WotLK is the start of retail

I dont like to schedule my life around WOW. I’ll make exception for current raids, but past that if you’re running GDKP’s, or gearing an alt, or collecting badges etc you’re almost inevitably going to be running with pugs at some point unless you have a group of dedicated no-lifers willing to knock out all available content on a set schedule…

Which most people don’t. :man_shrugging:

A lot, if not most guilds do splits. Wrath is also very alt friendly compared the the other expansions. But like OP said some people don’t like it, the most “casual” expansion, lots of qol changes yet it was the most successful expansions to date possibly overrated? We’ll see.

Lol “community”

Yes cataclysm started homogenization and classes all basically feeling the same to play overall.

no its not, its the last of the classic era… Cata was intruduced under activision’s ownership,.

Yah what “community” lol. Community has always been terrible. This was long before LFD was added. I think the main thing that was wrong with LFG was that it was supplied to the end game. Never understood why i could que up for heroics.

Either way, everyone wants everything fast now. And i am looking at leveling in particular.

Only thing in wrath i can’t do that i could do back then towards the end of the expansion was create groups efficiently for leveling up content. Now, it takes forever. And the community is still exactly the same as it was before. No optional boss counter either. This was added in cataclysm

Also, dungeon finder in wrath was not cross realm yet. I think the LFG tool should have automated the matchmaking process only, and once that was done, and the group was set up, everyone would run to the instance.

And i think some things, such as keys, shouldn’t of played a huge role for dungeons as much anymore. Like a skeleton key for scholomance. People hate leveling now. I just hate forming groups currently because it takes forever. Like leveling is just flat out annoying right now with how it is set up currently.

We have a automated matchmaking system for queing up for pvp and getting experience. Why can’t i get the same thing for dungeon crawling. Like my gawd is it annoying.

Even if i do get a group together in wrath classic, once the dungeon ends, everyone hearths out. With dungeon finder, everyone teleports in and out. I do think a matchmaking system should be added to automate the que up system though to actually gather players based on healing, tanking and dps. Then have everyone run to the instance. This would be better than the old system.

All the end game stuffs should be set up manually.

I mean seriously, the way wrath of the lich king classic is set up, i am basically not able to play. Plain and simple. Heck, i recently had like a 20 minute que just to get in.

As i am writing this, group for bloodfurnace just broke up. Someone needed help getting to the entrance. Then peeps claimed they had somewhere to be. Like i have to go, ummm, to work. Like i am so sick of my time being wasted. I just want to level up, doing some dungeon crawling here and there on my way up, In an efficient way.

Cannot get over this.


For me the big change was when they changed the talents in cata. Vanilla, BC, and Wrath were all very similar because they used almost the same talents

Got to remember that a lot of players still had the old community mentality, /who, guilds, player names ect, we used that for years previous and that’s the system that worked, most players didn’t use dungeon finder until towards the end of wrath and into cata, raid finder really took off at that point

There fixed it for ya

wrath being the beginning of the end is a bit of a problem. I see less people buffing each other or being polite. truely it is the september that never ended.

I honestly would have to agree. They oversimplified and pruned and deleted to much stuff this expansion. I think with a cataclysm classic, this is what i would change, to talent trees and class designs that were more complicated in general. I would also add the old overworld back in, with the option of choosing the revamped content or the old overworld on your journey to level 60.

I also feel like there wasn’t much adversity while leveling up in the overworld anymore. And gear used to matter alot in wrath still. Even now, my classic warrior is getting owned in nagrand, simply because his gear is terrible. In cataclysm, i never had to worry. Even if my gear was bad.

I think there is alot they could do to make cataclysm better the second time around personally, and i think it will be interesting to see what happens to be honest. Another thing to look at in cataclysm was homogenization of all the classes. Every class now feels like a rogue in terms of the melee classes. And all the casters just feel like, another caster. And we can spam our abilities all day, every day. No mana or rage or anything.

I mean, warriors stand out back then as being iconic because of how slow they were. And that was just how it was. I preffered it that way. Because, well i am kind of slow myself i guess. But i swear, i am always starved of rage. And no rage, no damage. Every class seems to have stuns, cc, slows, etc now to. They just don’t feel as unique. If they could fix this somehow that would be cool.

Wow since cataclysm just seems to be about being fast and ASAP. Even the last 2 classes added, and even the evoker class, it all seems to be about speed as a central gimick. Double jumping and gliding on demon hunters. Chi torpedoes on monks. That super flying ability that evokers get. Like i understand being fast. But i feel retail is almost to fast. And homogenization doesn’t help with that. Portals and flying everywhere at every given angle to. I miss the class utility. I think having portals all over the place is just so limiting, because you never see the same people in the same place for very long.

I mean, leveling is what it is. And i think with so much content and skill, level bloating, it was going to be difficult to preserve the leveling grind forever. But at least have a more complicated class designs and talent tree system. And no homogenization in cataclysm either. We have lost so many options over the years in terms of how we play the game.

The old overworld being deleted also got rid of alot of charm as well. That is the thing to me, is having more options and more ways of playing, is just more fun all around. And i think they need to bring that skill ceiling, skill floor, and skill cap back that we had in wrath to.

I also feel like cross realm zone in pandaria was bad as well. I would prefer mega servers where you could group and trade with any give person. And that would keep the community aspect alive. The talent trees also lacked hybridity in cataclysm and forward to. It is honestly one of the cooler features about dragonflight if i am being honest.

go back to your cave

You boomers are ruining the game I swear. Retail AH is miles better than classic, Unlimited respecs give me people more opportunity to play what they want.

Boomers please stay away.

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  1. Heroic dungeons were introduced in TBC - Not raids…
  2. You had to travel everywhere in Vanilla to do anything - also no Flying mounts. No meeting stone summons and/or Dungeon queue instant porting. No summoning to raids/inside raids.
  3. CRBG’s were introduced only during the TBC Pre-Patch. Otherwise it was all in server. Servers were also clumped into battlegroups which protected against Megaservers.
  4. No it hasn’t - Onslaught/Thunderfury/Nelths Tear/DST/Glaives/Etc. are all items you would have to farm in older content that were pretty much good the entire xpac. Making older content perpetually relevant.

In wrath once Ulduar drops you have no reason to ever go back to Naxx unless you’re behind in gear.
“wHaTs uR iLvL? pLz LiNk uR aChiEveMenT”

Please get your facts straight before you start speaking nonsense. Wrath is Retail, more so when they dropped TOGC. They had an opportunity to continue with the neat fan favorite Uluduar hard modes but completely abandoned it.

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idiot - 10 characters

WOTK + Transmog, Personal loot, no master looter, cross realm, LFR, RDF would be retail just with different classes and i think lots of retail players playing classic want that. They will ruin classic just so they can get instant pug groups then leave when dragonflight comes out and we wont have classic anymore.

If dragonflight sucks and all the retail players end back on classic after WOTLK it will be interesting if they will turn it into more of a on the rails retail clone. They prob will. Retail has good and bad bits but retail is so stale and soulless it doesnt even feel like a MMORPG now days they went too hard into the on the rails\puggable content.

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my old guild in OG wrath we would go back to the older raids during current raids
was an optional thing and it was fun drinking was usually involved

just because you never went back to older raids in wrath dont assume no one went back to the older raids in wrath

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the rage in immortal pug runs I CANT WAIT!!!


ah yes the memories of asking the people who couldnt do the dance to stay out

cant remember if there was any boss like that in immortal runs