[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

Sounds like there’s no need for RDF then.

What I really mean is that if RDF is absent, then there’s more motivation to build relationships so that you have less friction the next time you want to form a group.

Yeah being teleported into a dungeon/BG really helps you feel immersed in a world, and not like you’re playing a MOBA.

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What are you doing?

If the rdf took you out of the world that a personal choice, it’s a you problem. I was more active in the world after the rdf was added because I didn’t have to spam /4 to find a group. Instead of sitting in town looking at the lfg chat channel. I joined the rdf with a couple of guildies, then went out into the world to farm or quest until my dungeon popped. After it was over I was teleported back to the world to continue farming or questing.

If you didn’t use the rdf that way it’s 100% a you problem

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He’ll get abusive and start namecalling when he starts losing an argument, just report him when he does and move on.

Making clear and obvious arguments that you’re unable to counter or refute.

Unless you intended to reply to all factors of my post, kindly piss off.
Not interested in people so uneducated and intellectually stunted they cant even focus for a single paragraph.


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The new LFG tool fixes this. Honestly tho, if you can’t quickly open the bulletin board or look at chat while you’re questing/farming, you’ve got bigger problems than a lack of RDF.

Sounds like it takes you out of the feeling that you’re in a world. It breaks immersion. It takes you out of it.

It quite literally takes you out of the world, puts you somewhere else, then pops you back into the world. No continuity or sense whatsoever. That’s what a lobby game does. Not an RPG.

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You asked a question and I answered it.

You seem kinda emotionally stunted, ngl.

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Tbf, since we gained the new system I have not talked to or remembered the name of a single pug. We invite them, say “Yo” and get going. I don’t know who thought no-RDF was going to magically make the dozens of pugs I’ve seen interact, but I haven’t seen it at all.

The opposite, actually. On Lordaeron, one of the largest issues with no RDF was players would get on and spend hours per day forming groups and flying to Heroics for 12 heroics per day per character. The overworld was absolutely dead. Once RDF was added, as all of those servers eventually do, the world was booming. People could queue and actually go play the game during that queue


Like getting teleported by the dungeon stone, using a flight point or flying above everything. It takes me out of the world and to the dungeon. I don’t see any of those things as immersion in the world. Should they all be removed too?

I can’t. I tried that and discovered that unless I stare at the chat constantly I lose out on the /w race. Without a queue it becomes a whisper race and the one focused totally on chat is the one who wins the /w race and gets the group

That doesn’t logically follow in any way. RDF relieves massive amounts of tedium from the analog LFG process and breathes life into out-of-the-way leveling dungeons, leveling dungeons in general as we move into further into the expansion, and all dungeons during off hours and on servers with population issues. The fact that there isn’t any need or meaningful impetus to form social bonds for the sake of humdrum dungeons has nothing to do with RDF.

Incredibly minor amounts of motivation which, when it does “pan out”, is 99% just people using people rather than forming any kind of meaningful bond like you do for difficult content. Moreover the majority don’t even engage in that kind of faux-social, parasitical networking. As a matter of observable reality we can see that players do not respond to analog LFG by creating communities of any kind, and instead just endure the intense tedium of the process.

Would it make you feel better if a mage NPC showed up to open you a portal? RDF allows most dungeon crawlers to actually get out and engage in the world for the dozen other reasons they have to do so that doesn’t involve traveling to a dungeon, instead of sitting in town staring at LFG chat or refreshing an analog LFG interface for anywhere between 5 and 60 minutes (or more) and then “being in the world” by AFK traveling to a dungeon.

RDF does precisely nothing to stop you from continuing to travel to dungeons manually as a personal choice. I know mature takes are not the forte of the anti-RDF crusaders, but you can do what you want to do without forcing others to do so. I hate questing generally, but when I played MoP for a few months I actually enjoyed the stories. I enjoyed them so much that I went full personal headcannon RP. I really imagined what would be happening to and around my character depending on the quest, and instead of flying around 24/7 I pretended that my dragon was not my mount so much as a kind of LotR eagle type character that would only appear in specific and dramatic situations, while I would walk, run, or ride my turtle otherwise. Imagine what a child it would make me if, instead of just making those personal decisions for myself and playing how I wanted, I lobbied to have flying removed or restricted so that I wouldn’t have to suffer the absolute pearl-clutching indignity of having to choose to forgo the most efficient means of completing those quests so that I could experience them how I wanted.


