[WotLK] Legendary Weapons and PvP

Were they allowed back then?


Should they be allowed now?


Stop trying to dig for changes.


B B B But blizzard said somechanges so that means every little aspect of the game can be changed reeee

NO! Go back in your corner!

The legendarys are for healers and melee. Silence/stunlock the healer, dead.

Chaos Bolt the melee, Disarm the melee, Frost mage the melee. Just gotta be good.

Stop with wanting there to be changes Wrath was fine the way it was, stop advocating for changes. Seriously JUST STOP. You are supposed to be part of the Community Council but I literally see you just making the community mad and ignoring what they are saying or telling them they are wrong and that you are right. STOP.

Because casters still body them without leggos, you act like a mage cant solo a 2’s team.

And a poorly designed side game at that…occasionally entertaining if not taken too seriously. In the context of what WoW PvP is, I can’t think of any reason to disable any item for PvP.

Well you’re wrong.
First, I didn’t post anything on CC forums regarding legendary weapons, so stop with the pitchforks.
Secondly, I would be more than surprised if you had anywhere close to the amount of experience I have in PvP for both TBC and WotLK.
Thirdly, you disagreeing with me doesn’t mean everyone does, case in point, plenty of people in this thread are also in favor of changing the legendary weapons.
The community is more than your own self inflated ego, you’re not entitled to my opinion or that of everyone else.


Ahh yes… There it is. Couldnt just say “You might be mistaken.” or “Well, heres my opinion on what you said.”

Unfortunately fights aren’t scripted like the PvE content where the Legendaries come from. What if the healer is a druid in stealth? What if warrior spell reflects? Etc… There’s a lot more variation in PvP when comapred to PvE encounters, balancing PvP is a hassle already with just class abilities and having a weapon that is way more powerful than standard PvP weapons does not help bring balance to PvP.

You act as if Legendaries don’t provide a clear advantage over non-Legendaries. If a mage can solo a 2’s team that team must be really really bad and have low rating, any class can 1v2 if in the right situation. If a caster can easily delete melee who have Legendaries then again, they must be really really bad.

Who? I feel like the majority are against the changes?

Then get better and play around that?

You’re still missing the point of ‘hey this guy has a gun, let me fight him with a knife’

And youre missing the point of “They can still get facerolled.”

Yeah if they’re really bad, how can you lose while using a legendary? Oh yeah maybe they bought it with a GDKP run

The Majority are.

The forum though has a large contingent actively lobbying for “THE CHANGES THEY WANT”

There is no “might be mistaken”, she doesn’t know me and her assumption of my experience or play time in WoW is 100% wrong, period.
But I suppose I shouldn’t expect you to read the context since you don’t read what people have to say in this thread anyways.

Okay idk how I missed this post;

Legendaries only became a problem with Shadowmourne. Val’anyr wasn’t a make or break lege. If you had it cool, if you didn’t you didn’t. You weren’t suddenly winning games because of it.

Literally nothing needs to be changed in PVP. You all need to grow up lol

What if, what if…

People: I can’t wait to relive the older versions of WoW. It’d be fun to revisit the game of yesteryears. Can’t wait to play it like it used to be.
Also people: I loved playing older versions of WoW. Except… maybe tweak this, yea and add a couple of these ideas I have, maybe leave out these things that I didn’t like and….

Good grief.


no, its really easy to tell what your experience is just based on your takes on more then just this post, as well as checking your guilds experience on when it comes to current content, and how theres a dead stop prior to muru. I’ve read everyones takes, they seriously dont matter because pvp is still based on skill, and ontop of that, no one from blizzard is actually going to read their takes even with how very few takes there is that align with your way of thinking. Again the reason your getting singled out is because your on the CC, your takes are not good… you attempt to advocate for something and miss the mark, or you half-*ss it and the conversation ends with you not proving your point. You’ll make a claim that your researching something for a CC post but dont do the research, then make obscure claims then provide nothing to back it up.