WotLK is the start of retail

Yah i remember this to. Sometimes, you would go back to the older raids for the heck of it. Naxxramas was already easy as it was, even before better gear came out that nullified the gear you got from naxx.

The same thing with Ulduar. I think progression is important. And gearing up is also important. But most guilds i was in just had fun doing the outdated content on a side note.

Wow had just gotten more casual friendly at this point, but still had a competitive edge compared to more recent expansions. Class designs especially are underwhelming. But then when you look at boss designs now, it definitely is more insane. The first 60 plus levels in wrath was all tank and spank.

I do wish they had more adversity when questing now though. You hardly ever run into a group quest. And when you do, it usually can be soloed.

the game must be made for both types of users. Those who play in community and those who do not play in community

Perhaps there is another type of user that we do not know but they do know. Quirena or not, they have all the information and I doubt they will make it public.

I’m failing to understand how things such as Dungeon Finder were a bad thing. The thing that killed retail was they simplified everything and made everything too easy, or too much of a chore without rewarding. Take WoD for example with the level squish, that made things too easy, and people can easily burn through 100 levels without any challenge, then take Legion with patch 7.3.5 for example, and the introduction of level scaling, they made it too much of a chore than something that was rewarding. This is just a couple of things though. Dungeon and Raid Finders had nothing to do with the game failure.

The monotony eventually gets boring,
Sometimes there are too many things that you don’t know what I chose and it also ends up boring you, Divorce Classic. Wow classic is respite from it

Wow was successful because it was always the casual MMO.

@OP, legion was hot garbage, and so are its children… BFA / Sadlands.

buzzwords from people who dont do the content, you love to see it.

Vanilla was the first expansion and thus was the start of retail. Current retail sucks because of the writing and game play not because of quality of life improvements. Hopefully the new expac will be good again and the term “retail” won’t be the stain it is now.

Legion was great when the stopped locking the systems. End of BfA was also fun as hell when you could get the corruptions you wanted. SL season 4 is the worst of it but they finally admitted borrowed power was a bad idea and removed it for DF.

Come to the fountain for inspection must be 6 ilvls higher than the content requires.

Thats is your Community.

What was nice about Legion was that I always found someone to play with. Closing servers contained that flow. You cannot be connected 24 hours.

Only if Vanilla was an expansion. The Burning Crusade was the first expansion, Vanilla is just the base game.

okay so, basically you agree with me. Legion / BFA started being fun at the very end when they removed all of the forced MAU content that required you to be timegated.

Lest we forget the beginning of legion which saw multiple class reworks and the bug that enabled people who had already gotten their legendary a higher chance at getting another meanwhile some people were “bugged” and couldn’t get a legendary at all… in the expac they made legendary items completely transform your spec / class etc…

You don’t have classic wrath now, you have wrath 2.0.
If you were all arguing for the true wrath to be the classic version, then most of us would have nothing to disagree about lol

You called them “hot garbage”. They started out rough but fixes were made.

MONTHS after the fact, damage had already been done.

Obvious troll is obvious. Move along, nothing to see here.

I think WOTLK is where it started to fall apart. The game peaked here but also started to decline during the expansion. Part of the community self destruction had already started, with RDF being the tool that lead to a game full of strangers.

While I feel thats been addressed for classic, the path of overly sweaty engame activities was full steam ahead, the game world had become a big mess with a massive levelling process with many seldom used zones. The formation of “levelling sucks, endgame is where the game starts” IMO started with WOLK, as the game stopped being a whole game and started to be an “endgame is the game” type of situation where everyone just wanted to skip all the levelling, which IMO was drawn out too long.

It started to be a community that didnt want to play with anyone who didnt know the game already, a game playerbase personality that really wrecked the community, and still infects the game.

This is where the game needs a remake, so i get why CATA happened in the manner in which it did…the game NEEDED a rehashed game world, granted their “fix” was just not good.

IMO this is the part of the games life where they really tried to fix every complaint from players, cumulating into a souless, boring, retail experience where every guild is the same.

IMO they should focus on developing content people do, vs trying to develop a game that appeals to all.

IMO current blizzard doesnt know what makes their game fun, or why its gamers play it.

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And most expansions have seen issues at launch. Classic not so much because we are getting the end of them.