i truly think it should only work with 1-70 dungeons. After all, isn’t it where it really is needed the most across the board?

They will fail at gatekeeping, but they want to try anyway. Still quite elitist though.

I know what the word means by definition but what it is and how it feels are 2 complete different things when you are in an active guild you feel part of the community but as I said a good 70% of all realms is nothing but gdkpers. The game back in the day actually had a real community outside of your guild not anymore


The only reason they would fail is because people starting making their own groups in masses. These people that feel gatekept can solve their problem 100% by constructing their own. Like i said if its truly that type of community now majoritively then rdf solves nothing bc they will just group a 5man and queue into it. RDF group automation only solves a problem for a small percentage of people. What it would solve in a large percentage of people is having for just normal dungeons 1-70. I venture to say more then the prior substantially.

lol, Why even post this hyperbolic garbage?

Simply don’t use that type of loot system or partake in it. If it is in fact the majority of players involved then blizzard needs to step in by eliminating them. Rdf will never solve that problem for it’s used for.

I know what you mean and that’s the experience people / blizzard i believe are hoping to create even in a small form and i find that acceptable.

The truth will set you free

I don’t think you have the capacity to understand what dude is saying… here I have some crayons.

2022 You can’t force community… gaming as a WHOLE is not what it was 15 years ago… you should be old enough to understand this.

Gatekeeping is real… you gatekeep, I gatekeep… 2 expansion with no RDF so far in classic and we’ve seen it… we aren’t sitting here going but what if… it literally happens has happened and will happen… Making your 3rd own group while 2 other groups are forming is not a solution… that leads to taking hours to just run a simple dungeon that literally doesn’t matter in the first place.


Without referencing retail.
Can anyone explain why Random Dungeon Finder is a bad addition to the game.
Explain how that impacts your experience in the game.
Justify your opinion understanding that nobody is holding a gun to your head forcing you to use the system, nor preventing you from queuing with 4 other people you know or chose to group with in LFG chat, ALSO acknowledging that there is absolutely NOTHING preventing you from using the system and running to the instance like you desire.
Also, explain the negative effects that not having RDF has,
Such as low level players near-abanoning dungeons outside those of the highest convenience,
Players on dead servers (or factions) who have little to no recourse to find grouped content.
I’ll wait.


I honestly don’t think anyone can have a intelligent debate about that lol they just say no rdf and peace out can’t justify it at all

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Except adding rdf in the way it was in wotlk forces anyone trying to be even remotely competitive to use the tool.

So it removes the option of not using the tool because using the tool is just to efficient to allow any other option.

Between time saved from the teleport, the extra rewards, the buff to damage and healing, exc. It essentially forces the use of rdf.

Im willing to compromise for an automated grouping tool if it has no teleport, no bonus rewards, no buffs, and no cross realm, and it purely just groups you with people in your level range to do content. But all the other stuff essentially force it to be used.

To efficient lol efficient for what to farm all your heroic gear to be server first in a 15 year old game could play the game the way it was played back then and get out of your min max mindset


This is the problem. People actually think there is some hidden competition. They don’t want other people to have an easy time because they think that means they are losing a competition that doesn’t exist.

Gatekeeping for no reason at all.


Still using the illusion of gatekeeping as your argument i see.

Yes, to efficent to where it essentially forces you to use the system (even if you dont like it) or feel like you are gimping yourself.

In what capacity lol?? You can still fly to the dungeons and group with your wonderful friends/guildmates and prob still power thru said dungeon faster than a mishmosh pug grp thrown together from rfd


Rather naive.

I agree nor never could you. BUT, being on a server with no xrealm fuction in general pve wise is in fact a community by definition. It already exists didnt have to make it. You’re simply living within it and what you do or don’t do ripples in the community regardless if its small or large.

If it doesn’t matter why run it then? It obviously matters in some way. If gatekeeping is so rampant then that’s something blizzard has to directly address that features simply can’t. It will still exist in its entirety … it’s 2022 remember?

Even if i form the group manually i have to use the tool for the “daily” bonus because they removed the daily heroic quest for it to be tied into rdf.

Even if i form the group manually the teleport, ability to bypass lockout limits, and bonus rewards make it essentially mandatory to use the tool.

You want a tool that will group you with others, and i will support that, but remove the things that essentiwlly make it mandatory. I am willing to compromise, but thats not what you want now is it?

No I’m fully ok with a change to it hell even embrace it. Cause in order for it to release on launch it would need to have a 12 dungeon cap so you could only do each heroic once a day so ppl can’t spam heroics for badges and pre raid bis

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