WotLK is the start of retail

It’s like you got a pony and you’re mad because you expected a horse lol? When did they ever add new dungeons each tier? When was that ever even on the table? And even IF they added new dungeons each tier, that still wouldn’t fill the same function as M+ which is an infinitely scalable rated 5 man, you’d still want M+ for those dungeons too.

So your gripe has nothing at all to do with M+. You just expect Blizzard to add 8 new dungeons every phase? I can’t think of an MMO on the planet that churns out content at that rate, but sure. You can dream I suppose?

M+ is the descendant of Wrath heroics. Both have a few mechanics that need to be dealt with, but are otherwise speed run AoE festivals.

I think I explained why mythic+ dungeons are not a pony…

You are still not answering the question, if blizzard just said screw it like they did with dungeons and did mythic+ for raids would that be fine with you?

I’m not asking about precedent, I’m asking whether that precedent is good.

See this is the thing you’re just making up rofl. They never said “screw it” with dungeons. THAT WAS NEVER A THING. Lol. This is just something you just created in your head lol.

Gives Ziryus a pony
“Ok fine… so I guess you’re just saying screw it with the horse huh? Lazy AF but w/e…”

You are losing your perspective… “When people say Dungeon finder is a retail feature, that’s not true at all” … You forget… WoW (ORIGINAL WOW) WAS RETAIL. There was no “classic”. It was just… WoW. There was just Dungeon Finder as it evolved. Wrath brought about a LOT of changes that has lead to current day Retail’s downward spiral into Woke WoW. This “classic” version won’t change that trajectory. I hate to break it to ya… but there is only ONE PATH for this “classic” version of WOTLK, etc. RETAIL VERSION. Face it.

This is an interesting point. I mean, for Normal and Heroic dungeons, which Wrath has, there’s a Dungeon Finder in Retail that, as far as I know, has very similar functionality as the one originally implemented in Wrath of the Lich king, other than the rewards for in-demand roles.

But the current Group Finding tool that we have in Classic is somewhat similar to the Group Finding tool that is in Retail. Though, to an extent being able to bulldoze through content without fear of death is also somewhat similar.

Yes that’s the point they never did give dungeons as much attention as they did raids.

Why is that okay? Wrath got some of the most love for dungeons we ever saw, the ToC dungeon and the ICC dungeons, did any other expansion add 4 dungeons?

But why is that okay? That is my question. How is just adding mythic+ a substitute for actual new content? Now if blizzard only wants progression raiders it’s fine.

If it wasn’t before, it is now with all the stupid changes

Can agree on that but hate when people pretend TBC is Vanilla 2.0 and Wrath was when all the retail stuff started popping up.

I’d guess that the resources required to design 1 raid and 1 dungeon are pretty similar, but one provides much more gameplay than the other. So in a world where resources are necessarily finite, that is the choice they made, and the choice that pretty much every other major MMO also makes.

The Toc dungeon lol… Wotlk added 4 dungeons… Shadowlands, even in the midst of everything, still added 2 brand new dungeons, redesigned 6 dungeons to mythic level permanently, redesigned multiple legion dungeons to mythic levels on rotation and STARTED with the entire Mythic system, seasonal/weekly affixes etc etc.

So if your argument, with a straight face… is that the TOC dungeon (rofl) and one of the ICC dungeons is MORE content than the entire M+ system and 10+ redesigned M+ dungeons… then I don’t think we’re really having an argument in good faith.

TBC was sort of Vanilla 2.0 in terms of gate keeping and time invested. sure there were QoL things added like smaller raid sizes etc (which i hated). But for the most part it still adhered to the non casual, grindy, game play. Which is why it resembles closer to Vanilla than it does Wrath. As many have said, Wrath is the casuals xpac. It started it all. Class homogenization. Easy face roll dungeons. Different raid “modes”. Heirlooms. LFD. You name it. It was made to be easy and to cater to the casual. It’s not hard to see the parallels between Wrath and what casual Retail is today.

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That comical, if you’re in a guild and know a few people to grind arenas with that’s basically the limit of community this game has ever required.

You still have not answered the question of why just adding generic affixes is an acceptable excuse for not adding new content. It sounds like you would care if they did the same to raids.

RP is optional, there servers for that.

10/10 argument. Would read again. :roll_eyes:

Ok man. Go to bed

Yep just look at that drop off in wotlk :roll_eyes:

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lol. the whole point is that it’s a multi player game. a massive one. And you think it’s bizarre that people want a social experience in a game such as this?

I mean you’ve made it clear your answer is no.

But you also want people to just accept that lazy solution for dungeons.

I’ve just never seemed to care about the community, once you’re in a solid group does it really even matter? Now if I had to pug everything I could see it being an issue, but once your in a click I don’t see what the big deal is.

I think the amount of people you need to know and play with midigates the argument or the importance of community unless all you do is pug.