[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

Removing dungeon finder for BG’s ruined portions of the community. Having to go to SW to queue is stopping people from enjoying dueling while waiting for a BG queue to pop, or doing anything actually out in the world. I dont see how having 100’s of people sitting in stormwind keep doing nothing is healthy for the game.

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All I can say is not having a functioning Dungeon Finder is really killing the experience for me already. Really hope they change this sooner than later. One of the most helpful QOL changes that has come to the game.


I don’t stay up to date on WoW since I haven’t played it in a little over a year, but I was hyped to return to classic for WotLK, and I restarted my sub a few days ago to level up my classic warrior. That hype died about 3 hours ago when I started poking around and wondering why the Looking for Group tool in game wasn’t what I remembered from 13 years ago. At first I wasn’t sure how long I was going to stay subbed for WotLK classic, but that question was answered for me today.

I loved queuing for random dungeons, and Wrath dungeons were my favorites. I would even voluntarily tank sometimes when the bonus bag was being offered, and I hated tanking. Would I get loaded into the dreaded Oculus or Halls of Reflection, or would I get a nice comfy Utgarde or Gundrak run? I’ll never forget that Pit of Saron run where I randomly was dropped in with a fun 4-man premade of guildies from another realm, and I won a battered hilt with a perfect roll of 100! Random dungeons were where I learned how to heal on my druid, and gave me confidence to go on and provide that kind of support to my guild when I’d never played that kind of role before.

Those are all good memories I had of the random dungeon finder. Even when I wasn’t already at the max level, I would run some Wailing Caverns or Maraudon or Razorfen Downs and maybe get some new gear to help me with the grind. I just had to click a button, and let the adventure come to me. Let it pull me into it, and when it was over, I was put back where I had been. Can’t do that anymore, I guess.

I mean, if they’re going to “fix” the dungeon finder like this, then why even have a “classic experience.” Bring on the heirloom gear, transmog, and the new better auction house UI right now. Let’s not wait until Cata for old world flying. They should have reworked the old world from the start and let us fly 3 years ago in Classic, because why not? If they can improve WotLK by excising one of its later divisive features, why couldn’t they improve the other classic eras by also fixing or adding on to it? Why preserve things like terrible quest item drop rates anymore when it can be fixed now in this second chance? Let’s see some Mastery stats on gear instead of doing the annoying Hit and Expertise math. Screw nostalgia and fix all the things that were wrong or were missing.

Oh, right, because that’s “not how the game was back then.” Those things weren’t there in 2009.

You know what was?


Best decision blizzard could have made for classic. It never should have been added in the first place, and playing classic proved that to me. I haven’t had an easier time finding groups in live as ive had in classic since it was added.

I would like to see dungeon finder implemented for only normal dungeons, perhaps later on in the expansion including heroics although this i don’t think is necessary.

The LFG tool just needs to be at least as polished as the retail LFG tool. If there is an addon, like bulletin board, that makes finding a group a less of a hassle than using the LFG tool… then the LFG tool has failed.

One of the problems with the LFG tool is the roles (damage / tank / healer) sometimes resets and a player will go from being marked as a healer to being marked as a tank. The game is not remembering peoples’ roles and roles can be randomly reset back to tank, which seems to be the default option. Yes, this is a bug that can be fixed but it’s worth mentioning when bugs like this don’t get fixed at all or it takes a very long time to fix them.

Other problem with the LFG tool is tanks and healers are more scarce in classic than in retail… this is because both roles are harder in classic than in retail. In retail you can be semi afk as a healer and still complete a dungeon because the tanks heal themselves. In retail, as a tank, you just act like a DPS with aggro, but it’s not that easy in classic. Retail tanks don’t need a specific set of tank gear or a stat like defense to achieve before they’re viable tanks.

Finding a tank/healer is very time consuming in classic compared to retail which is what the RDF tool helped with… by finding it for you in the fastest way possible, by putting you in line, and guaranteeing you’ll get one eventually.

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1.Absolutely hate it was the single biggest thing i was looking forward too along with many of my friends.

2.Easier groups so we have access to more content and get to enjoy the dungeons and groups rather than having to looking for people and waste time we can get straight into it and enjoy it to the fullest.

3.Nothing if you don’t like it for any reason then just don’t use it.

4.No the solution is you add RDF and then allow people to choose if they wish to use it or not nobody is forced to use RDF however with it not being implemented we “Forced” to do things the other way.


If you want to keep your subs then add RDF and quit talking about dumbing it down. Just add it back in like it’s supposed to be and be done with it. More time you waste the more money you lose. PERIOD


Keep this thread pumping let blizzard know we want RDF


Ready to give my 100% 2c here. I am prepared to be trolled.

Almost thought about quitting, still do tbh.

  1. Less/Easier time to find groups.
  2. Accessibility to older content.
  3. People can play on odd hours.
  4. No one gatekeeping for gear types.

