[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

First I’d like to thank the op for making this thread to collect feedback even tho I have a feeling Brian and Co. consider it “case closed” at this point.

Honestly I felt disappointed since I thought it was a given it would return. If not at the start then by whatever phase icc patch would be in. I have fond memories of leveling and learning to tank using lfd during the original wrath (my first tank character, I enjoyed it when people wanted me to q with them again because they thought I was good tank.) It was a punch in the gut to have this feature yanked.

Positives include knowing no matter what spec you are that you will eventually get a group, not staring at a scrolling text moving fast trying to whisper “INV” to be told “sorry full”, porting to the dungeon ready to buff up and roll, and on a pure personal note, the insta ques led me to actually give tanking a try and like it enough to eventually do a bit of raid tanking later on. It’s a HUGE plus for levelers to break up the questing.

I’m obviously biased for it so I can’t think of a true negative. Brian’s “it hurts the community” reasoning for not including it is something I strongly disagree with since the community is what it is without lfd already so I really can’t find a true negative at this point.

Should be included at the start or during Icc phase at the latest since that’s where it “originally was.”


I agree to a point. I think for purely technical issues I would agree and defer to their judgment. I see this decision as more of a philosophical issue and I 'm not sure the devs have a better vantage point than anyone else involved with the game. This isn’t a calculation or number-crunching or an issue that deals with coding or any of the backend stuff that goes into balancing or content creation. This is about a system thats already been created and coded. And once they say things like ‘the spirit of community’ as a reason for not including it I think the only sensible thing is to let ‘the community’ decide.


^kek^ The Devs have clearly not demonstrated that. Maybe the ones that left Blizz already and are on to making better products, but not the yes men who stuck around Bobby’s toxic company.


Which philosophy? Their original philosophy was “authenticity first”, even echoing the “No-changes” mantra every once in awhile. They added spell batching and everyone who wasn’t blinded by their disdain for the Modern game knew it was an absolutely terrible idea. They weren’t even consistent with this philosophy anyways.

For TBCC, they wanted to “work with the community on the types of QoL changes they’d like to see.” The community, through several enormous polls, made it clear we wanted Dual Spec in TBCC and Blizzard didn’t say a word. They didn’t work with us at all, they ignored the community or at least their abysmal communication sure makes it seem that way.

Now with WoTLKC, they’re seemingly going with lessening QoL. They were even considering additional restrictions to Dual Spec until myself and a few others actually got through to them by pestering Brian on Twitter. At the very least, their communication is a little better now.

They need to poll players in-game. That’s it, that’s the way they get accurate data for whatever changes they’re thinking about making. Poll us, present us with the polling data and then make their decision, whatever it may be. That’s what Blizzard should be doing. From the start of the Classic project, they’ve said over and over again “We want to work with the community.” Maybe it’s time they actually do that.


Ya appealing to authority when that authority is blizzard is not a strong argument. Btw I think we finally found Blooms main.

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This isn’t their game. The developers who made Wrath are long gone.


This post appears to be more of a “let’s kill other posts for LFD to make the community backlash seem less” than about “taking notes to post in community council forums”. It’s easier to get people to not read down a megathread than make them ignore the continuously posted “why LFD is good” by different players. If notes were the goal, why not just pull them from other threads?

This Dev team/corporate team have made it pretty clear they don’t care about quality or listening to the community. They ignore all posts both here and on Twitter about obvious botting locations and how to fix it. They ignore the community on LFD. They consistently have an attitude of “we know what’s best” while demonstrating they in fact don’t. They seem to only care about monetizing Classic as best they can, like all of their products right now. Hopefully things change when Microsoft takes the helm. Maybe that’s the point though, ActiBlizz is trying to loot the playerbase before another company takes over. Who knows. But it’s pretty obvious they care little for making good games.


People keep saying this but it’s not even close to being true, unless you contribute the entire development of the game to a few popular names regularly passed around here. There’s still dozens and dozens of people who worked on WoTLK still working at Blizzard.

Just to name a few who are still on the WoW team:

Owen Landgren
Brian Birmingham
Patrick Dawson
Morgan Day
Eric Maloof

The list is far longer than that, especially when you include the large number of people who worked on WoTLK and are now on the Diablo IV team.


Working on a game in a low level fashion doing coding doesn’t mean they were on the design team or created the systems/lore/art we all enjoyed.

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I specifically linked some game designers there because I knew someone was going to do exactly what you just did. Really funny that you would mention art, because more than anyone else if you look at game credits, it looks like the artists at Blizzard from the WoTLK era are the ones who stuck around the most.

Tom Chilton is still at Blizzard.

I noticed you left out Tom Chilton…who was the SOLE LEAD GAME DESIGN for Wrath of the Lich King.

Tom Chilton: stepped down from working on WoW
Rob Pardo: Left Blizz
Jefferey Kaplan: Left Blizz

All three were lead designers for TBC. All three exited WoW within a few years of each other after Activision stepped on the scene. With two of those three having left Blizz altogether.

Ok, what is your point?

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You left out the main designers on purpose and put forth people who were not design leads for WotLK. Seems a bit dishonest, does it not?

There’s no point in even conversing with you. Read the post I was responding to and then read my post again.

“Main designers.” Tell me you know nothing about game development.

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Your response:

Then you post names that are not the lead designers responsible for the finished product we enjoyed, just people who worked on the project. That’s dishonest to the point you were trying to make, as I pointed out.

I am definitely not a Blizzard shill if this is what you’re implying. I can understand why you would say this but, if anything, I hate Blizzard as a company more than any other company, they just happen to own the game that I love.

I quit retail back in Mist of Pandaria, I believe my line back then about it was “They made an expansion about a f***ing April’s Fools joke from Warcraft 3. I’m done.”
I’ve played private servers because I wanted nothing to do with Activision Blizzard. Classic is the only Blizzard game I’ve touched since then outside of private servers and I’m only interested in making sure that the Classic experience can at least be better than private servers, so far it hasn’t been that great considering the game has been plagued with boosting, gold seller, bots, low PvP participation due to horrible changes that makes no sense, server/factions imbalance, etc.
I was, and still am, beyond pissed that Blizzard made players pay for a solution to a problem they caused with server transfers, I’m beyond mad at them for the last 3 seasons of PvP being so bad and I feel the need to throw my desk out the window whenever I open the bulletin board add-on.

I don’t know why Blizzard decided to choose me nearly a year after my application to the council, especially after I yelled at their customer service for several days, but they did, so I’m going to make the most of it and give the opportunity to not just myself but everyone to at least have some exposure on the council they made. I have very little hope that it will amount to anything, but I’ll try regardless, because WoW Classic means a lot to me, more than anything else.

Believe me or not, I’m not going to blame you or anyone for their skepticism or disdain.


He didn’t say “lead designers.” Come on, this is embarrassing dude.


“Developers” typically refers to the lead designers, not every code monkey who worked on the project.

No it doesn’t.

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