[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

That’s just, like… your opinion, man!

That’s fine, but I like to tickle myself with the idea that whenever you see a guy, for the rest of your life, you’ll just get instilled with this mild, back of your mind frustration that’ll get harder and harder to put your finger on <3

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I appreciate you’ve finally admitted it, thank you old friend.


I mean the mudslinging has gotten pretty ridiculous at this point. Let’s have some fun with it lol

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One thing we can agree on is some people are taking it a bit too far, but that’s to be expected with online interactions.

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Would love Dungeon Finder, I love how they’re actively changing classic to increase game time, slimey corporation for yah.


I’m sure the part where you think 4 complete strangers are interested and excited when you start socializing in a pug was a figment of your imagination.

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We’re still in a guild together! Got a random whisper asking if I’d tank BFD back in P1 Classic, we shot the :poop:, had a great time, then guilded up!

In all honesty, it was super weird to me at the time (I was super apprehensive to give my even my irl first name), because I’d never made friends online before, but I’m glad I did.
Since then I’ve been much more open and receptive in my groups, and that’s led to even more relationships, big and small.

Made me realize the game is primarily about that, and not about rushing for gear/max level.
I’ve played wow casually off and on for over a decade, I’d have quit again a long time ago if it weren’t for the friends. Having people I like to play with actually pushed me into playing much more seriously.

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This is my impression of anti LFDers in general. They seem to be socially awkward and think socializing is forced interactions.


How many dungeons have you done and how often has that happened. I get that math is hard for some people but I didn’t say no one ever talks in a pug or it never happens.

In the thousands of pugs I’ve been in I too can relate one or two times I chatted and made a friend. I’m 65 and there was also one time in real life that a girl asked me out on a date. But that’s not how 99% of my dates began.


The fact that you think it’s mudslinging to call you detached from reality when you believe that the only people who want RDF are gamer dads and zoomers is b-bloody-nanas insane. My dude, listen to yourself. You think zoomers are a notable demographic that plays Classic WoW. Let alone the farce that the other primary driving force is gamer dads. You know, rather than just everyone generally, since RDF is desired by the majority. It’s the anti-RDF minority that is born out of a scant few, specific demographics. A very easy way to not have it pointed out that you are detached from reality is to not actually be detached from reality.

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I do not agree with it, and would have liked to see the RDF added from the start, not even just later as it was originally.

Much easier to get groups at lower levels, especially finding tanks and/or heals.

Not having to spend time/energy spamming for people to join the group or scouring the listings. I just find the group finder tedious. Instead I can pop into queue, do whatever other things I wanted to do (real life or in game) and wait for the queue to pop.

Cross server is a clear positive. Being able to play with friends that didn’t end up on the same server, or have moved elsewhere for other reasons etc. Breaking down barriers to play with friends is always a positive.

Some people certainly will treat others worse or be less social because it’s a random interaction. I don’t honestly believe those same people will act all that differently with the current tool either. Sometimes people want to make friends, sometimes they just wanna blast the dungeon, both are ok.

World PvP certainly takes a hit. I might argue not everyone wants to have to deal with world PvP to get into a dungeon. Sometimes it’s fun, sometimes you just want to get the dungeon done.

I know I’m super late to this party, but it could have been something like connect a handful of realms and turn RFD on those (even if they were only fresh realms or whatever). Then players can choose to play on those servers if they desired.

I’m all for giving choice and options to players. Blizzard has done a pretty good job of trying to give people different choices on where and how they can play for their Classic experience, and I think they missed an opportunity here.

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  1. How do you feel about Dungeon Finder not being added to WotLK Classic?

Not happy about it. RDF helped me see dungeons I have never seen and makes traveling to them bearable at low levels.

  1. What do you think are the positives of having Dungeon Finder?

More dungeons are explored, better gear for better leveling, new ways to level instead of questing mindlessly, groups are made MUCH more easily, helps eliminate these terrible queue times.

  1. What do you think are the negatives of having Dungeon Finder?

I have played WotLK private servers for years with it and retail WotLK was better with it. I don’t see a reason for it not to exist.

    1. Do you think an hybrid solution could be implemented, whether it be a partial Dungeon Finder or a different solution altogether, and what could that solution be, if you can think of any?

Why fix what isn’t broken?


1 hour LF1M tank currently in LFG. Woo…
Edit: I also wanna add I’m in my 50’s and with 8 dungeons ticked, only 11 listing and mine is the only “group”. This is ridiculous. /:


I think long term private server players see what comes after. After everyone has completed ICC and other content what then? Maybe you can live with no RDF for a year or two years, but then what? A lot of them will probably quit because they are just here to raid log and then get bored. They will make everyone live with the consequences of these bad changes.

People that have been playing Wrath for several years can see the problem that this causes down the road. I’d prefer this was resolved sooner rather than later, but any time within the next couple years would be fine.

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What gives you the impression I’m socially awkward? Hahah

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I talk in most of my dungeons, but a more pertinent answer is that if the situation I’ve described happens only rarely, it’s still worth keeping the system that encourages it to happen, rather than implementing a change that discourages it.

Ye olde antiquated gender norms.

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Good way to know right away your post is gonna have an abundance of good faith points in it :+1:t4:

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Not for me. Playing the content is worth more to me than wasting hours of time looking for people to play the content with. The off chance that I might in some extremely rare circumstance make a friend isn’t worth the cost of all the wasted time.

You mean the ability to understand math? Yeah, that does seem to be an antiquated norm. Do you think your problem with math is because of poor schooling or lack of intelligence?

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Update; Couldn’t find tank, asked guild, the party finally fell apart after an hour and some change.

Welp. I’m close to leaving. You trolls are ruining this game lmao.
Bring back RDF ffs. I wanna do dungeons bro.


