[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

You want him to prove a negative? To you have any idea how the burden of proof works?

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I enjoy 2008 mmorpgs. I’d like to replay the mmorpg released in Nov 2008, Wrath of the Lich King. Unfortunately they decided not to release that game as it was. You can like the retail changes they made to it but with those changes it’s not the 2008 game.

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I know you’re nothing but a troll.


Good news it released without rdf! Youve got it!

ALso, its good youre letting blizzard know it wont impact their sub numbers in your case, if they keep developing for us! Thanks for your continuing support!!!

No, what’s disingenuous is saying heinously bad-faith things like this:

Something is disingenuous by being insincere and attempting to deceive, which is what you are doing with both of these quoted comments. RDF was in no way, shape, or form a Cataclysm system. It is a system that the Wrath developers (by their own admission) would have included in Wrath’s release had they had the system ready then. It existed for half of the entire lifespan of the expansion, which is a literal fact that misrepresents nothing. It was not a Cataclysm system that was released as an emergency solution for a known content draught, but rather a delayed Wrath system that was included with the final major content patch that lasted an entire year and represented half of the expansion’s total run.

WoW did not have 10% of the problems then that it does now of players playing the first half of an expansion and then dropping off massively, both in retail and Classic. Further, even as the playerbase numbers were leveling off the churn that was happening was very real, meaning that existing players were leaving but being replaced by entirely new players. On top of the incredible number of players who played the entire expansion through, and therefor had RDF for half of the expansion, there are a significant number of players who started in Wrath and knew either nothing but RDF, or almost nothing but RDF. That group includes players that played Wrath for 3 months, 6 months, an entire year, and even people who played for, say, 15 months. RDF was an iconic Wrath system, and the only possible reason anyone would dispute that objective fact would be if they were trying to push an agenda.


So that’s a no? You are unfamiliar with the burden of proof ? You want someone to prove a NEGATIVE?

I didn’t want the changes they made to vanilla classic nor the changes they made to TBC classic. And I don’t like the changes they made to wrath. It’s ok if you wanted those changes but don’t pretend they re-released the original games.


You’re correct, my apologies. I meant 2004, which is Vanilla’s release.

There were a couple hundred thousand more people playing Classic release than are playing now, just fyi.

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This is such a tired gaslight argument. The changes make the game more like 2004* than retail.

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I feel you man. Wrath would be a lot better off if people like you stopped trying to strip it of iconic and massively beneficial and loved systems.

The irony is so thick I almost want to put a pad of butter and some cinnamon on it.

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There wasn’t any RDF in 2008! Congrats!

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Blizzard knows exactly how many people only play classic, how many only play retail, and how many play both. They even have information on those who play both breaking it down to mostly retail and mostly wrath. If you don’t think they have all that data and they use it when allocating resources you’re more ignorant than your posts here show.

It eliminates the need to build relationships to play through all but the tippy top most difficult content.

It makes the game a single player lobby. It takes you out of the world. It is antithetical to an RPG.

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And somehow you think this wasnt taken into account when they made the no rdf decision? lol

Blizzard would be the best cohort to decide whether or not it makes sense to implement RDF then.

They know that if they don’t implement it, it won’t drive away exclusively Classic players, and the others will just go back to retail. No loss.

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Wow… Guy, bloomy and Nyse all ganging up on someone taking the side of their anti-RDF agenda.

Color me tickled

Explain how knowing how many people play the game gives them information about how many want the rdf. Source that data that shows how they took it into account.

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No it doesn’t. There is already no need to build any relationships to do normal and heroic dungeons (even less-so for Wrath than TBC, which is saying something since it already basically didn’t exist in TBC), and the vast majority of players do not do so for that content. They just suffer the tedium of LFG and are no more social than they would be with RDF.

People will make social connections for content which requires it, like heroic achievement runs and raids. RDF has no impact on either.

Literally doesn’t. It gets more people out into the world, not fewer.


You got suckered in to an argument by pro grade trolls. You cannot win this argument because they will constantly move the goalposts… and you got three of them on you.

Good luck if you choose to stay.

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Again explain how knowing the number of players gives them any information on how many want the rdf removed. How does simply knowing the numbers give them any information about whether anyone would quit over the change. You’re just pulling crp our of you az and have no clue what you’re talking about.

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