I honestly would have to agree. They oversimplified and pruned and deleted to much stuff this expansion. I think with a cataclysm classic, this is what i would change, to talent trees and class designs that were more complicated in general. I would also add the old overworld back in, with the option of choosing the revamped content or the old overworld on your journey to level 60.
I also feel like there wasn’t much adversity while leveling up in the overworld anymore. And gear used to matter alot in wrath still. Even now, my classic warrior is getting owned in nagrand, simply because his gear is terrible. In cataclysm, i never had to worry. Even if my gear was bad.
I think there is alot they could do to make cataclysm better the second time around personally, and i think it will be interesting to see what happens to be honest. Another thing to look at in cataclysm was homogenization of all the classes. Every class now feels like a rogue in terms of the melee classes. And all the casters just feel like, another caster. And we can spam our abilities all day, every day. No mana or rage or anything.
I mean, warriors stand out back then as being iconic because of how slow they were. And that was just how it was. I preffered it that way. Because, well i am kind of slow myself i guess. But i swear, i am always starved of rage. And no rage, no damage. Every class seems to have stuns, cc, slows, etc now to. They just don’t feel as unique. If they could fix this somehow that would be cool.
Wow since cataclysm just seems to be about being fast and ASAP. Even the last 2 classes added, and even the evoker class, it all seems to be about speed as a central gimick. Double jumping and gliding on demon hunters. Chi torpedoes on monks. That super flying ability that evokers get. Like i understand being fast. But i feel retail is almost to fast. And homogenization doesn’t help with that. Portals and flying everywhere at every given angle to. I miss the class utility. I think having portals all over the place is just so limiting, because you never see the same people in the same place for very long.
I mean, leveling is what it is. And i think with so much content and skill, level bloating, it was going to be difficult to preserve the leveling grind forever. But at least have a more complicated class designs and talent tree system. And no homogenization in cataclysm either. We have lost so many options over the years in terms of how we play the game.
The old overworld being deleted also got rid of alot of charm as well. That is the thing to me, is having more options and more ways of playing, is just more fun all around. And i think they need to bring that skill ceiling, skill floor, and skill cap back that we had in wrath to.
I also feel like cross realm zone in pandaria was bad as well. I would prefer mega servers where you could group and trade with any give person. And that would keep the community aspect alive. The talent trees also lacked hybridity in cataclysm and forward to. It is honestly one of the cooler features about dragonflight if i am being honest.