WOTLK doesn't need RDF

WotLK needs dungeon finder. I like good changes, a lot of the changes are good, the decision not to include dungeon finder is a bad change. LFD adds massive quality of life and fun for the majority of players. There must be some financial motivation behind the decision not to include it.


The quality of life changes have been vary sparingly, which is a shame, soo many lost opportunities, I can’t wait for Blizzard to ruin dual spec… its coming…

Oh yeah? Do you know what “many” means, and do you have proof that it doesn’t apply perfectly to the amount of people who don’t want Dungeon Finder?

Anyone who wants Dungeon Finder to be implemented at launch doesn’t actually want the Wrath experience. And there’s a good argument to be made that they don’t want the Wrath experience if they want Dungeon Finder at all.

That’s… Literally their job. That’s the point of being a developer. This isn’t “Twitch designs WoW” xD


What do you mean by that? Why would that happen?

were starting on patch 3.3.5. we should get every feature with 3.3.5.

do you have any proof that “most/Many” people do not want LFD? because everything in the forms/polls on youtube channels, reddit, the majority of content creators and die hard fans want LFD.

LFD was out for 45% of the xpac, and wotlk sucked without it. if you actually played Wotlk during that time from start to finish you would know.

but again, you dont know what “most/many” means so it doesnt surprise me. only SOME people dont want LFD


Not with everything. We aren’t launching with ICC open, are we?

that would be dope.

Incorrect. They use the last patch as a model for Classic because of Class balance and stability, not for content and mid-expansion systems features. This is why guild banks weren’t included at the launch of TBC Classic, for example. And why not all of the raids are available at launch, even though they were present in the last patch of the game originally.

I didn’t say “most”, I said “many”. I think you may have misunderstood the point I was making.

There is no way for us to know what most people want at any rate – The people who browse forums and social media for WoW don’t represent the majority of the playerbase. The only way to be sure of what the ‘majority’ of people wanted would be to poll them in a neutral setting where even the most casual of players have a chance to vote. It would need to be done somewhere like on the Battle net launcher.

If you think Wrath sucks without Dungeon Finder, then I can’t imagine why you care about this issue at all. You clearly want the feature, not the content. Why not play Retail?

I did. Though if we’re devolving to the level of making desperate and hysterical assumptions about each other’s experiences, I don’t see why you ever bothered to reply to me in the first place. :laughing:

I guess it’s easier to be ignorant of other people’s views if you can think of some justification to reduce them, like making up this fiction that you know me and how long I’ve played for.

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“wHy NoT pLaY rEtAiL” your reading comprehension skills are lacking.

literally your ignorant to everyones views, and then when all your views get picked apart, then you just spout “Go play retail” like thats the end all trump card to your argument. but you’ll never point out that the vast majority of the current TBC Content is filled with QoL improvements from Retail itself. So at this point your just being a hypocrite of desperate and hysterical assumptions.

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Love how you tell him his reading comprehension is lacking not more than a space bar away from you mis-comprehending him.

He’s saying that it’s ridiculous for you to base your entire view on the expansions quality on a feature that actually didn’t even exist for the vast majority of that expansions actual content rollout.

People enjoyed WOTLK throughout the entire experience prior to RDF, RDF was not required for the peak that it reached in subs.

So if you are saying WOTLK is bad without RDF, you’re basically just saying all you care about is RDF and the rest of WOTLK that transpired without RDF was bad or meaningless…meaning a vast majority of it. That means RDF is the only thing you care about, and you have options to simply have RDF.


ive stated my agruments for keeping RDF to both of you multiple times, and so has everyone else. all it boils down to is that you want everyone to play the game the same way you do, You want players to be gatekept, you do not understand what retail is like nor do you even attempt to understand it. Ontop of that you completely disregard everyone’s thoughts on keeping RDF while you spew the same regurgitated argument thats been dissected, and given solutions for. so at this point your just a troll that wants “likes” and replies.
Then when solutions are given you deny it, call it fake/lacking proof, while being a hypocrite to your claims as well, that has zero proof.


More like Blizzard put feelers out on what was best for the Classic community and came to a decision and I happen to agree with it.

When did this become a requirement, or even remotely necessary to enjoy Classic?

Lol. All I’m hearing are the “same regurgitated arguments”, ineffective ones at that, in favor of RDF.

Since when do you start compromising on any of the points we’ve made? You’re playing the “you don’t budge on anything!” card without looking in the mirror pal. Have you been swayed by any of our arguments? No? Then it’s pointless to even make this accusation without looking like a giant hypocrite.

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so did blizzard anticipate all this rage about LFD removal ?

“You’ve been given arguments and don’t accept any of them!”