Nothing. We have Final Fantasy XIV as proof that Dungeon Finder does not harm social aspects of the game. That is one of the most talkative games I ever seen but in the dungeons, there isn’t much talk at all. It’s the same as we do here, “Hi/gg/bye” then outside there are things to do and people talk in towns and RP. The same for Retail but it’s much worse though, because people troll the chat so hard.

I’m gonna be honest, I’ve mentioned suggestions but now I am done because LFD/RDF was a superior tool.

Also lately as a healer main on Faerlina, I’m still having a hard time finding dungeons.
It takes an hour if not more, the amount of people are LFG ain’t that much either.
I don’t see many even LFG in /4 anymore either. Yes I am LFM, too. It’s odd when I have to look for a DPS for the 25 mins on a very populated Horde server.

At the end of the day - This is a video game first. I am not here to put socializing first.
Call me an anti-social, loser nerd like some of you been calling us all you like, I just wanna do dungeons.
So really, if you guys cannot come up with a better solution, or a better tool or simply add RDF then I will unsub. You did it right before Blizzard, respect your players time. You know what the right thing to do, just do it for us please.


Here’s my take on the questions being asked by OP:

  1. I personally don’t care whether it is added or not.

  2. Postives: Looking at RDF in 2022 i think the biggest area it can help with is normal dungeons up to and inlcuding any at lvl 80 (non heroic non raid).

  1. Negatives: I wasn’t a fan of the xrealm with it. Had quite a few bad experiences and doesn’t help with tanks/healers because now you’re adding even more dps to the queue FORCING all dps to share the queue time til dungeon creation. Rolling more tanks and healers is the only option that helps this area not RDF.
  1. My suggestion for a “hybrid” solution woud simply be have RDF where it really matters and that’s in normal dungeons only. You run in to alot more tanks and healers at these levels as well. Just a huge plus. At max level all heroics and raids should stay lfg as this is when some form of socialization will become integral to progression.
  1. Honestly? Incredibly disappointed. Using the RDF was one of my favorite parts of Wrath originally, and to this day a large amount of my time played is spent using it.
  2. The positives mostly include making it much easier to find groups for dungeons. It takes way too long to find groups at some hours of the day, even on the mega servers. Most of my time to play is late at night and very early in the morning, where there seems to not be as many people on.
  3. There is a lot less socializing going on when you queue for a dungeon passively, because there’s no need to most times. You just go in, finish the dungeon, and leave, going about your business and likely never seeing them again.
  4. An easy solution: make the RDF search only on your server. Don’t let it search other servers until queue times become 10+ minutes (perhaps time adjustable on this, but no less than 10 minutes during peak hours).

Let’s just all remember, this Community Council person representing us that is Anti-RDF is the same person that proposed lowering iLvls in ToC/ICC and introduced the issue as the “Big elephant in the room”.


so youre okay as long as you get your way and damn anyone having the freedom to choose to play how they want. gotcha.



Ignoring the fact that rdf changes the dynamics of the game depending on its implementation does you no favors.

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Show me a game other then single player and im sure that has the same problem. You can’t satify everyone all you can do is have a vision and move on it. I would be fine with rdf even xrealm for only normal dungeons. Heroics should be left up to lfg along with raids as this is where the social aspect really comes into play for progression.

I’m really sad about there being no RDF. The automatic que to instance was amazing. Literally made friends each group. I’ve tried using the current dungeon finder now, but it seems like the massive default is LFG in the chat. To me, RDF was more efficient and just an all around better system. That’s my two cents - personally I hope they bring it back.


I dont get this, ive been looking for dungeons groups and making groups for everything from leveling to heroics and theres always people on the list, and generally is very user friendly as long as it doesnt screw up your role, or youre not creating a party for a dungeon with the wrong level range (OHB should be 66-69 instead of 64-68)

Ive used the chat channel for nothing but keeping an eye out for gdkps for my main to hop into, i have joined and created like 20+ dungeons runs in the last week without typing LFM into lfg chat

Is this maybe a server issue?

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As someone who is stuck on Mankrik alliance with Blizzard offering no help to those on low pop factions, this is crushing. It’s already impossible to raid and do any form of heroics or dungeons. Been like that since a couple weeks after TBC launch, was fine in Vanilla though.
The problem is, the dungeon finder won’t help that much. Sure it’ll help doing heroics if it’s cross realm but it won’t help find a raiding guild.
For me, this isn’t as big an issue as people simply not being able to play the game because they are on a dead faction server.
Personally I’d love this even if I was on a populated server because you can come on, queue and not have to worry about getting into a dungeon. Teleport right to it and it respects peoples time a lot more. I don’t think it should be in at launch, after Naxx it should be introduced.
However, this isn’t as big as people being unable to play a game they pay a monthly premium for.

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