If it takes you 6 hours to form a group for any dungeon, no matter the circumstance, you are not the target audience for whom this social system requires to be able to achieve anything of note, and can safely be filtered without much negative impact to the game…
It simply is not that hard to find a group for a dungeon.
I’m really getting tired of this absolutely exaggerated counter argument in the vein of “yeah spamming for a dungeon for [insert ridiculously overshot number] hours is soooo fun”.
I’d say if it takes you more than an hour to form a group for any dungeon, you’re doing something monumentally wrong.
Fact of the matter is, RDF still isn’t an instant queue for anyone unless you’re a tank.
As a DPS, expect to wait ~45 minutes in queue once we get past the initial dungeon phase of pre-raid bis hearing (more like supporting bis cus everyone will have T7 cleared first week).
If you challenged me to manually form a group faster than that every time I needed to run something, I bet you, even if I was strictly DPSing, I could do it.
So you’re mad about your server not having enough people to support dungeon running during off-hours and you think that gives your niche the right to change the game for everyone.
Also: it’s free to reroll to a populated server.
Also: if your server is as dire as you say, you likely have free transfers activated.
I’m with you on this. The small handful of ringleaders on the dual spec in tbc campaign were obvious from the start. Completely disingenuous in their arguments and in their misrepresentation of ours. It was a campaign petition for buffs and conveniences by people who viewed TBC as a waiting room for WotLKC and wanted to speed run through it to their more convenience oriented WoTLKC game asap.
My issue though is that these people are actually very few in number and not representative of the wider WoW playing community. Their whole argument was bunk and the temptation is to use that argument against them now and watch them all spit the dummy in hubristic rage.
But it’s a bunk argument. The whole #somechanges vs #nochanges dichotomy was nothing but a dishonest rhetorical tool.
In truth, very few of Blizzards attempts to “improve” TBCC actually resulted in an improvement. I don’t give a fig about the preferences and happiness of the campaigners we are talking about, but I do care about the majority of people eager for an authentic WoTLKC experience and I think they should expect one and they should get one.
So, I see no reason to change my line as to where I think changes should be limited. I didn’t believe changes should cross the line of the design intentions of the original developers in TBC and I don’t believe they should cross that line now in WoTLK. LFD should come in at the same point and in the same way it did in the original.
Oh? So what youre saying is, you dont care about the solo hunter on a low pop realm that cant find a group at 430am on tuesday. RDF was designed to help the poor and groupless you heartless fool. See, you dont care about people and thats why youre wrong about RDF. RDF solves these major game issues - why are you trying to ruin Wrath for everyone?
I have no problem finding groups as a tank now. In wrath I will. Nobody ever thinks “I’m being social” when they are spamming to fill.
Nor are they actually making friends while they do it most of the time. Yes, you occasionally do, but spamming vs queing isn’t the reason for the social. It’s the people that chose to be social.
You’re not wrong, I won’t cancel my sub over it. However I also won’t be playing alts like I planned too, i’ll likely just raid log my main when I run out of content like I have in TBC.
I would be happy with a group forming feature that doesn’t teleport you to the dungeon. Nobody thinks they’re bonding while spamming LFG X, LFM X…
Funnily enough, server locked LFD would actually give more of a bonding experience, because you’d be randomly connected with people who are on your server, in the guilds around you, and you will run into again. You’re more likely to get “Hey you’re pretty good, can I add you to my friends list” than cross realm, and since you’re finding more randomly selected people you won’t get the same self selected “LFG cesspool” players.
This is a compromise I’d be cool with. The bit that really should be at issue is the “cross realm” bit. This is where you lose any incentive to have follow-up communication with people in the group. If the primary interaction people have with players in an MMO is with people on unrelated servers then I can see how this can undermine community.
I don’t think there’s much social benefit in the act of group forming- there’s some but it’s incredibly minor. But there are definite social implications in not having server locked groups.
While I think WoTLKC should be delivered as it was I also think a server locked non cross-realm version of it is a good compromise balancing between authenticity and maintaining server community.
I’d like to point out that when you’re talking about boosters, you’re talking about people whose idea of playing the game is to circumvent the gameplay and actually start playing it once they’ve reached a high level. I don’t think that people who have always wanted to swipe their credit card to buy a high level character or who wanted have their character sit AFK at a dungeon portal while they’re tabbed out doing other stuff will suddenly be enticed with the experience of playing the game because an automated system will make the groups for you.
And even if the people who wanted Dungeon Finder and boosters were a 100% audience overlap, I still don’t think that we should be trying to solve issues by burying them in more issues. I personally see dungeon carries as a greivous problem in WoW, and I’d much rather see the WoW team break dungeon carries than to try and mitigate their effect by changing the way everyone runs dungeons so people will have a little less incentive to buy character levels instead of just playing the video game.
Dungeon Finder will solve boosting and population problems just about as well as eating moldy bread will solve hunger.
Meh, I think I’d play Cataclysm Classic if it was ever a thing. It’s easily my least favorite of the first four eras of WoW, but I still managed to have quite a bit of fun with it when it originally came out.
I’d be especially interested in it if the WoW team continues to release Classic expansions but with fewer and fewer Retail features as we’re seeing in this very situation at the moment.
If people wanted Dungeon Finder badly enough that its absence would kill the Wrath experience for them, I don’t think they were ever truly interested in playing Wrath in the first place.
Yeah, I’d prefer to never see Dungeon Finder in any Classic experience (including Cataclysm and beyond if it ever happens), though if the WoW team does end up going back on their thinking on this issue, a Dungeon Finder with no teleportation and/or a Dungeon Finder with no cross-realm would certainly seem like the least of all the potential evils.