WOTLK doesn't need RDF

and I know people bring up Final Fantasy a lot for the social aspects but the thing is the game is designed to be able to be a solo adventure game that happens to have other people in it.

You can queue for dungeons drop in and out, not a lot of chat in zones when you’re out leveling…people don’t really chat much in dungeons, there isn’t much open world content. If you search out posts about the world being quiet and there being little socialization there’s quite a lot of them over the past 5 years.

It’s a pretty quiet game outside of guilds

I can’t believe Blizzard thinks same faction BGs are OK but LFD isn’t. :rofl:


I think, as has been explained ad nauseam in the threads where people were begging for dual spec in TBC, that Blizzard is much more concerned about achieving a target experience with classic than they are maximizing people who sub specifically for classic only as long as it’s done “correctly” for them.

Otherwise they definitely wouldn’t have said a damn thing about possibly nerfing dual spec, they’d have just left that sleeping bear alone entirely.

You need to respect that the devs have a vision for their recreation of WOTLK, and that #somechanges is on the table. Of course you’re free to disagree with changes, I often do, but threatening to quit and what not really achieves nothing, Blizzard isn’t concerned with players like that.

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Yeah it just blows my mind the way they handle things.


I mean, if they make all these changes they are talking about I, and many others, will be forced to.


Then you aren’t worth keeping…those with your type of mindset never are.

In any business, sometimes you have to “fire” certain customers when they’re more trouble than they’re worth.


So Horde having to sit in BG queues for an hour isn’t OK, but having to spend an hour+ spamming LFG and still not getting anywhere is? No consistency whatsoever.



They’re talking about changing fundamental parts of wrath. It won’t be a small amount of people.


It’s really not a threat to quit.

It’s literally: “You have managed to completely deflate the interest I had in WoTLK classic that I’ve had for four years, in a matter of 24 hours. If this is what you are -opening- with, I have absolutely no trust in your ability to actually handle the expansion and make it actually feel like old wrath.”

The changes that are circulating around are absolutely awful design choices, and make me believe that those in charge of WoTLK classic, either hate wotlk classic and want it to fail, or are so out of touch they have no idea what they are doing. (One of the devs literally thought, for whatever reason you could specc change mid combat in wrath, which you could not)

Neither is a good option.


Because blizzard has never before made a completely moronic decision that drove people away from the game in their history.

Hell this isn’t even the first time a dev named Brian has confidently made a moronic design decision.

Your blind fanboism might have made sense 2008, but you’ve got over a decade more of watching blizzard’s decline since that point.

This was, and remains the wrong call, and an altogether pointless change. Congrats, less people are going to do dungeons at level cap and barely anyone will do dungeons in leveling brackets… The dungeons that are being done will still have absolutely no talking, exactly like current ones in tbc, except wrath dungeons are also substantially easier and just chug n zug aoe fests which require require brain power just above a moldy potato.

But yeah, keep living in the delusion bubble.


yes we should accept any change Blizzard decides and if everyone quits but you then that proves you were right all along.

enjoy your perfect game I guess?

I’ll continue expressing my dislike to try and make the company see just how many of us are unhappy.


A last patch addition is not a fundamental necessity to WOTLK being WOTLK…don’t patronize the readers.

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you’re cool with DKs being able to cast raise ally til ICC in arenas?


Hey, if it counts for anything, I’m not nearly as “confident” about RDF’s removal as I was about TBC never getting dual spec.

I truly believe there is probably a chance RDF gets put in…at some point. I don’t think it will be there at launch though.

I could totally see them adding it in ICC just to make it a “blizzlike” rollout of the feature.

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Keep up, it’s not just about RDF. That’s not what would cause me to quit, it’s all the OTHER planned changes on top of it.


…like what? All we’ve heard is potentially dual spec tweaks (which, honestly I have to know what they’re thinking first before I can comment), and lockout changes to mimic the post-TOC era.

Sounds like you should be in favor of the latter since you want everything last patch introduced no questions asked…

Any dual spec tweaks (they have literally mentioned nothing good about it, not during dungeons or locking you to a spec for a raid)
Any lockout changes beyond ToC changes (i’m not confident in them not screwing up other lockouts)
Anything else they might come up with, they’ve shown they’re willing to bring up controversial changes.

Not right away, i’d be happy with an untouched Dual Spec in Ulduar and RDF in ICC.


In today’s gaming world it is not ok to have people wait 30+ minutes to do something and end up not being able to do a portion of the game.

Rdf solves these issues.


Personally I want to experience WOTLK in as close a way as I experienced it originally. That’s kind of the whole point of these classic realms, trying to achieve a sense of “authenticity” to the experience.

That means NO RDF until at the very earliest, when ICC is introduced.

If you want RDF at launch then you can go play on some funserver private who does all sorts of weird changes to fit your specific needs.

To me, having RDF at launch would be akin to launching having ulduar accessible at launch. It’s just a major feature that didn’t exist yet and shouldn’t at least until it originally came in to the equation.


No one is in the lfg channel on wotlk servers man, you cant put a group together like that with DF. You HAVE to use it to pug 5 mans.