WOTLK doesn't need RDF

Nothing in this thread provides you with anything substantial or even remotely suggestive that their decision is changing.

Um… What?

You said:

When asked the question, "Have you ever thought about adding servers for previous expansions as they were then?", J. Allen Brack said, verbatim:

“No. And by the way, you don’t want to do that either. You think you do, but you don’t. Remember when you had to, like, spam cities, and say ‘Need a tank need a tank need a tank’ during the Burning Crusade days? You don’t remember that, because now you just push a button that says ‘go to the dungeon’. You don’t want to do that.”

In what universe are you not specifically who he was addressing when he scoffed at the idea of bringing back old WoW? And what on Earth makes you think that he was addressing me? xD

Are we talking about the same thing? I’m talking about Dungeon Finder as it was implemented in 3.3.0. The tool that allows you to queue for multiple selected dungeons or just random dungeons in your level/gear range, forms the group and teleports you to the dungeon. The one that awards you with the ‘Satchel of Helpful Goods’ and gold, along with the badges for daily dungeons.

I’m all for the Looking For Group interface. That’s just a UI extension that helps players look for more or look for group. That doesn’t remove the necessity of travel, knowledge of dungeon locations, or the cooperation/communication needed to form a group.

That distinction is very important because the tools are completely different things. Mind you, I haven’t played Retail since the end of Legion and I don’t remember what the cross-realm LFG tool was called, but I did like it. I wouldn’t mind having that in Classic, though I’d certainly expect it to be realm-specific only.

I have yet to see any real evidence that it’s so difficult to form groups that it would make any sense to add a feature that nudges Classic closer to Retail by a significant margin. Dead servers are one thing, and the way Blizzard has handled that has been atrocious to say the least, but in principle, my own experience (on multiple realms with extremely varying degrees of population size and faction balance) has been that forming groups doesn’t take so much longer than a Dungeon Finder queue that you could say this feature is necessary to experience the content.

Also, I’d point out that you quoted me responding to someone who said that Wrath “sucked” without Dungeon Finder. I think it follows logically that when someone thinks the content doesn’t have enough merit on its own and needs Dungeon Finder to hold value, they should just play a version of the game where Dungeon Finder is available. Retail.

Yeah, I played Wrath from the day it launched to the day Cataclysm’s pre-patch went live. I loved Wrath dearly. I enjoyed leveling quite a few characters and raiding on several of them too. Even during the content drought, I was having plenty of fun farming ICC, PUGing other raids and leveling alts.

Why does it matter?

Haha. You’ve reached Notglinda levels of useless, unconstructive spam.


That’s the point the LFG tool is very different from LFD and it’s definitely a good tool. The problem is it doesn’t solve the same problems LFD without being cross realm and/or without addressing other issues like low level dungeons.

And the LFG Tool is also for a lot more than just dungeons in retail. The thing is right now forming a dungeon group is already just about as robotic as LFD, so who cares.

Would a hug help, friend?


Yeah… Let’s try to be constructive here. People are furiously flailing to petect their dungeon boost rackets.


Or they don’t want to take off the rose colored glasses.

I have yet to see any real evidence to people’s claim that it’s easy to form groups. You haven’t even presented any evidence for your claims that it’s easy to find groups. Send us a link to how many dungeons you’ve done with the time it took you find the groups. I mean, you want real evidence from us, Surely you have real evidence to support your claim.

True, and I’d be perfectly happy to see just about that entire tool ported from Retail into Wrath Classic. Of course, without cross-realm stuff. :stuck_out_tongue:

I do care. I know you don’t see merit in it, but I like the necessity for cooperation and communication, even if it’s minimal. I’d prefer even robotic effort over just clicking a button and having a significant part of the experience of the game effectively removed.

Are you both Glinda and Notglinda?

You can keep piling the hyperbole onto your mountain, but it’s not going to make Blizzard and more sympathetic to you (or your time on these forums any less wasted).

McDonalds doesn’t also charge people a monthly fee to enter the store. If it did, people might start complaining that they’re also charging for the food.

For the most part, there’s little to no socializing even with manually making groups. They simply don’t happen and many players end up not running many dungeons at all, especially late in the phase and expansion.

I’m trying to protect my server community while gaining the positive effects. Middle ground is still an LFD tool that is realm-locked.

Why are you slicing up my statements into simple things without context? I didn’t say “I have yet to see any real evidence that it’s so difficult to form groups.” – I said " I have yet to see any real evidence that it’s so difficult to form groups that it would make any sense to add a feature that nudges Classic closer to Retail by a significant margin."

I think it’s quite important to be specific here, since many of the people who want Dungeon Finder seem to struggle in representing the arguments and statements they disagree with. It makes me worry that they’re simply not understanding the arguments and statements.

I don’t mind if it’s a small amount. Mind you, there are many reasons why I don’t want Dungeon Finder, and the communication aspect is just one of them.

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And what of the servers with no community, that LFD was partially designed to assist?

We need to run a lot more dungeons in Wrath.

Connected Realms.

LFD will not (and did not in 2008) fix dead realms, because the raiding aspect and the “people in the world” feel that anti-teleport people complain about, is not affected.

Fine. I have yet to see any real evidence that it’s so easy to form groups that it would make any sense to eliminate a feature that was a part of wrath in it’s original state. If you want evidence from us link us to your record of your dungeon runs and the times it took you to find a group

That’s your subjective personal opinion that the dungeon finder moves the game closer to retail. Everyone has there personal opinion where the line is between the original parts of the game and what they consider retail. Some people claim it’s when they made the massive changes to the talents. Others claim it was when they destroyed Azeroth in Cata. Some claim it was when they introduced that “retail feature” flying. Your opinion is no more valid than any other.

They let players on dead realms run way more dungeons than before. Mashing them together will help the actual server problems, but cause problems - whereas LFD doesn’t really cause much real problems that aren’t already present in game.

I don’t mind removing the teleport, but I’m tired of spamming LFG.

It literally started the ‘faceless NPC’ and toxic behavior trend that Retail is filled with now. If you can’t see that, you are just thinking about yourself, and already exhibiting that “What can I get regardless of the damage to others” attitude that cross-realm LFD creates.

If I had to compromise, I would restrict LFG to normal until we reach the patch in which it was first introduced.

Dead realms combined with paid/gold boosts removing the levling community from wow make the LFG tool a life saver for those who enjoy leveling.

Robotic/minimal social interaction via an LFG tool is better than none at all…

The changing community was already doing that before LFD even came out.