WOTLK doesn't need RDF


Not really. most if like me start to ignore after several minutes of spam.

Best I have seen for social interaction is the peanut gallery hecklers.

LFG. Need need tank, healer, 2 X dps.

Hecklers will come in dude…jsut say need everything.

Or the always fun…need tank, healer dps and must know all bosses.

Hecklers will come in and go dude…just say you want a carry and how much you will pay. It go better for you most likely.

that poster…like every minute on the minute for an hour.
it was then I remembered ahh, ignore.

that dude could now be posting the secret to the life itself and tell what the question is that gets the answer 42. And I’d never see it.

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the guy below is against LFD/RDF

This is the poll i took here on the forms.

You also never responded to my 1.6mil sample size for over 10years of wotlk experiments on pservers. you can mail your gold to this toon on bene. or i can make a toon on atiesh


You’re telling me that you’re gonna link me two YouTubers who are against the removal, and reference a “10 year” anecdote based on your experience on private servers, and that’s somehow objective proof that more people want RDF than not?

Aye yi yi…


i mean your clearly not listening to the other players in the forms. at this point your just trolling.


It’s not a controversy, no matter how much you want to pretend it is.

That’s just the end of the story.

There’s a grumpy but loud niche of people that want to demand everyone play the game the exact same way as they do, and find anything that makes other people’s lives easier to be similar to the christians perceive the devil.

Pearl-clutching at the vague thought that someone might not have to spend 3 hours “Socializing” to get a group to do a dungeon. (And by socializing that’s “lfxm for Y dungeon” for 3 hours only really responding to people in whispers while your drowned out by the cesspool that is a global channel’s chat. So not actual socialization, just some weird version people swear made the game more social)

This isn’t a controversy. Period.


I don’t think I should need to explain to you why it makes no sense to launch the game and have it progress through the same states of class balance as the original release did. :laughing:

It would make no sense to knowingly ship the game in a broken state. Class balance is a very complicated thing to get right and takes an enormous amount of data that can only be gathered when you have a huge number of players actually playing with your balance states.

Class balance can’t be compared with a system feature release because good balance isn’t just something the devs can turn on or off.

And most of the people who want it gone were #nochanges, what’s your point.

We were told endlessly, wait for wrath, or cata for the QoL changes when they come in the game.

Now it’s #somechanges cause you guys think 100+ listings for boosting in LFG is community.

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duh…you install add ons to filter these out. so, you know, you see the 10 legit ads out of 50. At this point at least for atiesh and mankrik…ZA lfg’s. So…raid not dungeon.

They’re against keeping RDF in game, they both did polls, and found out their own community wants to keep RDF in the game.

And the pservers was about over 10years of experimentation Wotlk does not work if its taken out of the game, then you complained about a super small sample size, then i gave you the facts and numbers that 1.6milion players over the course of 10 years wotlk private server, they have seen new players coming in and out with the vast majority coming to the conclusion that RDF is a much needed aspect in the game for it to work. so yes, at this point your just trolling people.


Even on the most populated servers its all GDKP and boosting, theres like 5 legit groups and even they dont talk to eachother. It’s exhausting talking to people who think that RDF is what ruined WoWs community, look around you.

It really wasn’t. I barely recall any drama about it at all. I thoroughly enjoyed the system. It came at the right time in the expansion and got me running alts and offspecs that I wouldn’t or couldn’t have run for various reasons otherwise. I don’t even recall seeing anyone complaining about on my realm/battlegroup and the overwhelming amount of runs I did were completely positive.

It’s only become controversial later on because it was scaled up and applied to more content than just 5 man dungeons. People look at the state of retail with LFR and being fed welfare epics while on a content treadmill and apply slippery slope fallacy to blame it on LFD.

LFD was perfectly fine for what it was, when it was. It never should have been scaled up or applied to other content than 5 man dungeons. There’s an interview from Rob Pardo himself where he states that LFD resulted in a net increase in dungeons being run, alts being leveled, and overall playtime.

It was introduced in 3.3 originally and it should be introduced in 3.3 again. The reason #nochanges died is because the player base realised very early that the game is kinda jank and started asking for QoL improvements. Now heading into probably the most beloved expansion, and the expansion that was the peak of WoW’s sub count and the devs are looking to strip out QoL improvements?

Honestly I think the classic devs are just being incredibly disingenuous and just lack the technical capability to add the feature as it was to the current engine.


I disagree with Blizz’s decision to eliminate RDF and any proposed changes to dual specs. For me, there’s nothing to lose because there is nothing to save. My preference is for these things to be in Wrath Classic at launch like how they handled much of the other classics.

A good example being cross realm bgs. They werent around for most of vanilla, they didnt define the vanilla experience yet they were in at launch as opposed to the last phase which would have been more authentic.

That being said I cant fault their reasoning. So while I disagree with their decision I cant really fault their logic which means I have to make a personal decision as to whether no RDF is a deal breaker for me. Turns out its not. Theyre not doing this to spite me.


I think it should be introduced in 3.3 as it was.

This was like halfway through Wrath’s life cycle. By this point the majority of the player base had run every dungeon and heroic multiple times. There were no rep requirements, and even heroics weren’t exactly hard. They were also a good avenue for gearing for pre-raid.

If you consider that, the whole argument about losing the social aspect of forming groups and going to summon stones, and how tele-ing is too easy no longer holds a lot of water. By this point in the game everyone has already gone through that routine on at least one character and no longer has many real incentives to continue dungeoning.

It was a QoL improvement added in the last major phase of the expansion when most people would have been raid logging. Instead it got people running alts, offspecs, and just for fun/to pass time.

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Id settle for that. If they instead waited for the ICC patch to bring it out I wouldnt mind.

I always loved to pug dungeons and RDF made it easy and worthwhile for me. I should note I mained heals back in the day so that probably added to my appreciation of it. Quick, easy and mostly successful groups.

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As someone who has no horse in this race.

I frankly think LFD or cross realm anything is trash. I think 25 man raiding is trash. I’m a true Vanilla andy.

Given by the fact that LFD was not there for the majority of Wrath, it at least makes sense logically to not include it.

That being said, it was a stupid decision by Blizzard not to add it (assuming it was easy technically). The player base is a lot more casual now than even Classic Vanilla which was already pretty casual. The people that are happy with LFD removal will still play without it. It’s a win win.

The only thing that’s stopping Blizzard imo is cost/reward. If Blizzards sales team deems that the amount of subs lost would be minimal and not worth the cost, they’re probably right. If people will still sub, complaining won’t help. This whole idea of “most people”, while I agree with you, we have no idea. Everyone I talked to don’t really care.

why u hate wotlk?

Depends how you define majority. It was added in the last major patch with ICC in December 09 but that phase lasted until the Cata prepatch in October 2010. That’s about a year - close to half the lifespan of the expansion.

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Since I didn’t play Wrath so things like ICC etc don’t mean anything to me. But I wouldn’t count pre-patch prior to an expansion release either. By the time it reaches pre-patch, the existing game is pretty much over. But that’s just me.

Wrath released in Nov 08

ICC was the last real raid tier of wrath, released in December 09. They added Ruby Sanctum in June 09 but that was a meme mini-dungeon really.

Cata was released a year later in Dec 10.

LFD was in the game for half of Wrath’s life cycle.

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No to rdf!! It’s toxic and destroys the social aspect of our servers!