That’s not the point. The point is that if you want to reduce the friction of forming groups, it serves you to interact and build relationships.

The current coddled social anxiety zoomer/10 kids 40 jobs lazy dad gamer demographic is way too big, so yeah, there is a huge population of players who suck at making friends and relationships with the players in game. These players are better suited to retail, where you just play solo perfectly fine.

Being teleported to a dungeon takes you out of the world. It completely breaks immersion. It doesn’t belong in an RPG.

Trust me, I used to think this too. I played on those No-RDF Servers on Warmane because I thought it was a great idea.

It’s actually the most damaging change to the formula.

The reason people stopped interacting isn’t because we didn’t auto-fly across Northrend before the dungeon together, it’s because unfortunately Wrath dungeons/Heroics are extremely easy and you’re incentivized to do a LOT every day per character.

What this results in is 2 camps:
1: They log outside of Gundrak, share the Gundrak daily, blast it, log and do that for all of their alts, then they play the game.
2: They do 12 Heroics every day possibly on multiple characters, leading to extreme burnout. Hell, even less talking because they need to get through 12 of these per day and just want to hurry.

It kills the servers super fast. Sweaty modern players + No-RDF in Wrath where Heroics are a core part of the experience really sucks.

When they re-added RDF to the server it literally saved the server. It’s what showed me the literal consequences of no-RDF, and the benefits of RDF (Especially when leveling lowbie alts)

Just so you don’t think I’m making it up, there’s the post. Even look at the responses, it’s largely people just thanking god that it’s getting added.

This is our future. This exact course of events is going to repeat.


Yes. Please. FTLOG, take out summoning stones. A warlock opening a summoning portal makes sense. The summoning stones do not. There are just a bunch of stones conveniently placed outside dungeons that can ONLY summon players of a certain power? I can’t suspend my disbelief that far.

Give Warlocks their identity back. Bring back the awesome emergent gameplay that is Azeroth Express taxi services.

This is immersive. If you want to go somewhere you can hire a gryphon/wind rider to fly there. They even have different mounts to match the area you’re flying from. This is an old system, and you can tell because it’s immersive as hell.

This is immersive, but for other reasons I agree — get rid of flying mounts.

I can tell you didn’t expect me to say yes lol

You either have very very bad luck or you haven’t been trying that hard.

If you focus on farming and just keep an eye out every once in a while, you’re gonna get a group before long.

I have lots of friends in rl and in guild and on my friend list. The problem is people who are so socially stunted that they thing posting /inv please and saying thanks for the group when the dungeon is done is a social interaction. It’s clear they have so little social interaction they have to force people to talk to them.

I still had my guild friends and my friend list and I even talked to people in general chat after rdf was added. If the rdf made the game less social for you you must not have had a good guild or good friends or you were to antisocial to talk in any of the many chat channels. I really feel sorry for you people.

This is honestly the most compelling argument I’ve heard. Thanks for not being a screeching casual lol

I guess we’ll see how it goes this time around. Best of luck out there my man.


Ooh yeah, very clear. You’ve pinned me.

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It’s really sad how no amount of logic or evidence or observable reality will sway these people, given they don’t actually base their opinions on any of those things. They have an agenda based on a superstitious gut feeling and just say whatever to attempt to justify that feeling or “win” arguments.

I did! You would happily ruin every re-release if given the chance.

I don’t know that there’s a floor large enough to properly rofl at this. Ye, bring back the emergent toxicity of summoning networks. They’re almost as good as the emergent toxicity of the modern Classic analog LFG experience, or the emergent toxicity of the hyper turbo meta-slave culture Classic has. I almost couldn’t tell if I was in 2019 or 2004 with those immediately pervasive spellcleave leveling groups. Don’t even get me started on the 25 fury warriors in every raid. Ugh, it was like I was a teenager again!


I usually go get a snack while I’m flying. Or I play with my dogs. The only immersion I get on a flight path comes from ignoring the game and focusing on my real life in the real world.

I’m not surprised. There’s a lot of people who didn’t like the original game and keep trying to change it.

That’s simply not true. Either you never tried it or you don’t like doing dungeons much. Considering how much you don’t like about the game I’m not surprised you don’t want to do content much. You’re a perfect example of a raid logger

I never thought you’d admit it but yes, I think I have.