[WotLK] Legendary Weapons and PvP

If you want equal competition except for skill and character choice, go play a fighting game.

Hello, coming from a 35 year old gamer who has played WoW my whole life-

The absolute garbage you are spitting is new generational thinking, PvP was massive back in the day, and the only reason people PVE/RAIDED was to get trinks and weapons to use in PvP------ WOLK WAS the LAST EXPAC to have the best PvP experience for anyone who enjoyed it, before they utterly effd everything up in WOD-
How old are you? not to come straight at you…but, were you good at PvP ?, or any class for that matter in WOLK? how much time did you actually play the game, and understand it?
your posts are the exact same as all the complaining PVE nerds we had to deal with back then, you are the main reason why things get effd up, and it seems to look like it hasn’t changed due to the onslaught of bs changes you want, reminds me of the good ol days where we can blast people for being ridiculous. Unfortunately it’s now coming from what we have “WoW community council”- that possibly has more influence.

MINOR CHANGES ARE adaptable, but massive changes are not needed in any case scenario for anyone who loved and breathed WOLK-

I’m 31, I’ve played since original TBC, played TBC and WotLK private servers, got gladiator several times on several classes across the years, I’ve played WoW for over 10k hours in the past 15 years, yada yada yada.

I care about PvP more than I ever will about PvE and I don’t pretend like WotLK is a perfect expansion, or the peak of PvP experience for the matter.


So you must have gotten dropped on your head to be part of the community council…

you don’t need to pretend WotLK was anything more then what it was for you, people who started in 2004 had plenty of time to know the growth and development of wow and what it was , to what it became when WotLK came out. I am also not judging you’re long-term achievement’s you may have obtained on retail, or on private servers for that matter-
More-so to do with the RE-Release of WotLK , and how things need to be not taken away or changed majorly to completely change the nature of what was.
No one is here pretending that wraith is the perfect expansion, but it was definitely one of the best for PvP at that point in the ERA of wow-

Back in the day, Legendaries were way more rare, seeing warglaives in game was rare in itself, even more rare to face them in a BG/arena.

Now? There’s a good chance you can’t play a round of games without bumping into someone with glaives.

Legendariers worked in original WoW because they were rare and having a handful of people going around wrecking people wasn’t that big of a deal. Having a significant portion of the PvP scene being infested with Legendaries is not healthy nor balanced no matter what people say.

The only time PvP is balanced is when both teams have equal gear. If one team has way better gear than the other, it will be a blowout. Legendaries ruin the PvP experience as it will slowly resemble the mess we have on retail where you can tell within 1-2 mins which team is going to win because one team will completely wipe the other and graveyard camp.

The whole idea of reliving the classic era is flawed to begin with.
Reliving 2008 would require there to be changes to the game because the game was constantly evolving with patches every month that changed the nature of the game.
RDF is a good example of it, it wasn’t in WotLK until the ICC patch, surely if people wanted the WotLK experience they would be in favor of not having RDF until ICC, but most people aren’t fine with that, they want RDF from the get go, with 3.3 talents and abilities, nothing like what real WotLK used to be.

Besides, I’m entitled to my opinion and so is everyone else here, I’m a player, not a community manager for a big company, I asked the question regarding Legendary, gave my opinion and debated about the topic but I didn’t advocate for it on the Community Council forums because it was my opinion and I am not seeing enough people in favor of it for me to make a post about it either.

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server based on how good people were, and how many were on the server will make that very clear it’s never even drops on any server.
yeah, you are don’t like getting shat on by people who put in more time than you, that is why there are level brackets for pvp. this era of wow works in favor of those who put in the time, and furthermore if you want to play games that give you equal opportunities no matter how much time you play or put into the game, you can play final fantasy PvP, you would love it.

of course it’s flawed, but they are still doing it.
I don’t see why changes need to be made, why not adjustments or adding maybe support for players like a easy dungeon finder considering all the players that wow has.
you’re right man we all have our opinion’s, that is why we are here for sure. some of us just to check in, and some of us to advocate or help. all the criticism people like me give offer us constructive conversations

That attitude is part of why WoW died off and was slowly replaced by other games.

Don’t have time to play 10 hours a day? Don’t play.

Don’t want to play unbalanced PvP? Don’t play.

Struggling to catchup because you started 2 seasons into an expansion? Don’t play.

IMO why not make a seperate bracket just for people with Legendaries, make them face each other? Oh yeah… cause then it would be too fair and they can’t just dominate underweared players. That’s no fun now is it?

Most people in favor of gear discrepancies in PvP are just bullies who don’t actually enjoy PvP, they just enjoy winning.

