[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

why is your mindset to force players to play your way and remove their choices, i seriously cant grasp that selfish concept but everyone with it seems to be a pvper.


Actually unironically agree with this. there should be no servers, and we should all just play together.

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So do you support LFR? you dont; i already know this, but not implementing that is also “forcing people to play your way”. I dont understand how this is any different.

The retail version of LFG for mythic would be perfect? You literally identify what class and item level you want. Not a single word is typed between the two parties. One button entry (sounds suspiciously like rdf).

I understand that no matter what is done people will be unhappy, but these changes are not being made for the reason that they claim. Social aspect yada yada… i’m sorry to say that is dead. The current community we have (not a good thing) vs the community we used to have is disturbingly different. Also, coming from a person who is in a guild and 100% only play within my guild I can say that I really do not care to deal with other community members. I have found people I like to play with and if they join MY circle I will engage with them. Outside of that I do not care to be part of the toxic “only join if your high lvl” community that is being pushed on us with this new LFG tool in wotlk. Just as proof someone will read this and say something like yada yada parse numbers yada yada.

Other negative social impacts such as GDKP’s have not even been an issue in blizzard scope, but yes let’s remove LFD which is essential to keeping the ALT friendly feeling of wotlk alive. Which if you haven’t been paying attention to the last 10 years of wow is a HUGE issue within the community.

LFR is more than just a tool to access content, that’s how it’s different.


Can you elaborate?

LFR Raids are modified versions of the raid that are tuned super easy.

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Do you think they are any easier than wrath heroics?

The qued experience is also MUCH WORSE and issues are exacerbated when content is hard (e.i. the painful Cata heroic experience on launch)

Just to clarify at no point is there a “gotcha” in my replies, im asking questions to explore why you feel like they are different

It doesn’t really matter how LFR compares to some Wrath heroics, the difference is that LFR is explicitly tuned easier dungeons were not.

Cata heroics were indeed a mess but that wasn’t so much because they were hard it was that they required specific groups comps because they were poorly designed which RDF didn’t form. Like no duh if the dungeon is designed for 2-3 CC and you are in a group with none it will be miserable. The ICC dungeons were also hard but worked just fine in RDF.

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as an experiment, i listed myself in this new lfg tool for a whole bunch of dungeons: 7 hours later, i was still in the darned thing. the only reason to use this LFG is b/c you are literally forced to use it to access the channel now. so lame.


Yep, /whisper is the success /lfg tool is getting the credit.

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I support it in Cataclysm where it existed. Those who remember the expansion fondly shouldn’t have to suffer critical and expansion-defining systems being removed when they go to re-experience it. The fact that that system reduced the importance of guilds is irrelevant, because the bottom line is it did exist and that existence fundamentally shaped the expansion in a certain way. In this specific, singular regard, LFR and RDF are similar. Someone who was very busy and had little time to play had their place in Cata in all content, up to and including raids, and they should have that same place in Cata Classic.

But as Ziryus said, the two systems are fundamentally different in other ways. LFR, as a consequence of its specific brand of accessibility, significantly undercuts the need for guilds by providing content which otherwise required large-scale coordination and, in a very practical sense, actually caused players to socialize in a meaningful way in addition to building communities that we call guilds. Dungeons do not require any extra coordination, and analog LFG does not promote socialization in any significant or meaningful way. In the absence of RDF the playerbase simply suffers the tedium of analog LFG and endures the burnout it causes until they quit over it. The vast majority do not become more social as a response. Furthermore, a list of various people of various roles and classes with whom you do not meaningfully interact, but sometimes whisper “H MT?” is not a community and barely qualifies as social. That’s a business network, not a social network, and is effectively a web of people using one another.

Here im gonna hard disagree. They werent like TBC heroic, which required specific group comps. they were just tuned to be very punishing. on everyone.

The ICC dungeons were no where near as hard as cata, they were hard-er than the launch heroics tho sure. they were still easy, and tuned to be easy for rdf.

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Once again the Cata heroics were tuned around 2-3 CC and RDF would create groups routinely with 1 or none. That didn’t make them difficult it just made RDF a huge RNG mess of whether you would get into the right group, which frequently didn’t happen. Telling a warrior to “git gud” doesn’t magically give them polymorph.

With the right group comp they were no harder than the ICC heroics. Which was simply bad design and lead to the exact same issues that existed in TBC where only some DPS were allowed into heroics and was why wrath moved away from that in the first place.

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I was pretty mad when they decided to not include RDF. Now, that feeling is replaced by the disappointment towards current LFG system. I had the expectation, not much though, that dev team really knew how to make the game system better(maybe they have the capability that players didn’t see to design something good lol). But it looks like a no to me at this moment.


and thats where youre mistaken, while i dont support LFR i wont ask them to remove it, i will just choose not to use it. because those that use it in NO WAY affect my WOW experience. it will let them make that choice, not have me choosing for them. see? the difference here is i acknowledge its THEIR choice and gladly believe they should have it.

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I don’t support LFR. I just don’t care if it’s added or not. I was in a casual guild, not an elite hardcore guild. Yet still no one left the guild to do LFR instead. Like Zyrius has posted, it was an easier raid with lesser loot. My guild was still able to recruit for the normal raids. Most of my friends never touched LFR except for 2nd, 3rd, or 4th alts. The mains and 1st alts all did raids in guild. LFR didn’t affect me at all, didn’t hurt my guilds, didn’t lose me any friends. So why should I care if some players even more casual than I did the nerfed down LFR raids?

This is why it seems to me that those against the RDF and LFR are the ones who can’t socialize. If they lost friends or lost guild members or couldn’t recruit when they were added their guilds couldn’t have been very strong, their friends not very good friends. For some reason they need to stop people from using those tools so they can have people to socialize with. I didn’t. I had lots of socialization before and after the RDF and LFR was added.

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My favorite part of wrath was the dungeon finder. If they don’t add ot back in I will cancel my sub. I wouldn’t of bought the BC boost if I knew ahead of time and won’t buy the wrath one till they add that feature in. If people don’t want to use the dungeon finder. They always have the option not too. Blizzard should not cater to the 1% of trolls on the forums


See you in northrend comrade

I already did cancel it. Like you, running dungeons the last year of Wrath was the best part of the expansion for me. Blizzard has effectively removed that from Wrath Classic. Now it’s just a raid log game, and that doesn’t appeal to me.