It’s not about the macro or the amount of dialogue between you and other players. Mere interaction is more than just spoken (types) words.
You really don’t get it, and until you resign yourself to being curious to truly understand, simply let Blizzard’s decision vex you for eternity for all I care, I can only do so much to help you understand.
You’re up against trolls.
The first thing anyone on this forum should do is ignore two people: Zipzo and Bloomsday. There are a lot of trolls on the subject, but they’re the most outspoken. And the more people that ignore them, the less people there are feeding such trolls and giving them exactly what they want: attention.
Well I have no insight to Blizzard’s internal machinations, but neither do you.
I can’t prove whether they’ve actually planned something like that (which would be slightly immoral), all I can do is give them the benefit of the doubt and take their actions at face value.
Has Blizzard reversed things ever? Of course. Have they reversed everything they’ve ever done? No. DF could easily be a thing they don’t reverse.
Shall I perform the dance of tank attraction? You make zero sense. I have to ask in chat, but I’m apparently not asking enough?
Keep on thinking that.
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Reversing flying to make them look like the good guys.
Legion legendaries
BfA’s AP issues
and the biggest one, the “ripcord” that they had, then didn’t have, then magically found again.
There is no benefit of the doubt anymore, they’ve worn that out.
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I told you already I was willing to agree to disagree, I see you, and understand why you feel the way you do.
You just don’t agree that things I and Blizzard think are important are important, and that’s fine, everybody has a different scale, but right now, your best option is to simply reconcile with the fact that whats important to Blizzard and others, in this particular case, is not something important to you, and that either pisses you off so much it makes you quit, or you take it on the chin and roll with the waves.
There’s been plenty of changes I had a serious issue with, but I simply understand that at some level this change wasn’t brought about on a whim, there was reasoning behind it, and likely support from a chunk of people that Blizzard, as the developers of their own game, saw fit to agree with. So while I am critical, I see the reasoning for those changes and I deal.
I wish you could do the same, but you seem unwilling to be cooperative which is unfortunate.
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Also, it’s just part of blizzard, Brian said his team is split on it.
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Which is still reason enough for it to be a crucial consideration.
If 20% of your population in Onikaroshi-ville want you, the mayor to do something about a thing, that’s a major consideration, even though it’s only 20% of your town.
Here’s a more realistic example: only about 7.1% of the country defines themselves as LGBT, does that make their concerns or desires for certain changes unimportant?
If you don’t mind, could you also cite a source for where he said his team is “split”?
The interview with Josh from Countdown.
And honestly, no one would leave if it was in during the last phase where we’d be happy with it being.
I’m not going to quit over LFD being removed (remains to be seen over other changes that they’re thinking of and being very vague about), because really, it was only the last patch of Wrath. But I’m still going to express that I want it there.
Now if they leave it out of classic cata that’s a whole different story.
Also, at the same time, whatever happened to their initial though of classic being as it was without massive changes.
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I think you think you’re making perfect sense. I have no doubt of that.
Something is getting lost from brain to text, because whatever point you’re trying to make isn’t at all clear.
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Thanks for linking that.
Brian actually competently explains our message, it’s nice to see that the lead devs confidently understands where players like me are coming from and it is slightly motivating, despite major mistakes they’ve made in the past and even recently.
Good video and clip.
And we just want Wrath as it was, not all these major controversial changes they’re talking about.
Don’t force people to go play illegally.
Your explanations for why they’re important don’t pan out - especially in light of actual real events happening live.
Just because you can’t ever seem to make the social dynamics be a catalyst for interaction doesn’t mean it’s the same exact scenario for every single other person.
Group forming can be a social experience or it can not be for each, but one thing is absolutely for certain, it’s a lot more likely to happen without DF, and the goal is to remove impediments not necessarily guarantee that social interaction at whatever level “qualifies” to you as a real social interaction.
You aren’t obligated to be a social player just because you’re engaging with a system that requires a bit more engagement and communication to make work, but for others, this experience is what makes World of Warcrafts older social dynamics.
Essentially, it’s like saying that since a large % of people skip quest text and just go point a to b without paying attention that the developers shouldn’t waste their time writing lore or anything of note in to the quests they design.
Sure, many people will just blindly skip text, and kill random monster #7272728 10-15 times to get the gold/reward and move on to the next 10-15 monsters for the next gold/reward…but that doesn’t mean the design of the game should suffer and be diluted due to those players, just like the social dynamics of classic wow shouldn’t suffer just because you choose not socialize even if you’re given every avenue to do it.
But you also have to take into affect people who aren’t doing dungeons now that would be added to the pool.
There’s two sides to whole thing.
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This is the dumbest word salad I have ever seen lol
I’d venture a guess that there are very few (like basically ~0) people who played Classic Era or TBCC who were planning on using the DF.
If what you mean to say is that not having the DF in WOTLKC means there will be a sizeable portion of people who simply won’t dungeon at all?
Sorry but this is a blatantly manipulative point to try to make.
You’re trying to say that DF is essentially required for people to find a group and this is a blatant falsehood and contradicts the entire concept of telling me to form my own group manually…because if what you’re saying is true and forming a group is impossible without DF, how can you rightly tell me to go easily form one without it?
I was going to quote you and respond, but I’m not seeing a point. Hopefully, somewhere out in the real world you’re some kind of social scientist. If not you’re trying way too hard and you end talking in circles trying to explain what I like isn’t what’s good and pure in the game.
So small words. I hate spamming. You like spamming. I get nothing from spamming. You get something from spamming. Because social community??
If that’s the closest that you’re capable of comprehending the concept, I’d say it’s acceptable enough but I’d word it more as “the game” gets something from the “spamming”, not any specific individual, in turn changing the experience for all who play it in a ripple effect of diverse scenarios.
I’m not going to argue with anyone trying to be a fake word professor. Whatever you need to get you through life I guess.