[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

Just because you dont agree because you dont play the game in a social way outside of just your guild or friends list doesnt mean everyone plays that way.

It might not hurt how you play, but it does hurt how i and others play.

I do and that’s my point…

LFD doesn’t affect my ability to be social whether it’s with randoms, guildies or IRL friends… It’s a choice to be anti social not the LFD tools fault.


Its not just anti social behavior that rdf encourages though.

It removes possible consequences for bad behavior because of the cross realm (which increases the likelyhood of people being toxic). It removes the possibility of open world interactions because of the teleport (flying reduces this, but it doesnt fully remove it), it reduces the ability to do dungeons organically because of the bonus reward forces people to use the tool, even if the group formed organically.

If you want an auto grouping tool that has no cross realm, no teleport, and no bonus rewards i will support that 100%. Because it will have the most damaging aspects of rdf removed.

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Wow has a report feature and LFD has a vote to kick feature

This is actually strange, do you genuinely speak to everyone you run past in the open world?

Only once per day

Add the teleport to dungeon and I’d get behind this


Nah, sorry, no concessions on Wrath RDF.

It was fine in original wrath, it will be fine in Classic wrath. A bunch of people claiming it’s going to cause issues, doesn’t mean we need to capitulate to them.

community isn’t the same as it was years ago. Your concerns are completely ridiculous at this point in my view.

RDF cannot simultatiniously be “Not a big deal that people shouldn’t be upset over” and also a “Catastrophe for the community”.


And cross realm removes the consequences that the blacklist can cause. Which can be far more impactful than being kicked from a group in progress now and then.

No, but i have done pvp, killing alliance or saving a horde from alliance. I have saved people who overpulled on mobs before. I have also stopped and given green gear and such to people who had very outdated or no gear in a slot before. Im not claiming it happens all the time, but enough that i would consider the teleports a loss of the chance to have a social interaction. Flying definatoy reduced the chabces for it to happen (i have still had it happen in tbcc though). But teleporting removes any chance of it happening. I also understand not everyone pays attention ti their surroundings wheb traveling to dungeons, but i do. If i am going to afk travel i use a flight path, otherwise i am there watching what i fly past looking for things that might catch my eye enough for me to make a detour.

Still essentially forces it to be used.

Glad you are willing to accept a compromise, some pro rdf people womt even consider it. The sad part is they dont seem to understand i am already getting what i want, no rdf. The reason i even suggest any form of compromise is because i understand the game doesnt revolve around my wants. Some of them dont seem to understand that.

I just don’t see this being relevant to LFD, you can still have all these social interactions if LFD was in WOTLK… Unless of course all your doing is logging in, signing up to LFD then hiding in a cave till the group forms then teleporting straight there over and over…

People saying LFD killed the social aspect of wow is just very wrong… Blizz did this by making solo content easier so the need for groups was limited to dungeons and raids, elite quests became soloable, mobs became weaker and same factions could tag the same mob and both loot it… LFD may have contributed slightly but it’s not the route cause, people think adding LFD to WOTLK will turn it into retail but it won’t, retail is how it is because of years of slowly killing social content.

I want LFD because I don’t want to spend hours spamming chat trying to find a group, I want to sign up and go about my daily business, Mythic + is painful enough staring at the screen applying for groups and hitting refresh until 30mins later you finally get an invite…

Blizz offered the pro LFD a compromise which is essentially the mythic + tool, which is horrible to use and promotes anti social behaviour cause your staring at that trying to find people and not socialising…


No DF is a deal breaker for me as well as my fiancé. We wanted to come back & experience Wrath all over again. People don’t have to use DF if they don’t want to so we don’t understand the issue here. If you don’t like it, don’t use it. Advertise in chat for a group. We don’t want to spend time sitting around, spamming chat, trying to get into a group. Nothing is more infuriating than waiting for 30 minutes to over an hour to get into a group then the group falls apart halfway through the run. I main a healer. My fiancé mains a hunter. So many groups are “full on hunters” so we wait. We want to get into a dungeon and move on, not wait for a pug. We want to play the game, not sit in chat. That’s not really the definition of “social” - spamming chat looking for a group. If anything, add servers with it and servers without it similar to retail’s RP realms. Again, we wanted to come to Wrath. I’ll stay in retail. He’ll stay in Diablo. Blizzard still gets our subs. I guess it’s a win for Blizzard.


I used to be gung-ho on the whole wrath thing. The way they’re picking and choosing which features will be in on lanuch seemingly at random is really offputting.

They seem to have their own vision for what should be. The long list of retail mistakes seem to be getting put into wrath now too. I don’t think it’s going to be what any of us remember.

I just want to play the game, they seem intent on creating lines and barriers for us to wait in.


some people want it and i dont want them to have things they want

[quote=“Mispeled-benediction, post:1, topic:1260762”]

I think this is one of the main though processes in all of these discussions. Props for honesty though.

I hope they bring it back - I’ve just returned in TBC classic to level for Wrath and I’m finding it almost impossible to find a group without having to pay or finding guild members around the same level/willing to run - and being on a new character I just don’t have the gold to pay someone for a dungeon.

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There is no dungeon finder at release! /dance

No Dungeon Finder is pretty cringe. WOTLK is gonna be a one and done for most. Dragonblight isn’t that hype. I’m just indifferent to Blizzard games.

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  1. disappointed. look, i know it can be toxic but i can over look that just to actually get a dungeon group. i recently resubbed to find out a) my realm is pretty dead b) there is zero dungeon groups in the LFG list so it’s literally impossible to gear up.
  2. the ability to get a group to do group content with it is simply too good to pass up. it’s a huge qol feature to me. the current one in TBC is dead and no one uses it, at least on the server i am on so it’s 100% worthless in it’s current form. and LFG in general chat just sucks, period.
  3. ninja looting scum who roll need to troll. but you know what, i am willing to risk that just to get a group instead of none at all.
  4. there is no hybrid solution b/c that would require blizzard to invest time and money into it which simply isn’t going to happen. LFD already exists and works ok in other versions including vanilla wrath so not having it isn’t the REAL classic experience imo.

Only when you’re talking Cross-Realm. Realm-locked RDF has zero difference in social negatives to LFG chat, and actually increases community interractions.


The original issue with Dungeon Finder came in when it became cross realm.

There is no social aspect to spamming LF1M Tank.

The social aspect is seeing and playing with people from your server and learning who is good / bad. Getting to know the people and play of people on your server.

Dungeon Finder is a good tool when it is confined to the server you are on.


That doesn’t happen now even though we’ve had 3 years of no LFD. Pugging dungeons is not a good place to meet people.


That’s just not true… Myself and people in my guild regularly talk about people we play dungeons with and look to recruit them for the guild.


if you are nerfing dungeons and boosting, put the damn dungeon finder back in the game. if you bring too much season of mastery to wotlk, you will kill the game.


And yet your argument is that removing that aspect would make people “less social”? You keep arguing for RDF by arguing against it.