WOTLK doesn't need RDF

This person right here gets it!!

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LFD isn’t’ controversial.

A bunch of people whining that they can’t gate keep content anymore is trying to make it seem controversial.

The system we have now is allowing dirt bags to demand to be paid in everything that drops to tank current dungeons, people still ninja loot whatever they want and don’t give a damn, groups are still obnoxiously hard to put together and can take hours upon hours to even get an attempt at a dungeon done.

All of these issues are even more exacerbated at low level dungeons.

Some people might be bloody masochists’ and enjoy mindlessly questing through 70 levels of content, doing the exact same quests over and over and over again everytime they want to make a character, but not everyone is.


It isn’t an argument. Conflating the AH a solo feature designed to streamline the economy with LFD a party finder tool used to create group content is just them showing they don’t understand or care about the difference. Not to mention that unlike LFD the AH would actually have to be removed from the game whereas LFD would have to be added.

low lvl dg dont exist

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LFD was always controversial. Why do you think it wasn’t even considered for TBCC and was removed for retail in mythic and mythic + dungeon difficulties. Ever since it came out it was heavily divisive. As for stopping “dirt bags” from doing bad things you could start by actually being part of your servers community and either avoiding the group or checking the blacklist or getting them blacklisted. If those aren’t options because of lowpop why not advocate for a server merge instead of a bandaid fix like LFD?

TBCC (no RDF): “Mage sheep moon”
RDF in WotLK: “Mage sheep moon”


he thinks spamming chat for 30min+ is socialize.


It’s not Controversial at all.

The only people that think it’s Controversial is the people that want to actively stop other people from playing the game the way they want to play the game, and decide that their own way of playing the game is the -only- way anyone should ever play the game.

There is no controversy.


They aren’t adding it so they can manipulate you into buying the boost. Period. They’re a company that is know for these types of predatory business practices and they have always doubled down on inconveniencing customers into paid services models. It’s not going to change now.

People are saying to you that there’s a way to play the way you want to play your game already. That game is retail. Classic is not retail. The logic of telling someone they should just avoid using a feature on an MMO if they don’t like it is the exact same as me telling you that you should just play retail if you don’t like classic.

Like it or not it’s controversial. It was than and it is now. These announcements of a removed feature always get opponents in an uproar and despite this there’s still a very mixed response to LFD even on these outrage forums. There are plenty of people like myself that got what we want that are taking time out of our day to come on here just to say it’s what we wanted.

I have 3 70s, and 2 other characters that are 60+. I have never been boosted.

It’s not hard to level, just go out in the world and do quest.

Coming from someone that would be okay with LFD being put back into Wrath, I don’t understand this new “how am I going to lvl without LFD?” IDK, maybe the same way we have been leveling throughout Classic and TBC? But I guess people just want to be lazy and sit afk in cities while they wait for a que to pop.

LFD was part of Wrath.

We are getting the end patch balancing for everything except raids, just like we did with TBC.

This system is not controversial. Period.

Your faux outrage over a system making the lives of other players easier does not make it a controversy. Sorry, not sorry.


It was part of it. For less than half of it. For only 1 raid tier of 4, for 2 raids as opposed to 7 without. If we count it running on patch distances (as you should, for systems) it was only there for 35% of wrath.

I’d be fine with them considering adding in the failed retail game design tools when ICC drops as it was. I don’t have any intention of playing after WOTLKC anyway. But no matter how much you cope using terms like “faux outrage”, there are clearly and evidently people strongly opposed to LFD. Not all QOL is good, as retail has clearly demonstrated. There’s a place for people who want QOL and an easier and faster raid experience with instant gratification. It’s called retail.

Nearly half of the entire run time.

What balance patch are we going into? What was that? ICC balanace patch? Huh. Weird.

It’s almost like everything else except for pvp seasons and raids are going to be on the final patch balancing teir, just like it was in TBC.

So again, a completely useless point that advances nothing.

The system is not controversial, your personal faux outrage over it doesn’t make it a controversy.


Nope, 112 days longer without than with. That’s 35%. Wrath begins with 3.0.3 and LFG doesn’t become a feature until 3.3.

No balance patch. It was a content patch with ICC. You didn’t know that? We’re discussing the 3.3 patch as it was introduced during wrath which was a content patch. The initial patch release they are using is not about content.

And? This is just word salad. 3.3 could still be implemented later. The reason they use a late game expansion patch as opposed to running it on 3.0.3 isn’t because they want the systems (the game runs downgraded version of warden from legion, idk if you know this btw) is predominantly for bug fixing and balance reasons. It has nothing to do with wanting the 3.3 systems. That’s why we didn’t have cross realm bg’s initially in classic. That’s why we wont have LFD in wrath.

At the end of the day, WoW became more main stream in wrath, than being a niche game for a niche audience, because it hit wide spread appeal.

The surge in availability of other players all needing to do the same content to proceed lead LFD to being introduced becausse at the time people were little garbage people and doing everything in their power to gatekeep dungeons with all their gearscore nonsense.

Blizzard decided they were going to fix this by not allowing people to gatekeep anymore.

Due to this their popularity soared to the highest it’s ever been in wow’s recorded history, and the plethora of additional people joining the game meant not everyone was a much a special snowflake andcompletely “Irreplaceable” as they once dreamed they were, and due to this people whom either were better people, or better players replaced a jaded set of the audience, whom decided instead of looking inwards on their own shortcomings to blame this sudden shift on something “New” and decided it was the cause of all their issues.

This is literally what happens anytime something new comes along in human society, it’s been done over and over again.

The tool itself has absolutely zero controversies.

Ninja looting existed before RDF
Jerks Existed before RDF
People not knowing how to play their class existed before RDF
People trying to heal in retribution specc as a paladin existed before RDF

None of these issues are a problem that was created by the RDF. Period.

There is no controversy. There is just a bunch of people worried they will actually have to not be completely garbage people because they can actually play the game, worried they’ll be replaced and no longer needed because people will be able to what they want to do without them.

Again, zero controversies. Just once again human angst being blamed on something new and different as the cause of all their perceived issues they have.


Wrath plateaued the player base which comparative to TBCC and classic barely increased. While it’s true it reached it’s peak it didn’t “soar”. It barely nudged up with casuals replacing veterans and in Cataclysm sub counts collapsed. Because tourists don’t stay. I agree they pivoted from social aspects being a core focus over to casualising the game. That’s how we got retail.

You don’t get to decide what a controversy is. Say all you want but you can’t make an argument so you’ve decided to tell other people how they ‘really feel’ about LFD instead. As for being “garbage people, worried they’ll be replaced” I have no concerns there. I don’t need LFG to play the game and nobody ever did. It’s nobodies fault but your own that you can’t play the game without a retail tool.

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Yeah, and then there’s the formation of that group, and the assessment of roles prior, and more.

Yeah, this is by definition engagement with the community in a respect, and is actually directly noted by Ion to be the type of social engagement that they’d like to preserve. Like he literally uses the phrase “spamming chat for 30 minutes” and how they want to keep that.

Ya’ll are trying to diminish the importance of these small, seemingly arbitrary interactions, but they are meaningful in the overall and are worth preserving.

These arguments aren’t as effective as you’d like them to be.


MOST* People were looking forward to the feature/


Citation please.