[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

They cant call classic coke classic coke if they change the recipe.

It is just that simple.

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It’s not a waste of time (any more than playing WoW is a waste of time itself). It gets you a group to do the content with!

I actually enjoy playing the content of this game. I like leveling, I like questing, I like doing dungeons, and I like raiding. I don’t rush to the end game to raid log. I like to play the whole game. What I don’t like is not playing the game while I often struggle for hours to find people to play the game with. You may enjoy spamming lf tank or healer for dungeon x for hours. You may even be so desperate for any connection to anyone that you think that spamming is a social interaction. But it’s not a social interaction and it’s not fun for me. I’d rather be playing the content of the game. Rdf gets me to play the content of the game much more


Who’s gonna tell him? This is satire right?

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So what youre telling me is you dont play classic wow at the moment? Have you played vanilla and tbc?

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I’ve legitimately only very rarely run into this situation. What I did those couple times was do something else. It was totally fine!

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I played the first week vanilla was released through to BFA. I quit and came back for classic the first week it was released. Played through bc but I won’t play wrath unless/until they add rdf, I’m just effin around with shadowlands now and then because it’s free to play.


The only way that’s possible is if you only tank or heal or you rarely do dungeons. Otherwise I don’t believe you.

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Okay. Well. I do a lot of dungeons.

I do tank a lot, because I play a lot of tank classes. I also heal on my priest when a group needs one. I also have several pure dps toons at 65/70. All leveled by me.

I’m just recounting my genuine experience.

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If you claim you do a lot of dungeons on several pure dps classes and usually have no trouble finding a group I don’t believe you.


Could very well be the difference high pop and low pop servers.

Which of course, RFD would help alleviate that issue.


I guess that’s your prerogative. Sounds like you don’t use the tools available to you very effectively.

What Aguy isnt mentioning is all the friends they make tanking and healing for people. You know, if you make friends in an mmo, you can skip alot of the tedium youre complaining about by building your own no teleport realm locked RDF!, and the constituents of it are for you to choose! right there in your friends list!

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#nomoreservers would also alleviate the issue.

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  1. Mad
  2. Would help a lot low realm pop and help managing our time at the beginning of the expac/gearing up alt A LOT.
  3. Literally nothing. That “friendship and sense of community” narrative has been a fairy tales since pre-TBC for me. In classic, it might have been true. For the entire TBC expac and maybe beyond, EVERY SINGLE people I met just group, will barely talk, and just want to finish the dung ASAP. This excuse we’ve been served ad nauseam is either a façade for something else or whoever made the call is quite disconnected from the game overall.
  4. No. Just put LFD.

EDIT: I forgot in point 2: Would made me a lot less likely to rip my own eyes off reading the trade chat. Thanks.


ya, this LFG tool just sucks. i set my self to healer and instead it displays me as a tank. ok so i join the group and THEN set my self healer: great it works! then it resets when i leave party. why did they spend resources on this thing? take the retail version and port that over if you have to: the one blizzard made for classic is just terrible.

p.s. please remove the requirement to use the LFG tool just to post in the LFG channel. i don’t want to use it, i’d rather just post there instead but it can’t be done.


This might be the part I’m most confused about.

They developed this new tool, which is similar but worse in every way I can tell, than one that already existed.


You mis understood what they were saying. Putting together a group is tedious. its hard to find tanks. The only way in game to skip out on that tedium reliably is when you run across people who are good players and you enjoy playing with, to interact socially with them, to make finding a group easier next time they are online. Do that with enough people and youve built yourself a nice little dungeon community, that will have you certainly doing better than an rdf queu even would.

I think i found the fix/reason for this is bug; it defaults to whatever you have in your talents window in the upper right corner btw.

Yeah i dont get this. they def did need to change it somewhat becausee ret paladins can tank spriests can heal etc, especially for leveling. but its a pretty bad implementation.

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