WOTLK doesn't need RDF

Same goes for RDF and boosts and whatever else. I think you knew that though. It was plenty obvious in their arguments.

This is somewhat of surprise to me because I feel confident in saying you knew who you were dealing with. These guys flip and flop depending on which way the wind is blowing - its their modus operandi.


A part of me has always wanted to believe that when it really comes down to it, people will aim to be seen as consistent and generally stick to their convictions.

You’re right that the writing was always on the wall, but I just hadn’t imagined it would look this level of blatantly disingenuous in retrospect.

They were really banking on Blizzard never saying anything about dual spec, and secondly, not considering to change something they actually like. Like, they were all in.

As we’ve seen…the chickens came home to roost, and it has turned this in to an ideological nightmare for them.

That doesnt make them more money - at the very best its saves them a few dollars from the die hard horde pvpers quitting due to lack of bgs.

Look, I didnt like HvH bgs and spoke out against them. Even so they were addressing a player made problem and felt like they had to intervene - the move made sense from a certain perspective - maybe not a classic one though.

It makes even less sense to say they did it for big bucks.

The only reason they AREN’T adding LFD is so people will buy more boosts. Idk how people aren’t seeing that.


Players not quitting doesn’t make blizzard money, /mindboggle

Do you even understand how subscription services work?

I hope it was only a small part because they never gave me any kind of indication of thats who they were or about. The whole burden of proof fiasco sealed that deal for me. These guys have an agenda, not strong character traits.

They simply dont care about any of that. They have zero shame - its just about getting what you want no matter the cost. When given every opportunity to save face these guys just dug their heels in and pushed harder. It was a year long trolling over nothing.

They went full dumb and believed their own specious arguments. ‘Blizz did boosts and HvH BGs clearly they’re gonna alter the game any way we want’ Now its just the other way around - ‘they shouldnt alter the game in a way we dont want.’ No big surprise to yours truly.

Again, I dont think they worry too much about what they look like even with 20 pounds of I told you so egg on their collective faces. They just continue to lobby out of a place of pure entitlement while telling you they know whats best for everyone.

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I stated the simple truth - it saves them money. Fewer people are likely to quit thanks to them but HvH BGs isnt going to net them another 500k subs or even 5k subs - remember I said ‘bank’ and ‘big bucks’. Horde pvpers arent 80% of the population.

If they were that concerned about sub dollars you would have RDF would you not? They were willing to turn off a few people with the change. That fact alone proves they arent strictly all about the money here.

Or maybe it is a money move and they know RDF hinders that long term and thats where they are steering it. Let 1k people quit over this minor thing now and get 6 extra months of subs out of 15k.

Yep and that’s why at this point we can hope the accounting department gets involved.

If the account department had any pull then Brian wouldnt have been able to even make it a possibility and announce it publicly to begin with.

/shrug we’ll see.

Im betting on a patch 3.3 release myself. Or maybe they throw it in after the end of the content cycle.

I don’t post much in these threads but I lurk quite a bit and I definitely saw this happening to you, Zip. Whatever else might be said about your stance and arguments, the one thing I can say for certain is that they were made with utter sincerity and good faith.

The fact that you can hold nuanced and reasonable views like, “I can see why the devs would choose to do something, even though I personally dislike them” but your opponents on these forums by-and-large can’t, is not a stroke in their favor.

I am trying to speak out more because I suspect I am part of the silent majority that is fine with the change (no LFD or no LFD until later in the expansion; tweaked dual-spec system). I would also be fine with if they implemented these features as-is. Either way I and others like me are not inclined to come cry on the forums. But that doesn’t mean we don’t exist.

I don’t really care about #nochanges or #somechanges. The only thing I care about is that the game I’m playing is an enjoyable experience. TBC Classic has been a lot more enjoyable than I expected – I only intended to level up some characters for Wrath Classic, but TBC hooked me in and kept me a lot longer than expected.

Having said that, it is pretty evident that some problems have started to creep into TBC Classic. Boosting is rampant, as are tanks charging for their services. And many of the levelling dungeons simply never get run at all.

If these problems weren’t happening at all, I’d actually be in favour of no LFD in Wrath Classic. As a simple ‘QoL improvement’, I couldn’t care less about LFD. It is as a fix to certain genuine problems that I think LFD has merit.

My stance has changed on this topic. During Classic and early TBC Classic, looking ahead into Wrath I always said I didn’t want the dungeon finder. But playing on Mankrik really opened my eyes. The LFG channel is pure toxicity. It’s just unbearable. I’ve come to realize the community is not what it was back in the day, and there’s no going back. The convenience of dungeon finder removes a lot of that toxicity. The ease of the dungeons does as well. It’ll be a very relaxed and fun experience just because they’re so fun to do. So really it’s just a matter of dungeon finder making it easier to do something I enjoy in the game.

If there’s one tweak I’d like to see it would be removing the cross-realm aspect, because I do think server identity should matter. Especially in a Classic game. And the instance teleporting I could go either way on. It’s nice to have players out in the world, but is flying directly there and jumping in a portal adding much? Maybe make players have to physically travel to the dungeon entrance once before they can get teleported…if that’s even possible. The devs seem bothered by the fact people don’t know where instance entrances are. Which is odd since they don’t seem to have a problem with players not travelling to battleground portals.

Anyway, dungeon finder was in wrath. The thing I enjoyed most in wrath was running heroics over and over. So making that easier to do makes it a more enjoyable experience for me. I’m willing to sacrifice the possibility of slightly longer queue times by making it server-specific. But other than that I really don’t see many negatives to the tool.

The wrath experience was good, but sitting there spamming for hours as a DK one of 10,000 on the server wasn’t “fun” quit acting like some small feature doesn’t effect everyone just because you either have a leveling group lined up, don’t care about the bonus xp from a queue, don’t care about the badge farm with the queue or any other countless things.

The point wasn’t for group forming specifically to be fun, though. The point was to essentially put you in a position where you needed to interact with people to get things done.

While this translates to not being “fun” for you, it ultimately results in a better algorithm for spurring social interaction within WoW as a game, designed as an MMO that intends to incentivize such things.

And you do in LFD.

Elaborate, because you’re likely wrong as usual but I have to evaluate how’s and why’s in which you are wrong before I say anything.

Outside of pure trolls most people in LFD just want to get the dungeon done, just like they do without LFD.

its so much fun sitting in lfg for 6 hours spamming lfg for a dungeon that will take 10m to do…lol.

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