I like to play games that offer exactly that, time you put in to how well off you could be-
kind of like work, right? obviously it depends on your work ethic, and drive to become better than being stationary in greenz, you want to put in that time and get legendary status.
how much time you play is up to you, in every form and factor of how you live and what you do in you’re daily life also impacts that, everyone is different.
there is retail wow, classic wow server are still up, and I’m sure they will come out with classic WOD for all those players who want PVP equality-
this is WotLK , that is not what that is about in a nutshell, mixed with random luck and how good people are yeah, things will drastically speed up and the pace of the game will be a little faster then it was before but that is why a player like myself, is coming back specifically for this reasoning above.

I agree. Cut the proc in arena, add honor to arenas for increasing participation, and add rbgs. Go look at ladders for the private server, dominated by smourne.

Main problem stems from everyone having bots for gold and buying the gear from gdkps imo. Funny that blizz was able to get rid of honorbuddy when they started selling tokens but cant fix it now.

Also, lower the rating reqs for gear to be based on current rating scales and start everyone at 1500. Also, decrease the disparity between points from 5s and 2s. Anyone who thinks that not having access to top tier pve gear has no effect in pvp is a moron. Difference is, OG, these items were much more rare and the difference is massive.

The issue with Legendaries is that it’s stronger for PvP than anything you can get from PvP by a pretty significant margin.

Considering how PvP is more than just a side or casual activity and has a major competitive part of it, it should be the expectation that the most competitive gear for it would come from PvP itself.

And I understand the argument that the game is more than just PvP and the argument that people should be able to enjoy their achievements, but we have to remember that the enjoyment of someone shouldn’t come at the cost of other people enjoyment.

Shadowmourne is a very big outlier, private servers have shown that, without a doubt, Shadowmourne completely ruins the ladder in the last season of WotLK. Val’Anyr isn’t as obnoxious, but it is still extremely strong and can absolutely turn what would be a loss into a win because of its extra absorbs.

You can put in all the time in the world to get full BiS, queue up in a battleground and be stuck on a team that’s half green newbies facing a premade. Your team afk’s within 5 minutes as they get slaughtered at the graveyard.

Let’s take a look at a sports teams example.

People are rewarded for the amount of time they’ve played and how hard they work, with games being won by people who have worked harder/have more skill… but you don’t see major league players playing games against high schoolers do you?

Gee… I wonder why.

The great thing about wow is that, they never intended to split PVE from PVP, and incorporate both into the game plan. it’s part of the game, why try and separate them when playing both isn’t a chore to anyone who enjoys the game for what it is.
Yeah, you are right about SM running everything over when people start to finally get it, there are ways to lower the chance of getting the items to time-gate the most powerfull 2h there is, instead of just getting rid of it in certain aspects of the game.
MAYBE lower the proc rate in PVP, but don’t change items because it seems it will ruin everything. there are other things that ruin the game far worse then someone obtaining a leggy item and being a badass dedicating time and effort for months after they get it, also asuming blizzard has a time frame of how long WotLK will be out for compared to how long it was out at first, or how long these private servers have been out.

dedication to a raid team helps you solidify the raid gear , and there are quite a few raiding guilds. that of course goes into time, and dedication you have towards whatever goal you have chosen. can’t just expect to sit around and get everything.
it’s hard to find those who put in more time that get outplayed by others, but it does happen sometimes.

I have no problem with people being dedicated raiders, I have no problem with people playing +10 hours a day to be ahead of everyone else who isn’t.

The problem I have is when Player A who has 300 hours played and is in full BiS is about to face Player B who has 30 hours played and maybe one or two epics.

You want to play this game nonstop and speedrun to your BiS? That’s fine, but you should only be facing other players who also do the same, not some random guy who only has 2 hours a day to play.

The other problem is when Player A has 300 hours played while doing both PvE and PvP content, while Player B also has 300 hours played but they only did PvP content.

Why should Player B be punished in PvP for not doing PvE? Would it make sense to punish players who only do PvE for not doing PvP?

Imagine if the Legendary was a PvP only obtainable weapon, available to the top 1% of players. Not only that, but lets have PvP trinkets be way better than PvE trinkets.

There would be an outrage in the PvE community because now all of a sudden, PvE players are getting passed over in the raid roster for the guy who has PvP items.

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We can tolerate overpowered items. What we actually need is balance changes. Take sacred cleansing out of the game for example. No one wants resists, the absolute cancer of TBC, to be in Wrath. Yet the devs gave paladins, who are already the best healer by a mile, the ability to proc 30% spell resistance every time they dispel their target.

Well, this isn’t 100 percent true. The neck, rings, belt, bracer, and boots, which comprise over a third of all the gear you wear, is bis from spending honor points (if this is different in Wrath then I apologize in advance).

RBGs would be so amazing and increase participation. No downside. I hope they get added in.

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