“Ok…but you haven’t accepted any of our arguments either…”

“You use the same regurgitated arguments over and over that have been dissected to be wrong!”

“You think so? Feels like to me we’ve dissected your arguments…”

“K /10char”

Man, I’m not exactly keeping score or anything but if this debate were judged I’m not sure it’d be breaking down any walls.

They anticipated it being contentious, exactly their words.

Saying “all this rage” is hyperbolic, since you have no way to quantify how much actual outrage there is other than this forum and believe me, that’s a poor metric.


i wasn’t only talking about US forums, you can view the rage in other social media platforms, twitch/reddit/youtube comments & other forums like EU. this lfd issue is bigger than you think it is.

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I’ve been really on the fence about this and am actually going more to the supporting RDF being in the game side but if it was just based on posts like this I’d definitely not be there (not that it matters what any of us think here, there’s no democracy).

You ignored everything that was said yourself and went right to personal insults (that really were like projection). That’s a bad arguing style.

You might be “winning points” with people who already agree with you but when it comes to people on the fence you aren’t. It just makes the forums more toxic.

You say there’s history but I looked through your post history and I don’t see much more than the same type of behavior there. Tons of insulting other people.


I really wish RDF was going in. The daily threads of “RDF needs personal loot because of ninjas” and “need bans for people dropping group when boss does/doesnt drop what they want” and “dps wait times are absurd please give tanks and healers anything they want to do pugs” and “got kicked from group because they already had hunter/rogue/boomkin” are really going to be missed by yours truly.

Spamming LFG for four hours then logging off is not an experience I want. No matter how authentic it is.


I think it’s more an issue of your expression, not my comprehension. You won’t even bother answering my question seriously. xD

I was genuinely asking. Why are you so up in arms about a discussion about Wrath Classic if you think that Dungeon Finder is necessary for it to have value? If you value this feature more than the content, why don’t you pursue the feature where it already exists?

When have I shown that I’ve ignored other peoples’ views? I seem to remember saying many times, to many people, that I understand why they want Dungeon Finder, that it’s not unreasonable to want the feature during the ICC phase, that I feel badly for people who play on dead realms, that I don’t take any pleasure in their disappointment over the WoW team’s decision to leave it out…

Where’s the ignorance?

If, by “when all your views get picked apart”, you mean “say the game sucked and accuse you of never playing it anyway”, I’m not entirely sure what you were expecting. xD

Wait, what? I mean, I thought we were talking about Dungeon Finder. But sure, what’s this “vast majority” of content with Retail features you’re referring to? And did I ever say that I didn’t want any changes? Or are you just projecting?

You’re projecting. No one here is saying they care about how other people play. I certainly don’t care how people play, as long as they’re not exploiting the game. I just want for the cooperation aspect of the game I enjoy to be relevant. And if you effectively remove that aspect of the game by trivializing it, it’s no longer relevant.

I really couldn’t care less how people choose to play within the confines of the game’s intended design – I’m not discussing this issue on these forums because I want to exert my preferences onto you. I’m discussing it because I don’t want to be forced into a situation where I’ll have to choose between playing WoW like it’s some lobby-based game or playing the intended way in an empty world at a huge disadvantage.

It doesn’t “boil down” to anything at all. You can continue to put words in peoples’ mouths, but it won’t make your accusations any less ridiculous or glaringly false.

Brian Birmingham himself said in an interview (and multiple times in tweets) that they expected this to be a “contentious issue”.

The average casual player doesn’t spend a bunch of their time going onto forums and social media platforms to discuss these issues. We don’t represent a very big portion of the player population.

To give an example of this, think back to when the forums were being spammed with threads demanding same-faction battlegrounds. There were polls and many posts said “OBVIOUSLY the majority wants this”. The day same-faction battlegrounds were implemented, the spam flipped to the opposite extreme and there were threads, posts and polls, many people said “You just killed the Alliance, look at how many people here didn’t want this change”.

The only thing you can glean from forums and social media discussions on WoW (in terms of concensus) is that people flock to them when they’re pissed.

I’d just like to point out that you happen to belong to the audience that J. Allen Brack was addressing when he delivered the infamous “You think you do, but you don’t.” line. I’m not trying to tease you; rather just wondering whether you’re aware that we’ve reached the point now where the separation of Classic from WoW’s Retail pathway has in fact become extremely important.

This is what I mean when I ask people why they don’t play Retail if they dislike WoW so much without all the convenience. Many of us just want to play WoW without all of that stuff. This dislike of sterile convenience is why Classic exists in the first place. When you notice that a game that was intended to create an authentic experience isn’t living up to your expectations, why isn’t your solution to just find a game that does?

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