[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

This is only being brought up in reference to the timeline of when RDF was introduced. Obviously.

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Oh look a straw man, its almost as if i said

I have a friend list too, and a guild. Almost everyone does. But I’m not the type of person who asks friends to stop what they’re doing to help me level an alt. Often my friends are busy with other things or no longer need the dungeon I want to do, or aren’t on when I want to do a dungeon. Maybe you don’t want to do many dungeons. Or maybe you’re the type of person who feels comfortable constantly asking friends or guildies to drop what they’re going to do a favor and help you. The fact is most of us don’t treat our friends that way. That’s why so many of us pug even though we’re in a guild and have friends list

No one needs it. No one needs the new lfg tool either. Some of us just want to do more dungeons than other players. I’d do 3 times as many dungeons with the rdf than you would with your friend list of pugs, unless you only tank or heal. But clearly doing dungeons isn’t a big part of your game play. You don’t care about it which isn’t a problem but you also want to deprive those who like running dungeons of a chance to do them often


That’s obviously a troll. Blizz has removed an authentic system from Wrath and replaced it with a cobjob system from Retail.

They are literally turning Wrath into Retail with these changes.


Good to know you are a hypocrite then. You are making distinctions between things that have none. You want to arbitrarily limit dungeon runs in Northrend, but not in earlier dungeons? Why? The main point against RDF was its impact on socialization and being “retail” like. Both of which are nonsense, but if we assume they aren’t then you clearly don’t even grasp what it means for RDF to be or not be in the game.


oh hi! see you in northrend!

I spell it out clearly, there, but it looks like theyre airing on the side of giving you nothing, so have fun with that! see you in northrend.

Gaslighting aside, the changes are steering Classic away from retail.

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There is no way to get to retail from Wrath if there were no changes. By making changes we are making what was impossible now possible.

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Post ICC Wrath is much much closer to retail than Vanilla.

Steering back toward Vanilla is the best thing they could do, and I’m glad their vision for Classic lines up with my values in this case.

Provide proof that no one has quit because rdf was removed. Provide proof that zaalg will not quit because rdf was removed.

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Wrath is not Vanilla and making arbitrary changes ruins the authenticity of the experience. Some of the changes so far might line up with what you want, but if changes are possible then anything can happen. It made a lot more sense to either take the game with warts and all or not at all.

The changes made already have not aligned with more people than it has so they are doing a pretty bad job so far.


This is how you just lie constantly. I’m not playing wrath unless rdf is added. Right now I’m playing fx14 and shadowlands since it’s free to play.

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I, for one, truly hope that players who don’t enjoy old school 2007-style MMORPGs quit playing them, rather than try to get them to change into modern MMO”RPG”s

Good for you, I hope you enjoy playing your modern games. Wrath isn’t that kind of game, and that’s okay!

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I guess i’ll find that out when you no longer have an active sub to repond on the forums, until then SEE YOU IN NORTHREND COMRADE

AMEN /10 char

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That’s so ridiculously arbitrary. You might be fine with 80% of the playerbase quitting, but I doubt Blizzard would. Thankfully the game is still 95% Wrath as it was, but at this rate they are going to continue to reduce the authenticity of the experience until it reaches some threshold that players no longer find agreeable.


Without referencing retail.
Can anyone explain why Random Dungeon Finder is a bad addition to the game.
Explain how that impacts your experience in the game.
Justify your opinion understanding that nobody is holding a gun to your head forcing you to use the system, nor preventing you from queuing with 4 other people you know or chose to group with in LFG chat, ALSO acknowledging that there is absolutely NOTHING preventing you from using the system and running to the instance like you desire.
Also, explain the negative effects that not having RDF has,
Such as low level players near-abanoning dungeons outside those of the highest convenience,
Players on dead servers (or factions) who have little to no recourse to find grouped content.
I’ll wait.


I can get my sub for free in retail. and the shadowlands is free too. I don’t expect that much from a free to play game. But I won’t be playing wrath. You claim you can back up everything you post. If you’re not a liar prove that no one has quit wrath because the rdf was removed. Rhetorical statement though. We all know you lie constantly

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